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And hello everyone! Wolf of the Blood Moon book 1 is now out on Amazon Kindle Unlimited!

The book has been fully edited and proofread to fix any typos and the like, and the tables are finally in the format that I had originally designed them to be instead of the quick fix thing I posted to Royal Road in terms of tables! Meaning the tables I screenshot and put here on Patreon. (All the tables I make for my stories are originally made for Amazon before I make a quick fix one that looks okay on Royal Road.)

Before I link Wolf of the Blood Moon book 1 though, here's something to think about!

I have decided that if Wolf of the Blood Moon book 1 on Amazon reaches over 5000 total ratings at some point in the future then I will start looking into getting a webtoon produced for Wolf of the Blood Moon!

The cost for a webtoon is not an issue for me, but I would like to know that the eBook would at least make up for the cost of the webtoon before I begin trying to get one produced even if the webtoon itself doesn't make up the cost. Furthermore, the biggest issue when trying to get a webtoon, for me at least, isn't even the cost. It's finding an artist to do the webtoon. One whose art I like and will be trusted to not just drop the webtoon at some point.

Now, when I say some point in the future, I mean it could be within a year, or it could be within a decade. So long as book 1 alone reaches over 5k total ratings, then I will begin looking into getting a webtoon produced. Doesn't matter when.

Of course, that's not a promise that I'll get one, but that I'll try to get one. Keep that in mind.

Now, click here to find Wolf of the Blood Moon Book 1 on Amazon Kindle Unlimited!

If you liked Wolf of the Blood Moon on Royal Road and my Patreon, then please consider leaving a rating or review on Amazon saying how you felt about it over the time it's been on Royal Road! It would help me a lot!


Quentin Cozzi

Hell yeah a Webtoon would be awesome!

