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Nightfall had come a couple hours ago and just like for the past month, today too the neighbor was getting enveloped in a light, cold and icy mist. Winter had been tormenting the citizens for months, making times harder than ever. Thieves, outlaws, mercenaries and pirates: the city had to face these enemies every single day, individuals ready to pillage the technology which had required ages to be developed, bandits whose interest was to steal the hard-earned, honest citizens’ money and mobsters that wanted to exploit the city’s knowledge only to sell it unscrupulously to the forces of evil.

«My poor city...»

Not a soul was to be seen on the streets. All shops were closed and all houses were barred. For a couple of years chaos had been the sovereign over the beautiful city-state. Each and every outlaw felt entitled to stealing, taking possession and destroying anything valuable they could find. Not even mafia bosses could feel safe. Some petty thieves started stealing from them too, from those who controlled both the crime and the economy of the city.

«Show yourself...»

A madman… There is no other way to describe it. How could anybody even think to step in the way of the most feared criminals of the entire city? Who could be so insane as to think that stealing from thieves was a good idea? What kind of courage, or stubbornness, could lead someone to believe they could get away with this? A madman… There is no other way to describe it. Or, to be more precise, a madwoman.

«There you are!»

Suddenly, a hiss cut through the air, followed by a metallic noise and a cry of rage.


With cat-like agility, a shadow dived from a palace roof, gliding towards the ground by means of a device hidden inside its clothes. A sort of parachute prevented the shadow from crashing down on the ground, allowing it to slowly get to the asphalt. As soon as the shadow touched the ground, it let the parachute fall behind its back and pointed the gun straight towards the madwoman.

«You finally showed up… I’ve been looking for you for three days.»

The shadow revealed itself under the dim light of a not too distant streetlight. She was nothing more than a little girl, a teenager. She couldn’t possibly be over 17 years old, as her unripe and immature body made it plain to see. Her height was considerable compared to her peers’ average, and she wore clothes that seemed too light for the biting cold of the night: a simple, violet short skirt left her long legs visible, covered only by stockings and huge black boots. On her hips she wore a small belt of the same black as the boots, and from under her chest a brown tank top made her small firm breasts stand out a little. Long blonde hair flowed from her head, on which rested a black bowler hat cut in half by a yellow line. In her hands, which were covered by brown gloves, she was carrying a big rifle equipped with a scope and other technological accessories. She was staring at her prey with light blue eyes and an ironic smile set on her face.

«You did well. Finding you has not been an easy task.», she said, looking at her prey anchored to the ground by means of a mechanical claw, shot by the shadow a few seconds prior.

«How did you know I was going to steal from this building?», asked the prey, pointing at the jewelry behind the girl’s back.

«I’ve been studying you for a while… During these past few months you have directed your “attentions” towards the activities of some mobster bosses of Techvan. One of them seems to be your prey of choice: Salenzer. Does the name ring a bell?»

The answer was made even more menacing by the gun still pointed at the “prey” ‘s face. This was a bad habit that had been sticking with her ever since she started fighting crime in Techvan, her beloved city.

«Salenzer? It’s a man like any other…»

«Wrong! He’s not like any other… I believe he once was your superior, am I right?»

The girl was talking about her prey’s childhood, boasting also a certain degree of confidence.

The petty thief was shocked by this.

«You know me too well… What else do you know about me?»

«Well… You were born in Zagrya’s slums and you started stealing in order to survive in that place. When you were six, you became part of Salenzer’s gang and you moved to Techvan when he started his career. He knew of your skills as a mechanic and didn’t think twice before “adopting” you. When you were eleven you left the gang due to, rumor has it, “moral issues”. You saved two miners from Techvan’s mines and you were abandoned after that. Ever since that moment, you resumed stealing. But not from anybody… Only from those who were carrying out deals with Salenzer. Something extremely dangerous for a little girl… And here you are! Trying to steal from one of his jewelries! I must say I’m happy to see you. I wasn’t sure whether to keep an eye out on this place or on the bank in the city center. So… I know all I need to know to capture you.»

The young girl didn’t even stop to catch her breath, thus leaving the trapped girl aghast. After some moments of silence, the prey tried moving her arms to free herself, but the cute girl in the bowler hat blinded her by pointing a flashlight to her face.

«Wrong move… Don’t make me anchor your nice little arms to the floor of my city, too!»

The prey smiled, almost amused at her opponent’s attitude.

«You won… What will you do to me now?», asked the prey, resigned, and fully aware of her defeat in that situation.

«I’d like to offer you a job.», she said, taking the young one by surprise.


«I want your help to erase Salenzer’s name from Techvan. With your skills and my brain, good can triumph over all the city’s mobsters.»

A slight smile appeared on the rifle girl, who knew full well of the impact this had on her prey.

«What if I refused? I could free myself from your devices with a single punch!»

The little girl was trying to play with her. She wanted to see how far she was willing to go.

«If that’s the case, I’ll tell you this.»

The black hat girl sat down on the ground with her legs crossed, and placed her weapon on the floor.

«Flee, if you can! But as soon as I catch you, and I will catch you, nothing will save you from prison!»

After that sentence, the prey started laughing until she couldn’t breathe anymore.

«I’m down! I will help you kick Salenzer out of Techvan… Can I set myself free now?»

The young one agreed and the prey hit the device that was pinning her down with a mighty strong punch. After that, she approached the girl under the streetlight. Her body was also unripe and immature. She had short hair of an unusual color: white, shaved on the sides and with a jet black mane on top. She was wearing light metal armor and she had two interesting looking gloves: two light Tech mechanisms made by her which allowed her to use an inhumane strength. She was slightly shorter than her new ally and this irritated her.

«It will be a true pleasure working together with a new heroine of Techvan, young detective Violet.», she said, moving her mechanical hand closer in a gesture of friendship.

«The pleasure will be mine, Lucinda.»

Violet shook the hand of her new ally vigorously, graciously smiling back.

«Call me Lu.»



Daniel Schmitz

Holy cow so much to read 😵‍💫


I told you that it was a book! XD And this is just the prologue! The first chapter is even longer!