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Year 2850 | Month 5 | Day 28

Over the course of an entire week, Incendia and I test her power, spending most of our time in the lab. To the point that my subordinates occasionally drop by just to check on me. And from what we learn during this time, Incendia is weaker than she was before being sealed a way. A lot weaker.

But we already expected that.

What we didn’t expect was that she still has incredible control over her death flames.

We didn’t expect that since she didn’t really have them before being sealed away. She just had regular flames.

She can do some pretty great things with them.

More importantly though, she doesn’t need a spell circle to use them.

Apparently a benefit towards being a mythical creature.

Which also means that I have myself a teacher for understanding my fire mana more. And eventually, for learning to manipulate my mana completely without a circle. Something that is required to become a Class S magician in the future.

The main issue Incendia has right now is her mana capacity. Since she doesn’t have all that much mana at her disposal right now and will have to build it back up again.

I was rather surprised to hear during our testing, but apparently even mythical creatures like her have talent. Just like us humans.

Hers wasn’t the highest though. Her talent was four out of five. Which is still high, but not the peak.

Higher than mine actually. What with me having a three out of five for my talent.

Not that it’s ever stopped me from growing my magic.

Ignoring that I kind of cheated with that device the skeleton gave me.

Right now Incendia can mostly use a lot of attacks with death flames. And she has complete control over the flames to an extent, so a lot more combat capability than me in that regard. Other than her lacking mana capacity that she can just train up again.

During our time experimenting, we also do some experiments in regard to our bond. Speaking to each other through it, seeing how far away we can speak through it, sharing mana through it, sharing pure intentions without actual words through it, and even using one of the other’s senses through it at a time.

A lot more than I expected.

I would’ve experimented more though, if it weren’t for the distraction we’re heading to check out right now.

That thought has me frowning as I walk through the last stretches of the entrance tunnel into the Undying Caverns. And once I step through the barrier of flames blocking the entrance and out of the entry building, I find myself face to face with a bald man who does not look very happy right now. With a bunch of soldiers behind him along with my own forces in front of him to my sides.

The man isn’t someone I recognize, but I was at least told by Claire that he’s the leader of a nearby-ish city. One who has been – until now – avoiding us entirely. Only for him to suddenly arrive demanding to see me with a large force of soldiers with him.

Overall, a major pain.

After a second of the bald man looking me over, he says, “Not as impressive as I was expecting.”

I can’t help but raise a brow at that.

Does this man have a death wish? I’m pretty sure he’s only a Class C magician like me… so why is he acting like he owns the place? Especially when he should know how unkillable I am…

“Tell me what you want and then leave,” I tell him, deciding not to even bother being polite if he can’t do the same to me.

My words seem to piss him off, following which he shouts, “Fire!” And all of the soldiers behind him begin to open fire on me, not even bothering with my soldiers. And I can’t help but wonder if this guy is an absolute idiot or what.

I let out a sigh, only to briefly notice that they’re firing on Incendia as well, who is perched on my shoulder. In fact, half of them seem to be focused on her.

Not that she cares. She just ignores the rapidly healing wounds just like I do.

Then something unexpected happens. Some sort of strange purple net is thrown from one of the magicians on their side before landing on both me and Incendia. And immediately passing through us to land on the ground.

I glance down at it as the gunfire comes to a halt, only to look up again at the bald guy to find him looking shocked.

“W-w-why didn’t that work!?” he shouts while pointing at my feet. “The Baro-”

His words are cut off when his head is blown up from a sniper shot coming from somewhere in the trees. And immediately after that, the other soldiers under him run for their lives, only to be mowed down by my own soldiers.

All while I’m wondering what the fucking hell is going on.

I watch as my soldiers run forwards at Benjamin’s command, capturing the wounded but not dead soldiers and making sure the dead ones are dead. With Benjamin himself checking on the leader of the settlement who was shot in the head to see if he has any sort of explosives on him or anything.

Meanwhile I narrow my eyes to look into the trees around us for the sniper, but they’re either too far away to spot, or they’re already gone.

There are a couple of conclusions I can come to from what just happened.

One possibility is that the Barons went ahead and are making a move. They’re turning other factions in the inner ring against me and tricking them into attacking me somehow so that they can test me for any sorts of weaknesses. Not that they’ll find any.

They could also be testing Incendia to see what she can do.

‘These people… did they come here to die or something?’ she asks through our bond, sounding completely serious.

And after thinking about it for a few seconds, I slowly nod my head and respond through our bond, ‘Yeah. They did.’

Then I turn around and reenter the Undying Caverns.

Well, back to my experiments again.


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Danielle Warvel

It’s funny but sad how used to this he’s become.