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So I did 2 updates last month (Feb) but I forgot to actually report it to Patreon, so I don't get to collect on those pledges. I'm not sure what to do, if I should just put those two pages towards March's updates (resulting in March having a disproportionately higher update count), accept Paypal pledges, or just... move on. It sucks cuz I completely forgot and could have used that money hahaha. ALSO, I've been thinking of switching to monthly pledges instead of per-udpate? What do y'all think? I think that removes some of the uncertainty of how much you'll end up pledging each month just because I had a LOT of updates that month, cuz that can be kind of a shock. I dunno. Basically I'm open to thoughts on both subjects. The Love Me Nice kickstarter for the book preorder has been pushed back another month (i'm so busy right now haha), which people keep asking me about too. So sorry about that! I don't mean to string people along, I just got a really full plate (I'm having to send 2 emails right now about projects I can't do anymore) ANYWAY, yeah. Tell me what y'all think about this stuff, I'm all ears.


Chris Alton

I would suggest leaving it as per-update pledging. You currently get more that way (unless everybody's being a jerk and limits their pledge to only one update per month; no offense to those people, just my opinion) and there's no guarantee that people will adjust their monthly pledges to equal whatever limit they currently have in place, if any. As for February updates being posted in March, I'm all for it. I do have a monthly limit in place, but intend on extending it by two updates' worth to cover for the February updates.

Erika Moen

Oh dude, just post your February updates now as March updates. It's ok.