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Year 2850 | Month 9 | Day 4

By now the suppression is too strong for me to use that spell again. I can use much simpler spells, but not that one. It’s too high tier and takes up too much mana.

And my mana currently feels incredibly sluggish. Too sluggish for the script to accept it as input for that particular spell. Since it needs a certain amount at a certain speed.

To my surprise, the baron grabs a megaphone and begins speaking into it, his voice echoing across the plains, “Boy, just stay down and I’ll take you in nice and easy. Keep causing a fuss like this and I’ll have to get nastier.” His eyes narrow as they turn to look at my subordinates who seem to be readying spells in the trees. “Or I might just wipe out your little caverns after I’m done with you if you’d prefer.”

Before I can even consider answering, a bunch of spells begin flying straight at the remaining soldiers. Most of whom aren’t magicians but many of whom are. And in their initial surprise, even the magicians amongst them don’t manage to raise a barrier fast enough, ending with them getting pummeled by the spells. Causing massive casualties amongst their number.

Apparently the baron wasn’t expecting that either as he grits his teeth and shouts, “Take the Undying Magician and kill the rest. Now.”

The soldiers quickly recoup with their magicians finally setting up the barriers to block attacks, but by now they’ve already lost another several thousand with the initial volley. Leaving them with only about six or seven thousand more soldiers remaining.

I manage to barely stay standing, albeit on one knee, as I prepare several simple spells around me. Each of which either shoot out death fireballs or make full-on death fire flamethrowers that begin clashing against the enemy barriers and killing the outliers amongst their forces.

Now the baron is starting to look a little warry despite his previous blustering. An expression that only grows more the more of his forces are eliminated.

None of his forces are able to focus on me since they’re being attacked by my thirty something magicians and they could easily die to them if they let up their defense and attack on them. But they can’t focus solely on them either since I’m still here attacking.

Which is leaving them in a rather bad position since they can’t take me out at all. And if they try to focus entirely on my magicians, most of whom are hiding or in hard to attack locations like behind or above a cliff, they’ll lose far too many of their soldiers.

Despite this little stalemate though, they are managing to take out some of my magicians. I can see it out of the corner of my eye.

At least three of my magicians have been killed, with another two injured.

Because despite us being at the advantage here, they still outnumber us overall by a large margin.

And I’m pretty sure the baron started suppressing my magicians too. Which is leading to less attacks from them, so less pressure on the soldiers. And more casualties amongst my magicians.

I grit my teeth as I finally push myself to my feet, feeling the suppression growing a little bit laxed around me. Likely due to the baron’s focus going to my magicians. Then I decide to go all out with my next attack.

So I stop all of my other spells, startling the soldiers and the baron in the process. And I quickly follow it up by clapping my hands, making a spell circle appear between them before I spread both of my hands to my sides, making the spell circle grow much larger while also rotating it to face the enemies. Then the spell circle continues to grow as I feed it massive amounts of mana.

All of my remaining mana along with a bunch of Incendia’s mana.

Meanwhile all of my magicians quickly begin activating barriers and even digging themselves underground, clearly recognizing the spell from when I tested it a while back, leaving a dead crater near the caverns. And from my earlier instructions as well. On the other hand, the enemy magicians quickly make their own barriers. Some of which are around the magicians and only the magicians, ignoring the soldiers. But others include soldiers with them.

Which, while morally the correct choice, isn’t the correct one at the end of the day.

And the reason why quickly becomes evident when a flood of black flames comes pouring out of the black and red spell circle like a tidal wave. One that quickly engulfs everything around us before crashing into any barrier set up.

The spell itself is meant to wipe out everything and destroy any flimsier barriers. Ones spread out across a wider area.

It is a spell targeting largescale battlefields after all. So best to target those trying to protect a large number of people instead of themselves.

And just like designed, the spell quickly engulfs and shatters the barriers made to protect the soldiers, killing both soldiers and magicians alike. But it leaves all those who made a personalized barrier around themselves alive and unharmed. Both on my side and the enemy’s.

My spell continues flooding the area for a while as I completely ignore the fact that I’m burning alive and being completely devoured and regenerated repeatedly as I casually walk out of the clearing. Because I know I’ll be out of mana by the time the spell ends.

Which means it’s best to create some distance. Maybe get away for a bit to recover my mana.

Then I find myself surprised when a powerful suppression field covers everything around us, beginning to suppress my flames along with the barriers of those closest to the source of the suppression. Which, fortunately for me and my men, doesn’t include my magicians. Since they’re far away from the baron.

And in less than ten seconds, the entirety of my spell is snuffed out, revealing the barren crater with only a few dozen barriers scattered throughout it belonging to the surviving enemy magicians.

With the baron standing with a glare on his face directed straight at me.

Well that’s annoying.



I'm not able to read chapter 28.It says I have to be a higher tier but I'm able to read this one.