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Author Kappa: I have included an art!

Gumihou: It's the bathhouse art!

“... who is it?”

“... …”

There is a water chapel on the Third Floor of the Royal Palace.

Every now and then, the Bishop of Vabilophos would come and pour the sacred Water of Life from the Sanctuary into the chalice set in the middle of the chapel.

Apparently, there is a reservoir of water, much like a pond, on the highest level of the castle floor that flows down and powers the fountains within the chapel.

Makia here.

As I wandered through the Royal Palace, I found Ulysses in a corner of the water chapel. He is sitting on a wooden bench with his eyes closed, probably listening to the sound of the falling water.

I stealthily approach him and cover his eyes with my hands.

“... Maki-chan?”

“Correct-! Then again, I guess you would know.”

“I’m a little surprised, actually, I didn’t notice your presence at all.”

“Well… you do look very tired…”

Ulysses has been really busy lately.

In addition to dealing with Fresir, he had to engage in diplomacy with half-civilized neighbouring and proud little counties from the East, revise laws of the usage of White Magic, development of magic weapons and a whole lot of other things that I’m sure he doesn’t even bother to mention to us.

Ulysses, who is already quite pale, looked even thinner and even ephemeral now.

“Hey you… have you been eating properly? What about sleep?”

“I think I just slept a little… today…”

“You can’t keep doing that.”

“... …”

I sit by Ulysses who is suddenly yawning behind his hand.

Then, he looks at me and gives me his usual smile.

“... what’s up?”

“Nothing much… I mean, really, I don’t have much going on so I just decided to roam the place and ended up here.”

“... I see…”

“Hey, Yuri, have you been to the Holy Nation lately?”

“...? …Not, recently.”

“You do know that Percelis is lonely, right?”

“I see…”

“... …”

Ulysses smiles that narrow eyed smile of his and laughs, ‘Ah, but, when I was last there, she did not come to see me. It’s been like that lately, she is always hiding herself behind that large tree…’.

“... …”

Oh my, oh my, looks like he knew that Percelis had been avoiding him. Percelis, your former husband has an excellent wife radar.

“I’ll tell you now, she’s just sulking.”

“... Why?”

“Well, it’s because you keep turning up with frowns on your forehead and your eyebrows in the shape of the 八. Why would a girl not want to avoid such a sight?”

I say as I squish Yuri’s cheeks into that miserable face he had been pulling recently.


“Hah, look at these 八 eyebrows.”

When I finally let go of his cheeks, it returned to its original shape with a loud ‘pop’.

Yuri looks at me with tears in the corners of his eyes, “That hurt, Maki-chan…”

“Ahahahah, looks like your face is a little swollen? Ahaha.”

Ulysses breathes in deeply and looks down. I can see a sliver of his amethyst eyes through that soft, lightly pigmented hair.

“It is pointless for me to try and act strong in front of you, isn’t it? Maki-chan?”

“That’s right… What the hell were you thinking? I can always sort of understand what Tooru is thinking but you’re good at hiding your thoughts. I know you’ve always been like that, [1] especially when you’re alone here. But Tooru and I are at the Royal Palace now so you might as well relax yourself around us a little. You know you can tell us anything.”

“... …”

Yuri looks up, the back of his neck against the wooden bench as he stares at something beyond the sky.

I have no idea what he is really looking at.

“I think… The reason why Percelis has no memories of the past is because her soul has refuses to recall anything.”

“Memories of the past?”

“Yes. However, if I am around her too much, she could eventually recall those memories and… would she be able to endure it?” he muttered. “I learned that my son was killed and buried in a casket 2000 years later, but the pain was so painful that I cannot even word it properly. I cannot even imagine moving on from that moment. [1] As someone under the care of the very institute that had committed such atrocities, would she be able to take it? Just imagining her discovering this terrible fact, her tears, her suffering, her despair… just thinking it makes it feel as though a part of my chest has been gouged out.”

Each spoken word is laden with pain and suffering.

