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For those of you who are reading this on a website that is not Patreon, please stop. You're reading a pirated version. Instead, if you would be so kind, please click on the table of contents link below and go to my Patreon instead. Or even read it off of Royal Road, which is free.

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Table of Contents


There will also be one chapter tomorrow.

Now then. First matter at hand, the new cover for book 3 of Crimson Eternal with the art being of Aria in the sub-world of the Rex Dynasty:

Then there's Famine, and yes, I changed his appearance slightly to have the same glowing eyes the other Horsemen have instead of just pitch black eyes:

Next up is the Crimson Empire's Emperor:

Then there's his son:

And the Empress of the Crimson Empire:



Will Aria consider them as her family right away when they meet? I mean aren't they basically strangers. so i would find it weird when aria would consider them immediatly family even when they get those memories. They hold only 9 years of Life from their clones. Aren't they not quite heartless? Considering that they could interact with her or even say that they aren't Dead. But they only watch from afar so with the knowledege we have now i would say that they don't deserve that love from aria when they meet for the first time or even for quite a long time after they meet her.


I’m curious if Aria’s family knew she was going to be the pale rider or if they were as shocked as the rest of the universe.