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As soon as we pass through the door to the two hundred and ninety-first floor, we find ourselves in some sort of massive arena. One that appears to be located on an even larger space station. And a loud voice echoes out through the arena – which is filled with what look like aliens all throughout the audience – in some strange language that I can somehow understand in my mind.

“We have our latest contestants for the First Centurion Quinzel! These lovely contestants are all the mooooost powerful beings you’ve ever laid eyes on in our little quarter of the universe!” the most-likely alien announcer’s words mean after being translated into my mind somehow. “Give it up for the one hundred thousand contestants in this loooovely First Centurion!”

Sapphire and I look around the arena to find… a lot… of other people appearing all around us. Each one of them being various different types of aliens. And when I say alien, I mean the type of creature someone would see in an alien movie back on Earth.

And when I identify a few of them…

_-| Jigvlaught Detovoar – Level 6216 |-_

_-| Chtlito Vlorat – Level 6214 |-_

_-| Ichtonor Achtl – Level 6212 |-_

_-| Vetlan Kchlar – Level 6217 |-_

I glance at Sapphire before asking through our bond, ‘Do you have any idea how to pronounce those names?’

She shakes her head.

Their levels are also a pretty big jump between this floor and the last floor. About a hundred level jump.

Ever since the last sponsorship floor, the levels have been increasing faster and faster, making each floor harder and harder to deal with.

And now the monsters start an entire hundred levels above us…

Actually, can these even be considered monsters? They’re clearly intelligent, considering that they’re waving at the audience. An audience who is also shouting in that unfamiliar language.

“Noooow! For what you’ve allll been waiting for!” the announcer continues, his language that’s basically just a bunch of clicks echoing out through the arena, matching the most common alien’s appearance of some sort of crab-insect person to a T. “The battle royale wiiiiiill commence!!!!”

Wait, what?

All of the aliens in the arena immediately begin to attack each other, so me and Sapphire kinda just instinctively build a massive wall of glowing blue ice around us to block them as we figure out what the hell is going on.

“This battle royale will last until only fifty thousand of the contestants remain!” the announcer proceeds to explain a little bit of what I’m looking for. Then a Beta Administrator Dungeon Notification appears in my vision to explain the rest as the man keeps talking. Or I think it’s a man. Sounds like one. Probably. A deeper voice at least.

Anyways, the notification.

I stare blankly at the notification as the aliens all try to kill each other.

“It looks like one of the contestants is barricading themselves in ice! A rare and unusual magic affinity to have!” the announcer continues, having gotten through his own explanation during that.

I glance up to find a large insect with wings and the shell of a crab flying around the air high above us and the dome of green light shielding the audience from the contestants. And his – probably – gaze is locked directly onto us.

Another notification appears in my vision.

I stare at the notification some more, wondering what my life has turned into at this point.

Other than entertainment for bored people.

Also wondering what a quinzel is.

I let out a sigh before floating up into the air in my hunter form and spreading my arms out, sending a wave of lunar ice light straight through the arena as my little projection of the pale blue moon shines above me. Just the projection. I won’t be using my domain for something like this.

Then bits of ice begin to hail down on every one of the other contestants.

Man, this dungeon really is becoming a pain. I wonder if I’ll be able to just break out of it… no, actually, if I broke out of the dungeon, I wouldn’t be able to bring Alexia back.

On that note, I let out another sigh and just watch as the hail slowly grows larger and larger until it becomes a major threat to the contestants down below.

Such a pain.


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Beta Administrator Dungeon   Notification

You have   entered the two hundred and ninety-first through three hundredth floors!

This floor   theme is a special floor theme, and within it, you must win the Centurion   Quinzel!

The Centurion   Quinzel is a tournament set place within the far reaches of the Quinzel   Universe, lorded over by the Progenitor of Insects and the Curse conceptual element,   Beelzebub!

This Beta   Dungeon has been given permission by Beelzebub to host a copy of the Centurion   Quinzel for purposes of the dungeon.

Beta Administrator Dungeon Notification

The next ten   floors of the dungeon will all be held within the Centurion Quinzel.

Each Quinzel   will have five parts to it, with each part varying depending on the floor of   the dungeon.

However, the   first fifth of each Quinzel will be a battle royal to decrease the number of   participants in the remaining fifths by half of the participants entering the   first fifth.

Meanwhile the   final part of each Quinzel will be a boss battle!

One where each   participant can either help the others or hurt the others while fighting the   boss of the Quinzel!

The Fifth   Centurion Quinzel on the supposed two hundred and ninety-fifth floor will   have a special boss for the final part instead of a regular boss. One voted   upon by the viewers watching this livestream!

Lastly, the   Tenth and final Centurion Quinzel will end on a single Centurion Boss that   must be defeated in order to move on to the next floor.

Good luck, and   may the Quinzel be ever in your favor!


System Favor:   This is a Special Floor Theme that was removed when the Administrator Dungeon   was created, deemed to be too difficult for most people to compete in. And The   Reaper and Beelzebub had an argument as well.


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