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I can’t help but smile as I look at the notification, not really paying much attention to my surroundings after entering the Dimension-Wide Dungeon. Simply because it said I was entering the Tier 1 part of the dungeon. Which isn’t a threat to me no matter what.

Those are some nice skills. It’s just too bad that the transformation barely lasted any time whatsoever.

Soul Reaping especially looks really nice.

Although… so much for not using a scythe.

Not entirely sure what ‘corruption of the other side’ means though. The only place I’ve heard any mention of corruption from is those Chaos Monsters and Cataclysm Class monsters.

Soooo… Architect?

I stand in place for several awkward seconds before finally realizing something.

Oh. Right.

The Architect isn’t here anymore. He decided to stay behind.


Well, guess there goes my free question answering booth.

I’ll just ask him when I get out.

On that note, it’s rather interesting how the whole Soul Reaping thing works on more than just people and monsters. But on reality itself.

I’m pretty sure when I tore apart reality there I opened it to the quantum realm. Judging by how much quantum energy poured through it after doing so.

Interesting how I just instinctively felt that I could close it back up again with my bare hands. Merely by grabbing the rift and forcing it shut.

Also wasn’t expecting that rather grand looking transformation. One seen throughout pretty much the entire Block.

Overall I’d say this has been a pretty good ascension to Tier 4. So, now that I’ve finished wrapping my head around things, I finally focus on my surroundings.

And the Tier 1 part of the dungeon is not looking all that pleasant, if I’m being honest.

I’m standing inside of a large cavern that’s completely damp with some very deep pools of water spread all around the place. Meanwhile there are slimes all across the place along with some marine monsters in the water.

Water that goes really deep to the point of not even being in my senses anymore.

Then again, this place is just Tier 1. So it’s not like it’s gonna be a problem even if I do have to travel underwater for it.

Not like I have to breathe after all.

But, more importantly…

I look around a bit before deciding to jump into the water. Because I don’t know if slimes count as physical damage.

Then I go and grab a random piranha – once again, the System loves its piranhas – and make the thing chomp down on my hand. Which is a bit of a struggle since the thing is deathly terrified of me for obvious reasons.

Once it does chomp down though, I find a rather interesting sight.

The skin around my hand that I have it chomp down on simply glitches out, letting the piranha’s teeth pass straight through as if my hand wasn’t there. Then its mouth is forced right out of my hand, leaving it without any signs of what’d just happened.

Interesting. So that’s how my full immunity to physical damage works.

Anything that tries to harm me will just glitch right on through before being forced back out again.

It’s just too bad that I had to trade a larger weakness to magic for this. But if I’m being honest, I’d rather have a full immunity to one of them than having a weakness to one and still being affected by the other as well.

After all, this opens up a lot of strategies for me.

Even if it closes a few too.

It opens more than it closes, which is what matters.

It’s too bad that I can’t test my immunity on something more powerful though. Since this is just the Tier 1 part of the dungeon. And I can’t attack myself either since I still have Quantum Infusion active, making it so all of my attacks include quantum damage.

Meaning I don’t have any attacks that don’t do magical damage.

At all.

Not unless I find a Safe Zone and remove Quantum Infusion from my list of skills. Which I’m not gonna do.

Too much work. No real reason.

I’d rather just go deal with this Tier 1 dungeon before moving on through the rest of the dungeons into Tier 3 and then Tier 4 dungeons. Where I’ll actually be given a challenge.

It’s too bad I couldn’t get the ‘first to reach Tier 4’ Legendary Feat though. Someone else got that while I was still training my Energy Manipulation. And it wasn’t even a Class S that did so.

Then again, that honestly makes more sense. Since non-Class S species tend to have easier requirements to advance in Tier.

Still a pity though.

I look down at my fist before clenching it slightly, still feeling the enhanced strength from being Tier 4. A rather large increase from what I’ve heard.

Then I raise my head to look at one of the holes in the ground filled with water.

Well, time to head out.


For those of you who can't view the image:

You have now entered your Incomplete True Form as a Quantum Reaper.

As the sole Quantum Reaper, you have one role to play.

The Reaper of Reality.

While in this form, you are given five special Racial Skills.   However, you may only stay in this form for a few minutes if you are not acting   for your role.

However, since you are merely in your Incomplete True Form, you   will only receive three of your five special Racial Skills.

These skills are as follows:

Soul Reaping:

With every swing of your scythe, you take a chunk of the target’s   soul out and feed it to the universe itself. Therefore any damage dealt with   the Reaper’s Scythe is unhealable, regardless of what type of damage it is,   who is trying to heal it, or what the damage is being done to.

Only the Reaper herself may revert the damage with her own hands.

Corruption Immunity:

As one of the Quantum Beings holding a role to the universe, you   are fully immune to the corruption of the other side.

Living Singularity:

You are one of the sources of energy. A living singularity. All   energy in the surroundings will be drawn to you, made to enter you, and feed   your soul.


Jeff Thompson

I still feel like it should be 90%x10% for 99% immunity instead of 90%+10%. feels like with some ascended-level equipment you could easily get high degrees of physical or magical by stacking


No, Quantum Beings are the only species that gives any immunity to anything. Only some Legendary Feats give some other than racial skills. And the most an item can give is up to thirty percent at once.