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Here's the new cover for The Undying Magician book 3! The cover image was done by Kart Studio and the cover design/typography by germancreative.


Year 2850 | Month 8 | Day 25

Over the course of nearly two months, one group after another attacks the Undying Caverns directly. Each one being a lesser but still tyrannical power within the inner ring, and each one walks right up to us and asks for me to come out. Then they attack.

As if they have no idea what happened to the last group who attacked. Or the one before them. Or before them.

Each one attacks with a different type of magic or method of attack. Some use their own magic. Others use a bunch of different types of magic combined. Some focus their attack on me, others on Incendia.

And I’m getting fucking sick of it.

It’s almost as if they’re testing me just to see what weaknesses I may have.

Actually, I’m certain that’s what they’re doing.

‘Those Barons really want you, don’t they?’ Incendia mutters as I step outside of the caverns once more with a glare cast towards the latest batch of idiots.

At this rate I’ll have wiped out all of the other forces in the inner ring by the end of the year.

But more importantly, they’re interrupting my experiments way too often.

Over the course of the past two months I’ve only managed to make two new spells.

“The Undying Magician, oh how I’ve waited to battle with-” the man at the front of the five or so dozen soldiers standing in the tree line – a tree line that I have to say is slowly getting further and further away from the caverns – all armed with rifles and other guns they shouldn’t be able to have.

But I interrupt the guy with a simple, “Shut up and do what you’re going to do.”

The man stops, acting surprised before nodding his head and stating, “Very well. Open fire.”

Immediately after he says that, all of the soldiers begin to open fire on us. But this time they seem to be shooting spells instead of bullets.

It doesn’t matter though. I don’t even have any soldiers stationed out of the caverns anymore since the idiots began attacking them instead of me at one point during their attacks. About halfway through the two months.

So I just activate the death flame barrier spell that I finished just a few days ago, covering my body with death flames as the spells all hit me. Which leads to a bunch of the spells being devoured by the flames.

I let out a sigh.

All of the weapons they’re using only have the power of a Class D magician. So they aren’t very powerful.

It’s like they’re just trying to blast me with as many attacks as possible.

And all that would do is waste my clothes.

Guess they’re testing out how many attacks I can take.

Almost as if on cue, thousands of soldiers, maybe even tens of thousands, all begin to leave the forest. And all of them are armed with the exact same mass-produced spell-guns.

I let out a sigh before stepping forwards into the clearing in front of the caverns. A clearing that didn’t used to exist before I came here.

‘Best step away from the building,’ Incendia agrees with my actions, making me nod my head as she continues to perch on my shoulder despite the attacks flooding me from the initial soldiers.

Even as the attacks from the newcomers barrage me, completely blocking my sight due to their sheer number, she still just stays on my shoulder.

It doesn’t take long before my barrier is shattered, following which all of the attacks begin tearing bot me and Incendia apart. But neither of us make so much as a peep about it.

We just sit here and take it all without a word, waiting for them to run out of ammo.

Fortunately the storage device I have is strong enough to take these weak blows. So I’ll just bring out new clothes after they’re finished.

I can’t even see right now anyways, much less the enemies.

And soon enough my body begins to wear away until it’s nothing.

But even then I just continue to wait.

Time passes and eventually I black out entirely. Then I regain consciousness again almost immediately after.

Or at least, it feels like it’s immediately after losing it to me. But it’s more likely that a long period of time passed instead. Just that it only feels like it’s been a short period of time.

And when consciousness returns, I find that I’m just a floating head with the rest of my body slowly reforming again. Meanwhile the enemy soldiers are all staring in shock.

I indifferently reach down to grab my storage device after my body fully reforms before activating it to summon the portal. Then I reach in to grab my clothes and begin to put them on while the soldiers all appear exhausted from having wasted their mana.

Then, after fully dressing again, I begin to walk forwards while waving my hand, sending a wave of black flames straight at the soldiers. And at the same time, Incendia jumps off of my shoulder and begins throwing waves of black flame at them as well, having been spending most of her time retraining her mana arcs during the past two months.

All of the soldiers begin trying to flee, but since they’re so slow, more end up being devoured by the black flames than would’ve otherwise.

Neither me nor Incendia are Class B magicians though, so we’re rather lacking in overall power and can’t actually deal with most of the army.

Nor do I really care enough to bother, considering that most of them are just pawns sent here to test me anyways. So there’s not really much point in bothering.

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of them end up becoming refugees in my own settlement in the future, ironically enough.

So I let the majority of them go while focusing my attacks on the magicians amongst them.

Eventually the army mostly disperses, with most of the forces escaping.

And right around that point, I end up running out of mana as well. And so does Incendia.

Our attacks stop and the other soldiers continue running.

I let out a sigh before glancing at Incendia when she lands on my shoulder, and turning around to head back inside the caverns again.

Leaving behind an even larger clearing than before behind me.

This is really becoming a pain.

I’ll need to deal with those barons sooner or later.


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Ashton Krause

I'm a little confused. The death flames in the cover are red but the chapters describe it as black? Unless that's just normal fire in the pic.