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Year 820 | Month 5 | Day 8

Without hesitation, I rush straight towards the lake. Passing through a hoard of undead in the process. But no matter how many of them I cut down along the way, the necromancer general amongst the New Earth Alliance forces never arrives to fight me.

Probably because he knows he won’t stand a chance.

That or he’s still too injured to fight, even if he isn’t too injured to summon and control his undead forces.

It doesn’t take me too long to reach the shore of the lake, but even from here I can’t see anything going on within it. Likely because it’s all happening on our side of the lake, not on the side facing the enemy-controlled territory.

So I move around the shore slaughtering undead on my path until I make it across the border. Then I move faster now that I don’t have to deal with any undead, leaving me arriving at a basecamp along the shore with more camps scattered in a large arc starting from the lake and going in the direction I’m heading.

Likely to stop people from wandering into the dangerous territory.

I quickly put on the Royal Signet before filling it with some mp to make it let out the royal aura, instantly causing a bunch of the soldiers who were growing wary at my approach to kneel down instead and declare, “Your Royal Highness.”

Then I rush straight on past them while spreading my own Wrath Aura around our surroundings in search of Dad and the other two. And after a few minutes of running, I manage to find them with my aura and immediately begin rushing in their direction.

It takes me a few minutes to arrive at their location, and when I do, I feel myself freezing up ever so slightly at the sight of what I find.

On the shore of the lake is over a dozen ships of varying sizes, each with cannons aimed and firing at the creature in the center fighting to get onto the shore. A creature that looks like nothing more than an amalgamation of flesh, blood, and even strange faces with a large mouth located at the front of the creature as it just kind of slugs its way through the water towards the shore. Ignoring a lot of the attacks being sent its way from nearly every direction.

Attacks that are being swallowed up by an eerie orange energy.

And just like with when I met Pride, I feel a sensation coming from the creature. One that’s being sent out throughout the area and fills me with its own desire.

A Gluttonous desire that feels all-devouring simply pouring out of the creature in the form of that orange energy.

Gluttony Energy.

Eventually my eyes manage to lock onto the glowing orange eyes of the abomination – the only word I can really use to describe it – and I don’t see a single hint of intelligence in its eyes.

Just an all-devouring hunger.

Like the only thing it can do is eat. The only thing it can want is to devour. And gluttony is all that makes the creature.

Seconds after our eyes lock, the two of us freeze and I feel a wave of Gluttony flood through me as both of our eyes flare with our respective colors. And just like with Pride, I somehow know the creature felt a wave of Wrath rushing through it as well.

Except it’s more obvious with Gluttony as it lets out a hoarse screeching roar and begins charging towards me while still ignoring the attacks it’s absorbing after the wave of Wrath floods it. The creature obviously not having any control over its own actions.

Or rather, not having any sapience to try to control its actions.

Everyone currently attacking the abomination turns to look in my direction, no doubt seeing me standing here on the shore with waves of red and black energy flooding off of me in spades due to my meeting with Gluttony. But I ignore them all as I identify Gluttony.



Species: Embodiment of Gluttony

Level: 30


I blink in surprise at the result of the identify.

What the heck? That can’t be its actual name… can it?

And what does error even mean?

Then again, the rest of the letters doesn’t really make up much of a name either.

I certainly wouldn’t want to try pronouncing that if it is actually a name.

That aside, it’s the same level as me.

Which makes sense seeing as it’s been on an endless rampage eating everything in sight since it was freed.

It also has a different colored id just like Pride had. One that no doubt looks like a normally colored one to anyone other than the Sins.

The Wrath flowing through Gluttony doesn’t last for very long, just like the Gluttonous feeling rampaging through me didn’t last long either. And it seems to grow confused when it wears off.

But that confusion quickly turns to it going back to attacking and eating everything around it. Mostly consisting of attacks from the ships and soldiers. All of whom are using ranged attacks of various sorts, whether magical or otherwise.

I glance at the ships to find Dad, Charles, and Rodrick standing on the fronts of three different ships, with each barking out commands and throwing out spells at the creature. Spells consisting largely of nature spells with some odd dark flame ones mixed in. No doubt being influenced by Fafnir since their classes are based on the World Tree.

All three of them notice me and give a nod before refocusing on Gluttony.

So I focus on the creature myself while spreading my arms out and beginning to summon monsters to my side.

Almost as if it senses the threat I pose, Gluttony turns its attention towards me. Only for it to spot the various crimson and black monsters I’m summoning of all forms as a wave of crimson lightning begins to run through the air around me.

Then I smirk and begin throwing the bolts of Wrath lightning straight at it.

Time to fight my first Sin.



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