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And hello! After this week's chapter, Dungeon from the Void and all of my other secondary stories (secondary stories being any of my stories except for Wolf of the Blood Moon, Reaper's Resurgence, and Crimson Eternal) will be put on a temporary hiatus until I finish The Undying Magician book 3. Since the deadline for that is one month from now.

During this time there will be near daily chapters for The Undying Magician.



Well this is annoying.

I’m just barely missing Tier 3. Just by a few EXP.

Which means I’m left waiting here for some poor intruder to wander inside and die.

It’s always at moments like these that I’m the jumpiest.

Anticipation really is a scary thing.

I pace back and forth across my core room – one that will be pushed back quite a bit soon due to the burst in levels when I make the rooms after – before eventually just heading up towards my lab. Because there’s at least one thing I can do while I wait.

The Vampire Demigod that went with Leon to negotiate peace told me about the thing. Something he left in my dungeon that I brought to my lab that shows a one way link to an orb the Demigod has hanging from a necklace the Demigod is wearing.

After pulling the little mirror thing out, I place it in a corner of the lab and begin watching as it slowly sparks to life, showing me exactly what is going on around the Demigod.

Dawn soon shows up and joins me, having already been told earlier by me about what this thing is.

The other side of the mirror shows a cabin inside of a ship with the Demigod Vampire, Vladmir, the Prince of the Fallen, whatever his name was, and Leon, who looks rather out of place. Meanwhile there aren’t any guards in the cabin other than a single Demigod Fallen to match the Demigod Vampire. And I can sense through the orb the power of two more Demigod Vampires flying outside of the ship.

And so, we both watch in silence as the negotiations progress.

“The Kingdom of the Fallen will not cross into the lands of the neutral nation ever again,” Vladmir declares with his eyes narrowed, clearly not wanting to spend any more time there than he has to.

“I’m afraid,” the Prince begins while tapping his finger on his crossed arm, “that won’t be possible.”

“And why not?” Vladmir asks, his irritation showing rather proudly.

“Because,” the Prince says, pausing after the first word again, “there may be a chance you might change your mind.”

“And why would changing my mind have anything to do with our discussion?” Vladmir asks once again. “This is by the declaration of our God himself. The God of Blood, Nosferatu.”

Now that takes the Fallen Prince by surprise.

“The God of Blood? Why would he assist a mere dungeon?” the Prince asks, being rather rude if you ask me. And Vladmir seems to agree because he flares his aura through the room, making the Prince raise both of his hands in a placating gesture while saying, “Wait, I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I meant why would a God as powerful as Nosferatu help a Tier 2 Dungeon Core?”

That’s still rather rude.

“And why is that your business?” Vladmir asks, sounding more and more like he’s losing his patience.

I can’t help but wonder what’ll happen if he does lose his patience completely.

Actually, I glance at Dawn before whispering, “You think he’d kill them all if he lost his patience?”

She bobs back and forth in her form of a head shake as she responds, “Unlikely. They follow their God’s word no matter what.”

Hmm. True.

I focus on the mirror again as the Prince says, “You’re correct. It’s not my business.” Then he raises a finger and adds, “But, there is one thing you’re forgetting.”

More than one, in my opinion. It looks like both of them completely forgot about Leon’s existence.

The guy is just standing at one edge of the table without saying a word as the two important people talk.

“And what’s that?” Vladmir asks, placing a hand partially on the table as he begins to tap on it.

This Vampire really doesn’t want to deal with all this. I almost feel bad for asking them to intervene.

“If we could perhaps change the Dungeon Core’s mind,” the Fallen Prince says, the slightest hint of a smirk stretching across his face, “would you consider backing out of this and allow us to take the nation?”

Huh. Guess he’s gonna go the me route.

Wouldn’t be surprised if he tries to bribe me too.

His words cause the cabin to go silent for several seconds. And without even so much as glancing at Leon, Vladmir sells him out right away, “We will do what Fenrir wishes. If he wishes for us to leave the war alone, we will. However, we will ask you to bring your fight elsewhere and keep the fighting far away from the Dungeon. If you were to manage convincing Fenrir to turn to your side.”

Yeah, that’s pretty much what I thought would happen. The only reasons they’re fighting them is to help me and to keep those dragons asleep.

Because they don’t want the war to end up waking up the sleeping dragons.

And I agree there.

But I made an agreement with Leon and his father for that Dragon Core. So I won’t back out of it.

Then again, all that agreement entailed was helping them out of this war. So no one ever said I had to help them out again.

Always something to consider.

That said, I definitely see a lot of bribes in my near future from the Fallen.

Also, Leon looks a lot paler now than he was minutes ago.

“So how about we settle on this,” the Fallen Prince says, a smirk on his face. “I alone may enter the nation to discuss things with the Dungeon Core. Any others will not be allowed, and we will not be allowed to declare war again unless we have the Dungeon Core’s permission.”

The Demigod Vampire doesn’t waste any time accepting as he says, “We have a deal.” Then he snaps his fingers, making a document appear that they both have Leon fill out for them. As if he’s their personal scribe or something instead of a member of the discussion.

A member who didn’t say a word during the discussion.

Almost makes me pity him.

Only almost though.

After the two check the contract, all three sign it and the Vampire picks Leon up and flies off the ship with him in tow.

Once again. Almost pity him.

Anyways, looks like my time is gonna be filled with a begging Prince and lots of bribes.




Damn I’m caught up 🥲 Tyftc