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While the little war progresses above my dungeon, I make sure to continue expanding my dungeon deeper into the void. And as I do that, I discover several new void creatures, some of which include void insects, void abominations, and void demons. All rather interesting creatures.

The void insects are basically just large, black insects that feed off of elemental energy. That’s it though. They don’t do anything else.

Actually, the bugs don’t even attack people unless they’re mages. Which was awkward when I was testing it on a mercenary party.

Seeing as said party had no mages with them.

All they do is hunt elemental energy, no matter where it is. With the exception of elemental energy containing my signature. So they don’t attack things made by or from me.

The void abominations, on the other hand, are simply berserk masses of black flesh and tentacles. Creatures that attack literally anything that breathes. And some things that don’t breathe too.

What interests me the most about them is the fact that the creatures aren’t exactly alive. I’m not even sure how to alter their pattern since their bodies seem to run on some weird sort of magical circuits.

They don’t have blood.

They don’t have hearts.

They don’t even have brains.

But… while they’re proving difficult to understand, I can’t help but feel excited at the idea of figuring them out. Because if I can put their method of survival into my other monsters, then I’ll be able to make much more durable and harder to kill monsters in general. Because these abominations, while stupid, are very durable and hard to kill.

Actually, the only magic that really works against them are flammable, devouring, and purifying ones. Like holy magic, fire magic, void magic, lightning magic, and so on.

Otherwise they’ll just keep on moving around trying to kill anything nearby.

And the void demons.

I move my consciousness into my avatar as I focus on a void demon right in front of it. The void demon has a blackish red body with black flames shooting out of the body and black flames as eyes. Meanwhile it’s just staring at me without any indication of movement whatsoever.

From what I’ve been able to find through my research on these creatures over the past few weeks since the start of the war, they’re… strange. Just as strange as the abominations but in a different way.

The void demons don’t have any organs either, with the exception of a single core located somewhere at random through their body. A core that’s only a single inch in diameter, and moves all throughout its body. Just flowing through the void demon’s mana circuits.

They’re also difficult to kill, just like the abominations. But unlike the abominations, they only work through making a pact with other creatures. Or, in my case, when I give it an order to do so.

I’m not entirely sure how to use these creatures to my advantage though.

Guess I could try to trick them into entering a pact with the demon themselves, or maybe I could give one away as a reward and let them pact with the demon.

One way or another, they’re interesting creatures.

I make the next few floors focused on a mixture of these new monsters and my regular wolves. And along with the new monsters, I fill the floors with some of the new enchantments I’ve been focusing on.

These floors are large labyrinths with void gates at certain important points in them that let the intruders choose a door. Each with a label on them.

One of the doors requires the intruders to go through a simple mana test. One where the intruder needs a certain amount of mana of a certain element. And if they don’t have that required mana, then they’ll fight some monsters before being allowed to leave again to pick a different door.

Then there’s a door that sends them into a room filled with a bunch of abominations that they have to either kill or survive against for a set period of time. With that time span changing at random with each opening of the door.

And lastly, there’s a door that sends them into a large maze filled with the bugs.

Each of the doors, after the objective is completed, sends the intruders to a corridor to continue on through the labyrinth.

As for the mini bosses, I make one of each of the new monsters a mini boss. Which ends up with some rather interesting results.

My thoughts before I can go back to working on their rooms are interrupted by someone shouting at the entrance of my dungeon. Someone I quickly find to be a certain Hybrid city lord.

“Fenrir! We need your help!” he shouts, which makes me let out an exasperated sigh in my avatar before I begin to turn around to ignore him. Until he adds, “Please! We have a Dragon Core to boost you straight to the end of Tier 4 if you aid us!”

That makes me stop in my tracks immediately before I teleport right in front of him and narrow my eyes, asking a simple, “Explain.”

Dawn quickly teleports nearby without showing herself to Leon. But she doesn’t say anything just yet. Just narrows her focus on Leon.

“A Dragon Core, the mana core from a pure blooded dragon,” Leon answers. “The source of its mana and its dragon’s aura, capable of advancing whoever absorbs it up an entire Tier.”

I narrow my avatar’s eyes on the man as I ask, “And, ignoring how you even got the core in the first place for now, why aren’t you simply giving this core to your own father?”

If they had something to advance someone an entire Tier, then why not give it to their strongest cultivator instead of as a bargain for a Tier 2 Dungeon Core?

Leon narrows his eyes and says, “Because having a single Demi God on our side won’t be enough.” He pauses as he glances at the entrance of my dungeon. “What we need is the help of the Vampires.”




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Mark Ridlewsky

Thanks for the Chapter and yes now i can read it :)