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Hello everyone! I apologize for the lack of updates, I have been extremely slammed as an editor and artist, and my editor job obviously isn't something I can share behind the scenes. However this is about to change.

Not only have I returned to working on comic pages, so expect more previews again, as those who follow me on Twitter know I have been beefing up my studio lately and I began producing mini comics and stickers. 

  In addition to returning to sharing comic previews this week, I'm also going to be rolling out a new patron tier for a monthly sticker pack. Every month I'm going to be working on new designs and testing paper, and will collect them into packs at the end of each month. I will also be testing my mini comic making setup and tryingtrying new techniques, like foil.

I'll post more specifics tomorrow ( I am  working a double at my restaurant side job today) but look forward to that! And another update about Drip.


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