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 Drawing I'm posing to Patreon. I had a dream that the MKR cat girl (in future chapters) had quilted patch work ears instead of "real" cat ears, but that were totally a part of her, and fell in love with the idea. So now she's named Patches.  ...but then wasn't sure how far to take the rest of concept.

 its cute but the real question is: do I fucking want to draw that and apply those textures EVERY TIME I draw her, or is just a few token stitches here and there and only on close-ups better  cuz it sure is a cute idea that I will grow to hate drawing probably.   

And do I wanna think about what she feels like. Does she feel like fabric? Does she got flesh n bones?  Is it just like a tattoo? Should I make it tattoos instead?  Cuz she gon' be fuckin and fuckin is a Moist Act. And you know, moisture and fabric and Ew. Am I over thinking a bratty monster girl? Yeah probably.

So she might get revised so that she has tattoos that *represent* where she used to have stitching and patterns. Easy to draw tattoos that won't make me hate drawing her.



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