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Time begins to pass in a much more lethargic manner after I begin my little close-closet training session with the Quantum Architect finally teaching me on a regular basis instead of napping. And over the course of several months, I manage to raise my Energy Manipulation almost all the way to Tier 3. Just barely making it to about a quarter of a level beneath it before I’m interrupted by a notification.

Oh. Right. I forgot about that. It was delayed due to the war, but the war ended before I even got home from my Cataclysm Class monster hunting trip.

Not long after getting the notification I find myself being teleported into the Dimensional Council Chambers. But unlike the last time we were here, the place looks even larger and with more people.

Which makes sense. The council did have a meeting while I was training, but that one was an optional one. So I didn’t bother attending. And it was mainly to decide on whether they’ll be kicking out the people from the former Dimensional Block #105 or not. Or if they’d just kick out some choice people from them.

In the end, from what Astrid told me at least, they decided to kick out the main instigators of the war and let everyone else stay. Or, well, everyone who wasn’t already killed in the war, that is.

Because a lot of people were killed in the war.

So there are more people in this Dimensional Council than the last. And I’m still the only person at the Fifth level of Authority.

Although there are more people at the Fourth level than there were the last time we met.

I just cross my legs and rest my arm on one armrest with the side of my head leaning against my fist as I look out over the people of the Block. Most of whom have long since gotten used to my presence by now and no longer look terrified. Probably because I’ve never been known to kill random people in the Block before despite my power and they’ve realized it by now.

Certainly one of my favorite developments that’ve occurred over the past several months.

About five or so minutes pass as everyone gets settled in before another notification appears.

That last one… the System really is just trying to kill everyone. That’s just sad how it’s going about it.

Unfortunately for the System, at least in our Block, the Authority Holders here quickly rule out that one as an option. And then the Tier 3 level capped individuals and the precious few Tier 4s who have already reached that Tier – which don’t amount to many – all immediately gravitate towards the Dimension-Wide Dungeon. Myself included.

Some of the lower Authority, lower leveled people try to refute them, but their opinions are all squashed rather quickly. Which goes to show just how democratic we all are.

Yeah. Democratic.

I have no problems with this though and even throw my vote in the hat for the dungeon. And so do the subordinates of the high level Authority Holders in the council.

So it doesn’t even take five minutes for the vote to come to an end.

Now the chaos really begins.

Although I snap my fingers once, using quantum energy to create a bolt of, well, quantum energy striking straight into the air above my booth to grab everyone’s attention. Silencing them all in an instant. And without wasting any time, I declare to everyone here, “I’m taking a spot for myself. And one for Astrid if she wishes to go.”

The chamber stays silent for all of five seconds before they proceed to argue amongst themselves for the rest of the fifty-eight spots.

A faint smile sneaks its way onto my face at the sight of them not even so much as putting up a fight for my or Astrid’s spots.

That’s nice.

My attention is brought to Ethan when he simply transforms into his true form and huffs out a puff of frost that begins to freeze the air around him. Immediately declaring to everyone without even so much saying it out loud that he’s taking a spot too.

So the rest of them begin fighting over the now-fifty-seven remaining spots.




For those of you who can't view the images:

The Ten Year Event Selection will now commence.

Every ten years, an event will occur within each and every   Dimensional Block.

This event will be decided upon by a vote from the Dimensional   Block’s Authority Holders, and it may not be changed after it is chosen.

The very first Ten Year Event will occur one week after this   selection process.

After the event, the Dimensional Championships will occur, where   the occupants of the Dimensional Block will fight in a tournament for the   right to challenge the current Dimensional Champion for their spot regardless   of their level.

The Ten Year Event Selection will be amongst the following three   choices:

Dimension-Wide Dungeon

This event will spawn a single Dimensional Dungeon within the Dimensional   Block. Within this dungeon will be monsters ranging where the challengers   will be able to clear each Tier starting with Tier 1 and going all the way to   Tier 5 as a form of separate dungeon within the Dimensional Dungeon.

At least ten parties of challengers each with six members apiece or   a total of sixty members split into more than ten parties may enter the   dungeon at once, and each party will be separated into a different instance   of the dungeon.

This event will be open for three months to enter. However, challengers   may leave whenever they please even if the entrance is no longer there.

Dimension-Wide Treasure Hunt

This event will spawn loot boxes across the entire Dimensional   Block along with monsters to protect those loot boxes.

The rewards from the loot boxes will range all the way from Tier 1   through Tier 5, with there being more lower Tier rewards than higher Tiered   ones.

However, this event will only last for one month before all of the   loot boxes vanish, leaving behind the monsters still within the Block.

Dimension-Wide Hunt

This event will spawn monsters all across the entire Dimensional   Block. And every monster slain during the Dimension-Wide Hunt will give the   slayer a set amount of points depending on the Tier of the monster and the   level difference between the one who slayed it and the monster itself.

Killing other participants will give the killer a fifth of their   points.

Points may be spent at the end of the event on an Event Store.

Come to a consensus on which event to select within one hour.

The following choice has been made for the Ten Year Event   Selection:

Dimension-Wide Dungeon

This event will begin in one week’s time. During the event the   Dimensional Walls will be fully sealed off so that no other Dimensional   Blocks may enter while the challengers are in the dungeon. Furthermore, war   may not be declared on Dimensional Block #108 during this time.

Now please select the groups who will be participating in the   Dimension-Wide Dungeon.

You have one hour.



𝐼 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦, 𝐼 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑢𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑐


Thanks for the chapter!


Democracy of the strongest is the best!