I can only stand on the side as he clutches the white cloth at his chest.

“... because of this, you’re sad?”

“... ...”

“Percelis did tell me this… ‘Ulysses had been looking at me with miserable eyes’.


In truth, I am in no position to say anything to you.

After all, [1] your son’s death happens because of my destroyed body.

Ulysses gave a little ‘fufu’ laugh as he straightened up. “...Maki-chan, do meet with Percelis once in a while. She has very few friends her age.”

“... you are avoiding the subject, how unexpectedly cowardly.”

“That’s right. I am a coward. A timid, cautious man who cannot stop himself from over analyzing the future.”

“... …”

“Scaredy cat.”

Our line of sight meets.

It has been a long time since I have seen this serious look on his face. It is also the first time I see his weaknesses displayed so blatantly displayed.

Ulysses is the thoughtful type who rarely acts according to his feelings.

Unlike me, who acts according to my will regardless of the consequences… I guess that’s why things happened as they did with me being a loose canon like that.

“Well… try and make time to see her like before. Remember to smile, okay? Don’t show her your miserable face. I’m sure she is waiting to see you.”

“... un…”

“... …”

Ulysses’ reaction is a little sluggish.

However, I cannot in good conscience meddle further in his business. Speaking of which, there’s something I meant to talk to him about, but what was it? I have somehow forgotten it…

Oh well, if it’s important, I’m sure I’ll remember it sooner or later.

As for these two, I guess I should just wait and see what happens? I really don’t understand their feelings and situation.

All this thing about love and feelings or whatever, I really can’t understand it.

Goodness, and I told him he could consult me, the person with the least experience with this [1] mysterious phenomenon called love.

Speaking of which, I wonder if Tooru would have better advice for them? That guy has plenty of experience after all.

Way more than the lonely spinster Crimson Witch at least.

Hahhh… thinking about the single person me from the past is kind of…

Thinking about myself and myself only, and falling into despair.

“Ah, there you are, Your Highness!”

A booming voice suddenly echoed within the chapel, breaking the solemn atmosphere.

I look in the direction of the voice and find Sir Raymond striding forward with wide steps.

“Oh my, oh my, if it isn’t Young Lady Makia. Goodness, is this… a date?!”

“... you are a lively one, aren’t you?”

“Hahaha, if there’s something that I have in excess, it’s stamina!”

He looks as fresh as ever, even though he should have been as busy as Yuri.

“Honourable Uncle, you wish to see me?”

“Your Highness, we have a little issue… it’s regarding Rhea Maedea’s magic circuitry…”

From Sir Raymond’s flickering eyes, it looks like he is worried about me overhearing some top secret conversation.

Yeah, yeah, I don’t want to know too much either.

Knowing when I’m not wanted, I got up with a vague ‘It must be lunch soon…’ before leaving them to it. I came here to drag Yuri with me to lunch, but I guess he won’t have time for it.

As I leave the water chapel, I consider Yuri’s expression. He looks serious. I have always thought of him as someone with a princely aura and elegant demeanor. However, it looks like there’s more to being a prince than looking elegant.

[1a] I’m a little worried for him.

[1a] Him being busy is one thing, Is he being deliberately busy to avoid seeing Percelis?

I wonder... what he thinks of Percelis now.

Please read this at kitchennovel dot com ~

When I finally reached my room, I found Tooru sitting on a bench in the shade of a tree just outside the garden window. I recognised his back figure immediately.”

“Woah… what a surprise…”

What is going on today?

Why do I keep seeing men sitting and brooding about all day today?

“... …”

I supposed he could be sitting there on some kind of waiting or observation related mission, but he is so focused at whatever he is thinking or looking at that he did not even realise I have returned to the room.

I slowly approached the widow and tapped at it.

Tooru turns around so quickly that he must have given himself whiplash. His face is really funny too. I laughed a little ‘kusu kusu’ laugh as I let myself into the garden.

“What an unusual sight. It is rare to see you during the daytime. Is the Order of Magic Knights very free now?”

