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For fun here's a character who is appearing in this chapter: George Grable, and his many cats. I drew the cats off and on over a few months when I thought of or saw an interesting cat.

George was an influential party in the glory days of Toons, but has become reclusive to avoid fans, would-be-apprentices and debt collectors alike. To skirt fans and taxes, he lives in a alley dumpter on an old friend's property in the Toon Quarter, but due to the unique laws and rules there, it's "bigger on the inside" and fairly comfortable. However, since his home is essentially a dumpster, many cats have ventured in and made themselves at home. While George isn't a big fan of cats, he feels it'd be a dick move to kick them out of their "natural habitat." And consequently lives with anywhere from 10-30 cats at a time. His reclusive life has made him a little legendary, and there are many who don't even think he's still alive -- which is fine by him.

George is, at least in the present, easy-going and, in his own way, thoughtful and kind. He has a crass mouth and what one would call "politically incorrect" speech in spite of considering himself progressive -- and he is progressive, by the standards of the time he grew up in. While one would expect him to be a curmudgeon, living in seclusion in a dumpster, he likes people a lot and is easily invested in their ideas and problems. In fact a part of his seclusion comes from knowing he can't make an impact on anyone's life in a meaningful way, choosing to just retire and relax alone instead.

He was a part of the "old crew," which included Mac Sr., Roger, Gabby, Greg and Debbie. When tensions started to divide the group, he cut his losses and left, not interested in interpersonal drama. He started Grable Gal's Studios, which was named so because his two headliners were female Toon stars -- as in, Grable's gals. He retired from managing the company years ago.

He still socializes with Roger, who he's maintaned a friendship with into the present. And for a time he mentored Bongo, with whom he corresponds with occasionally.

He makes an appearance in the current chapter, where he's introduced to Claire because of a connection they share that Roger believes is convincing enough to get her to change her mind about her plans. Which means this chapter concludes with a tired Claire sitting inside a dumpster-house covered in cats.



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