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The Clearing where the others were left
         Year 2850 | Month 9 | Day 4
Moments before Nathan arrived

Claire feels no regret as she fights against the magicians who are working for the baron who had attacked. None at all. Not even at the losses they’ve suffered so far.

Because all of them owe their lives to Nathan. Because he took them all in without a second thought.

Even if the man is often apathetic about it all himself.

Claire and the other magicians continue sending one spell after another while blocking the enemies’ spells. But no matter how hard they fight, they slowly begin to lose one magician after another.

At least we’re taking out almost as many of them as they’re taking of us…

The second in command of the Undying Caverns grits her teeth as that thought runs through her head. As her comrades are dying around her.

One magician after another on both sides dies. And with each one, she fights that much harder.

Until a branch snaps from nearby and a terrifying presence enters the clearing, making everyone stop fighting to turn and look. Only for everyone to find a man standing there with glowing red eyes shining through the night.

Eyes that are glaring coldly at every one of the enemy magicians in the clearing.

Some of the enemy magicians freeze up while others immediately start cheering and running away, clearly both frightened of the Undying Magician and happy about seeing that the baron no doubt being dead.

Since Nathan being here has to mean the baron is dead.

The Undying Magician’s eyes flare, glowing even brighter red in the night as black veins spread across his face.

Then he vanishes from his spot, moving in a blur to grab one of the frozen magicians and lift him up into the air by the throat. And without any hesitation, rip his throat out with his bare teeth.

Claire feels herself staring as the Undying Magician simply drops the man’s corpse to the ground and rushes at another one, tearing out his throat with claws that she didn’t even realize he had. Only for him to jump to another right as the magicians begin sending one spell after another at him. Not doing any damage due to his immortality.

And just as quickly as they started attacking him, they run for their lives alongside the other ones.

Claire finally relaxes a little, feeling the strength in her legs giving out as she drops to her knees.

He’s here… he’s saving us again…

She watches as the Undying Magician tears one of the magicians apart after another. And once he’s dealt with all of the magicians in the clearing, he glances at them all and moves in a blur next to Claire, the blood empowering him. Then he pulls out several vials of blue liquid, likely holding potions inside of them, and he hands them to Claire.

And just as quickly, he rushes off again to chase after the rest of the enemy magicians.

Seconds later, Claire hears screams echoing out from the forest. Only for the screams to cut off again soon after.

Then the process repeats again. And again. And again.

Claire feels goosebumps running across her skin at the sounds, but she quickly gets up after snapping out of it. And she quickly grabs the potions and moves to give them to the wounded magicians on their side, healing their injuries enough for them to survive at the very least.

As she gives out the potions, she hears more and more screams echoing out from the forest in the night. And they only cut off completely a few minutes after she gives the last wounded magician a potion. In the end saving several of the magicians she had thought were already dead or dying.

Then she turns to look at the forest where Nathan had gone, collapsing onto the ground again with a sigh of relief.

Even though he didn’t want us here, he still came to save us…

She smiles slightly at that thought.

For as long as she’s known Nathan, he hasn’t shown them much interest. Even if he’s helping them, letting them stay with him under his protection, and even letting them bother him. He has never shown them much interest beyond the bare minimum.

But now… as she remembers the look he had on his face when he entered the clearing and saw all of them…

He was truly angry. For their sakes.

That was the first time she has seen him angry. She’s seen him show plenty of emotions, mostly annoyance, but never real anger.

If he feels that emotion, she thought he just never showed it to them.

But he was genuinely worried about them.

Or at least that’s what it looked like to Claire.

A few more minutes pass before she gets up again, only to find Nathan finally reentering the clearing with blood on his chin and more on his face and sleeves. Almost like he wiped his face of blood. Meanwhile there’s more blood on his clothes, splattered about it.

And a lot on his neck, likely from him drinking the magicians’ blood himself.

Claire meets his crimson eyes, finding that the black veins on his face are gone now as he steps up to him.

But despite the scene they had all just seen, none of the magicians around her look scared in the slightest of him. And Claire doesn’t feel afraid either.

Some of the magicians under him even begin to kneel down and bow to him.

“The battle is over,” the Undying Magician declares, his voice echoing around the clearing in the dark with a cold tone of voice. One far colder than normal. “The baron and his forces are all eliminated.”

Claire watches him for a bit before faintly smiling again and kneeling herself. Then the others all join her in kneeling.

Both the ones who didn’t truly believe in him as a possible king for the Kingdom of the Fallen and those who did.

Our new ruler.

All while the Undying Magician himself stares out at them with his crimson eyes still glowing in the dark.


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