“... it is my off day today. Too much happened… yesterday…”

“Is that so…”

He then handed me a card. It is a familiar looking card with a turtle on it.

“... aah, that ‘Esca’ fellow…”

“That’s right, we received this yesterday. Go ahead, read it.”


「Beasts of the snowy country

Their limbs broken and reconnected

Chained to the Black Demon King

Muses of the forest deep

Skins peeled and blood drained

Sucked away by the Crimson Witch

Spirits of the Lake

Tricked and boiled in a pot

Stuffed in cans by the White Sage

How scary!

Beyond the door

Are the Great Demon Kings

PS: I shall pass judgement on the three Supreme Magic Advisors of the Royal Palace who claims to have defeated the Giant Soldiers

Good luck in your next life!

By Esca.」

I read it over and over again, going ‘hoo…’ as I wonder what this is about.

“... I can say that I have never peeled off the skin of a Muse, let alone drain their blood for anything… In fact, why are there so many stories and anecdotes about me hating beautiful women? I am a great beauty myself.”

“... ah, well, I guess these things get distorted with time. There’s really nothing we could do about it. The part about me is… probably some kind of irony for having ruled over demons. Yuri’s bit is probably some kind of black humour thing. He makes contracts with spirits which, I guess in a way, ‘contains’ them, though not in an actual can. I can only give you condolences for your part. You have somehow always been the ‘evil’ one.”

“Well… I did do something way worse than what’s in this song,”

My voice and shoulders lower as I consider the meaning of this card.

“... this fellow, do you think he knows we are reincarnated people?” I mused as I handed the card back to Tooru.

He takes it with a, ‘I don’t believe so’.

“It’s just a thought. The ones who know the truth about us are Sir Raymond, your father, and a couple of others, I think.”

“I supposed… Many have compared us to the Three Great Demon Kings. However, if they know the truth, I believe there would be more people afraid of us. It’s not something we can do about though,” said Tooru as he glared at the card.

“... …”

“Do you get what I’m saying? Esca is targeting us. He always attacks at twilight so be careful. I fought this guy yesterday but he’s quite the opponent. I think, I’d underestimated him too much…”

“Eh?! You fought him?” I recall the silhouette we encountered after my visit to the [2] Holy Nation bathhouse.

Tooru then laughed bitterly.

“He’s a White Mage who uses Spirit Magic. However, I have the impression that something’s wrong with him…”


“Anyway, be careful. You never know when he might attack.”

“What are you talking about? Who was it that told me to hide my magic?”

“... you are allowed to use it in case of an emergency. [1] An Esca attack counts as an emergency. Also, from tomorrow onwards, I shall be your escort.”

Just use it if it’s an emergency. Also, from tomorrow, I’ll be your escort”

“... hahhh…”

Tooru has averted his eyes from me.

This fellow is also hiding something from me.

Tooru and Yuri are somehow working on their own thing and not letting me in on whatever they are doing. Sometimes, I really hate these two for leaving me out like this.

Then, I spotted the basket next to Tooru.

Somehow, there’s a nice smell wafting from it.

“... What’s that?”

“Ah… you found out right away,” says Tooru as he places the basket between us and opens it.

“It’s the most popular lunch box from the cafe on the First Floor. I thought it would be nice to have something like this once in a while, right? We might as well eat well while we’re here.”

Inside, there is a bagel sandwich stuffed with dry-cured ham, tomato, cheese and lettuce. There’s also a shrimp, salmon and avocado salad along with a bottle of orange carbonated water.

“Woah woah, it looks really good!! Like the ones we get for picnics at Delia Fields!”

“... refined and elegant court food at the Royal Palace is good, but sometimes, I want something like this.”

“I see, so the First Floor sells these kinds of things…”

“There are other things too. Plenty of soldiers and officials would go have lunch at one of the corridor shops outside.”

I take out the bagel sandwich, still in its wrapping paper, and take a bite.

