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Kicking dev blog off with an addition to that lesbian space harem comic idea, which has becoming increasingly more likely for the future. It's graduated from a cute idea to something I genuinely want on the list of Comics I wanna Make Someday.

Anyway, slime-ish girl. The idea initially was to fill a role I was writing, and make a really complicated carefully thought out alien girl, but I kinda just went "i want a slime girl" and leaned towards indulgence. After doing sketch ideas, she's actually less slime and more a cross between an octopus and a sea slug/cucumber. 

Most of this cuz  was, dorkily enough, writing fun ideas for a Mass effect fan story but realized... fuck that, my ideas are my own. And she's my attempt at taking the parts of an Asari fan character I wanted and ditching the rest. I dunno if she'll stay blue, that's probably on the nose, but I already have a purple and green themed character. So we'll see.

The idea is her race can shapeshift, and have preferred shapes based on the species/races they like to work with and/or appeal to most, and are encouraged to look different from each other, even if its just cosmetic. Taking on too similar a preferred shape shift is like wearing the same dress to the Oscars. 

If they decide to take on a bipedal form, which is pretty common among other species, they need supportive braces for their legs and sometimes their arms. They're too dense and heave to support themselves otherwise. Its pretty similar to how Space Twink from Slipshine works too, and I might have made them the same species but he's already a joke-yplay on Asari as is and I thought that'd be Too Much.

In terms of shape shifting, they don't have a "true form." Their, say, humanoid bipedal form is just as much them as their squishy slug shape and they don't have a problem with being seen outside of their preferred socializing shape. This is largely cuz they identify each other by electrical pulses and certain light spectrums, so they're never really confused who their talking to no matter what shape they're in -- the concept of someone being incognito or identity impersonation does not exist for them, consequently. But at the same time they're great at keeping secrets from other species when they are in a form that doesn't have obvious body language and they're communicating with light flashes and electric zaps.

The shape-shifting thing, and all of their shapes being valid to them even if they have a preferred shape, is kinda important for Character Developement cuz there's another shape-shifter of a different species on the team who has Complicated Feelings about it.

OKAY that was a lot of nerdy bullshit and I didn't even talk about her as a character, looooool. But head doing blog posts is already nice cuz I get to RAMBLE about shit.

Anyway. The idea behind her is she is a performer, and was in a musical group, the equivalent of one of those girl bands with a "girl for everyone" like some Jpop girl bands. The thing is her 2 other band mates were of species that max out at like 100-140 years old, while her species lives to be like 800, and her band never really broke up. The other members and their manager had to just quit because of old age, leaving her to have to re-contexualize herself as a performer without them amid the kinda gross industry crap that would come with suddenly being solo when you were i n a group. This on top of the fact that the group formed young and they were genuinely close friends, she's honestly been struggling with it for a long time. Reinventing herself a few times, quitting, trying to disappear or do other jobs. When she's met in the story proper, she's been pursuing a pop career again and dealing with some related crap.

ANYWAY... that's... that. Lotta words about a character I designed cuz I think they're hot.




The is fascinating! I have a few questions if you don’t mind: Is her species originally aquatic and can they use electricity for defense as well as communication? I assume her three pupils are used to view different wavelengths of light, but with only one eye does she struggle with depth perception? Why do her fingertips and the tips of her hair appear different in the sketches but not after coloring? Does her species utilize any clothes, garments, protections beyond the supports? She appears to be wearing a one-piece, or can she also change color as well as shape?

Amanda Lafrenais

1) I imagine they were strictly aquatic at some point in the evolutionary tree, I have not put much thought into that, and the electricity isn't strong enough for attacking, just making them really unpleasant to munch on 2) I honestly don't know the purpose of her pupil shape, but it isn't three pupils but one divided with a membrane, kinda like polycoria... mostly I thought it looked cool. Again, as with many aspects, I haven't thought about it much, she didn't exist til like 3 days ago hahahaha. A lot about her might and will change. 3) Depth perception isn't a big deal, that's what her other sensory organs are for... her long distance vision sucks but anything near her she can "feel" out through the air. She can see in the dark but she can "feel" in the dark for about 7 feet i any direction 4) As per the shapes that don't appear in the colored drawing, I honestly just forgot to draw them. The circular things are sensory organs. 5) They wear lots of different types of clothing and stuff depending on the situation, some are always naked cuz Who Cares, some even shape-shift "clothes" if they like the look enough. She wears lots of flashy outfits. The one piece she wears is just clothes she thinks looks neat for stage. She could probably shape shift her clothes, but she likes buying and wearing cute things. Though she doesn't have to care about the size of the clothes as much as others since even though she has a preferred body type (kinda chubby like you can see) she can just redistribute everything if there isn't enough room up top or in the middle or whatever. Like I said, I haven't thought TOO heavily on it so sorry if these are boring answers hahaha!

Mary Strawser

This is some great worldbuilding. I love it!