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Don't mind this fluff. It's so that free readers can't click on the link.

Here is a cool image that I might convert into a cover:

And the eighth set of chapters is here! I hope you enjoy!

Book 1 of Crimson Eternal is getting close to its finish. And then book 2 will start up right after that. I'll probably start posting book 1 to Royal Road at that point too. Or at least after it reaches twenty or so chapters into book 2.

I'm thinking of having an entire book advanced on my Patreon for this story :)

And as you can probably tell, I'm spending a lot of time writing this story nowadays. I really enjoy it.

I also realized that posting a story to Royal Road really hurts my motivation for writing the story. I never lose motivation when the story is only on my Patreon like this.

But it can't stay like this forever, so it'll go to Royal Road soon enough.

Crimson Eternal Sets of chapters:

First 20000 Words

Second 11400 Words

Third 9906 Words

Fourth 10150 Words

Fifth 10731 Words

Sixth 10166 Words

Seventh 10659 Words

Eighth 10974 Words

Ninth 14835 Words


For those of you who are reading this on a website that is not Patreon, please stop. You're reading a pirated version. Instead, if you would be so kind, please click on the table of contents link below and go to my Patreon instead. Or even read it off of Royal Road, which is free.

Discord Invite

Table of Contents


Samantha Sandlin

One can almost feel sorry for Elara as a lot of her plotting is about to fall to the wayside. Aria doesn't really have a reason to go along with the plan. She'll kill the emperor, devour his soul so he can't be revived and then leave the planet with the merchants (or maybe the void priests will help her leave if she doesn't just use the gate to the Roan Empire). I wonder what will happen to Elara once everyone realizes that she gave the emperor to Aria and now he can't be revived (will it mess up her plans to be the head of the council and basically rule the world?).

Samantha Sandlin

Also why has no one thought that the level 5 ability holders could just leave the planet? No one has apparently thought that someone might leave instead of waiting for others to arrive.


Because they believe the only way to leave the planet right now is to go to the one filled with high level people who want them dead. Aka, Roan. And they know they aren't suicidal.

Andrew Pilavachi

How did the barrier mage get caught, can't she see everything in a wide radius around her and make strong barriers? Also why does Aria get soo emotional when they shoot Hannah, how long have they know eachother it only feals like a weeks worth of interations, they've only done 3 or so missions togther.


You realize they formed their team months ago, right? And you're acting like she is omnipotent...