The freshness of the tomatoes and sharpness of cheese contrast nicely with the sweetness of the cured meat. [1] In place of ketchup, there’s a lemon jelly sauce that ties the whole flavour profile together.

I have the feeling that Tooru is just humouring me, but I don’t hate it. I don’t mind him coaxing me with delicious food.

“Hmhm… what a nostalgic taste.”

“... right? Speaking of which, you’ve been to Lord Medite’s place quite a bit these days, what are you doing there?”

“After my White Magic lectures at school, I visit A-chan at Medite-sensei’s house.”

“... hahh? A-chan?”

“Medite-sensei’s newborn child. I named him ‘Acreos’, thus, A-chan.”

“... hoohh? That kind of nickname sounds like something Sir Raymond would bestow.”

“Medite-sensei said the same thing. Isn’t it good though? It’s cute.”

I pop open the orange carbonated bottle and gulp down a couple of mouthfuls.

As expected, summer carbonated water is delicious. Ruskia’s carbonated soda waters are less sweet than Earth’s and go well with food.

“He’s a really cute child with an MP of over 7000. That’s pretty impressive, don’t you think so? I guess it should be expected, considering who his parents are… It looks like he could see the Snake Spirit too. He often tries to grab it by its tail. His tiny hands are so cute…”

“Hmm, I’m surprised that you have enough sensibilities to think a baby is cute.”

“... Humph… it’s a recent thing…”

After all, a lot has happened.

Just then, I remembered Yuri and [1] his Percelis issue.

“... hey… um, do you think… What do you think about Yuri and Percelis?”

“...? What do you mean?”

“Yuri… has been avoiding Percelis, saying that she might remember her past life if he is too close to her for too long.”

“... …”

Tooru narrows his eyes as he  sips at his carbonated water. Then, he sighs, “Well, he is Yuri after all.”

“Ehh, wait, is that okay?”

“... it’s not something that we can actually resolve for them. Besides, you don’t know if they still love each other the way they did before.”

“... I- I guess that’s true?”

I squeeze the cup of carbonated water with both hands, tapping my index finger together.

“Just because they were together in their past lives doesn’t mean they have to get together in this life. How they spend their lives now… is up to them.”

“Aren’t you being a little flippant about this? Well, you were the one who had lots of lovers after all…”

“Is that sarcasm…?”

Tooru looks awkward as he takes another swig at his carbonated water.

I place my cup next to me and take another bite of the bagel sandwich. I gulp down the whole mouthful of sandwich in one go, which is a complete waste of food, really.

If that’s the way you think, then… are you saying that if the princess who betrayed you appears in front of you again, you’ll have no feelings of attachment or regret for her?

Even though you cherished her so much in that life?

That’s right, I swallowed all these questions along with the mouthful sandwich right into my stomach.

A bit of lemon jelly remains on the corner of my lips.

I wipe the bit of jelly with my thumb and lick it off.

It’s sweet and sour…

I don’t think Yuri is avoiding Percelis because he wants to avoid a relationship with the Percelis from now. I think... he is avoiding her because he is too attached to his previous life.

As for Percelis, even without her previous life’s memories, her attachment to Yuri is clear.

Therefore, isn’t this an undeniable connection of the souls?

Aren’t they connected through memories, regrets and former attachments?

For better or worse, it seems…

Somehow, I feel envious.

There is no such person for the Crimson Witch.

Perhaps that is why I look at them with mixed feelings. I guess the emotions I am feeling are something close to a maiden in love.

It’s not like I feel that love is something that will last forever, or something embarrassing like that. No one should blame another for falling in love with someone else in the next life.

I guess, I am just jealous.

Even so, I am also very sad for them.

[Gumihou: This chapter is full of feels]

[1] Add Details

[1b] An extra throwaway ‘but’ that looked out of place…

Unsure what the ‘but’ is for, but try to incorporate it into the meaning of Maki’s instead of just the beginning of her ‘But I’m worried’

[2] Adjusted detail: It was originally ‘when I left Medite Mansion’... like girl? You forgot you went to the temple and had a bath there?



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