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As is obvious, I haven't been able to make/post any extra content. Aside from life stuff getting in the way, I've been weirdly busy, working on several projects -- some I am doing pro-bono, others I might get payed for later. I may even be graduating to a job with a company I already do freelance for in December, but to date all the work I've done in that direction has been free, haha. I'm even technically in a meeting as I type this.

So I'm in a weird flux state of tons to do and little of it paying off yet (or ever). So on one hand, I'm super appreciative that people still donated to my Patreon in spite of the lack of content, it's been unexpectedly helpful while I'm spread thin. On the other, I still feel bad that I've been unable to actually produce content for y'all beyond what I'm already making.

This is, like an* update, basically me saying I understand if people cancel their pledges and I don't have any hard feelings about it. Sorry, and thank you.

*inexplicably I typed this saying "my last update" which isn't true, I don't know why I typed that, there will be future updates.


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