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Year 2850 | Month 9 | Day 4

I’m just gonna act like these people aren’t kneeling in front of me, treating me like I’m royalty. For now.

It might take me a few months to get used to that.

I can’t really tell them not to do it though because I do plan on becoming the royalty they are kneeling before. If for no reason other than to get their power backing me against the Republic and the doctor. And their knowledge to increase my own understanding of fire and death magic.

“Return to the Caverns and recover,” I order them all, ignoring their gazes. “And tell the inhabitants of the Caverns about what happened. Let them know of the danger so that they may leave if they don’t want to stay in such a dangerous position.”

They all look a little surprised by that, only to grow even more fervent as they declare, “As you wish, Your Highness.”

Then they begin to rush off. And when I say rush off, I mean limp off in a lot of their cases.

Since potions or not, they’re still injured. Even if none of them are dead.

I watch them walk away for a few minutes before turning around to look in the direction of the gazes I feel directed at me again. Only for the gazes to vanish once more, leaving me narrowing my eyes at them.

At the spectators who simply sat by and watched.

The other barons and baronesses targeting me, which, judging by the gazes, should be around five or so.

No doubt the next battles against the barons and baronesses will be tougher. Since they’ll most likely be working together, and they’ll know to count for my physical strength. And for Incendia. Who they didn’t know just how strong was before.

Now they have the intel on me, and they know it’s possible to capture me.

That said, there are still upsides. This baron’s plan only worked so well because of his particular magic.

Suppression affinity special magic.

One specifically made to capture and suppress others.

And now the barons and baronesses don’t have anyone with that magic anymore. I’m pretty sure most of them have directly combat related magics, other than the necromancer baroness.

So they’ll have a much harder time keeping me pinned down than he had.

Honestly, I might be fortunate that this baron went ahead of the others to attack me. Since if they had worked together with him it may’ve caused me a lot more issues than before. In fact, I may’ve been defeated and captured in the end.

I was only able to win this time around because he was alone and he let his guard down, letting me attack him physically.

‘Incendia?’ I ask through our bond while looking up at the sky, only for her to fly down and land on my shoulder, still looking like she’s struggling to fly a bit. ‘Thanks.’

She nods her head, seemingly too tired to talk.

So I just turn around and begin to walk away, only briefly glancing at the corpses I’ve left behind. But since they don’t really have any valuables on them, I don’t really pay them much mind.

I did check their pockets, but there wasn’t much in there.

And spatial storages for the few who did have them aren’t really easily broken into. Not without the same mana as the one they had. Or spatial mana.

So the only ones I could get into were the few with fire mana.

I do take the baron’s storage item though. Even if I can’t get into it.

Because he’s a baron and a Class B magician. Meaning he most likely has plenty of good stuff in it for me to take.

I just need to figure out how to get to the stuff inside it.

Which shouldn’t be too difficult. Just a rather annoying process. One I’m not willing to go through for all of those other magical storage devices.

The process is actually a rather straightforward one for hacking into one of those devices. Just need to figure out what the coordinates are that the device sends whatever is sent through the portal to.

Then I can make a device that uses neutral mana to break through into the plane and to those coordinates.

And while the process is very annoying, long and drawn out, and tedious in general, it isn’t necessarily a difficult one.

Unless the spatial device in general has really tough security measures set in place. Which is entirely possible, but I’m gonna hope and dream that it’s not the case.

Push comes to shove, and I can bribe the skeleton to crack it open for me in return for a favor.

Although I am not looking forward to having to convert some of my arcs to neutral mana arcs for this and then back. Because ouch. The one form of pain nowadays that does still bother me.

Even if I have gotten used to it a little.

Anyways, I look down at the device in my hands as I walk, pondering over what might be inside the magical storage, or rather, planar storage of a Class B magician.

Hopefully enough to be worth the hassle of getting to the stuff.

I put the thing away before continuing my slow trek back to the base, deciding not to move too quickly for Incendia’s sake. Because while we’re both immortal, my immortality is through time and space magic resetting me. Hers is not. Her immortality is through death magic.

So she still gets exhausted, unlike me.

And when we arrive at the base, I surprisingly find not a single person leaving.

Unless they left beforehand?

More important than that though is the sight of quite literally hundreds of people kneeling in front of the Undying Caverns’ entrance.


I glance at Incendia, but she’s just on my shoulder acting like this is normal.

So I turn back again.

This is going to get old fast, isn’t it?


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