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I talk a lot about a kinda raunchy lesbian space harem-anime-inspired comic I wanna do eventually, and figured I could start writing about it for Patreon along with the other ideas actively in development.

So our protagonist, Pre. Her name is lazy because I kept just calling her "protag" and settled on Pre as a code. And it stuck. 

Pre is an energetic, pro-active individual who thinks you can get anything done with hard work and honesty, to the point that her honesty can be too blunt not matter how well meaning. Though she's an adult at 22, she didn't have any dating opportunities while working for her adoptive dad's freight company, and is thrilled by the attention she gets from her coincidental harem of crew mates acquired through the story. In fact she's so inexperienced with dating she doesn't initially see why it would cause problems if she engaged with each girl who came onto her. When they all start getting jealous, she puts her foot down and swears to be a better captain by banning all fraternization with her. This sounds like a noble thing to do, but she doesn't realize it just gives the crew reasons to be sneaky and try to circumvent the rules and "fraternize" under the radar.

Pre is just excited by all the attention, and deep down would love to just accept the advances of all the girls. But she's too proud as a captain to let chaos disrupt her crew, so she takes one for the team -- a team that doesn't appreciate it at all.

Pre was born in our near-distant future, but lives in our far-distant future. She was a very small child during the early days of space travel, back when FTL limits were just being subverted, but trips still took a considerable time - some even necessitated stasis sleep for the duration. She ended up separated from her parents in a bustling space port, and protocol at the time was to put missing kids in stasis in lost-and-found til their parents could come claim them, since it could take years of space travel to make their way there depending on how far they went.

Unfortunately, her parents never swung around, either due to being unable to or no loner being alive. And she was left in stasis for a very long time, at least a few hundred years. This was not intended, they just sorta forgot about her. By the time anyone realized the goof, they weren't sure what to do with her. She was essentially a non-person, legally, as all her documents were long since out of date. So it was just decided they'd unload her on someone, try and sell her off and avoid reporting their mess-up.

A commercial freight pilot ( a non-human alien), who was charged with cleaning and hauling stuff from the area she was kept in, felt bad about the situation and offered to adopt her for free - though he had to blackmail them into it, as they'd prefer sell her, but he didn't like where she might end up.

And thus she awoke hundreds of years in the future with her new alien dad and basically started working with him - not because he made her, but there wasn't much else to do, as she otherwise lived at his business.

Before she was put in stasis, she actually dreamed of being a space pilot. And she gets to live that dream with her new dad, but as a commercial pilot. Which is a little more boring. Space travel had made so many leaps while she was asleep that what was a rare and fantastical job before, was now extremely commonplace and mundane. 

On top of this, any space travel of useful speeds, even local, employed an Engine. Engines are the only reasons FTL travel is possible, they are essentially individuals with paranormal abilities, powers that let them ignore laws of science. They are what grant ships force-fields, long-distance instant communication, teleportation, etc. Any company worth a damn has at least one: Pre's dad has a single Engine who remotely handles their ships, due to just being a freight company. But Engines still need pilots and crews, as is it hard for them to do anything with accuracy. The better an individual engine is, the more powerful a ship. (Pre's dad's Engine is mostly there as a radio, allowing pilots to talk to each other, and to speed them from one pitstop to another, with the pilots flying solo between pit stops)

As the story progresses, Pre meets several women who are Engines and joins her crew and accidental gay harem, where she is the target of most of the affections.



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