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Year 2850 | Month 5 | Day 21

The moment the words leave my mouth, I feel a very strange sensation. Almost like my mana arcs are trying to stretch out of my body only to rebound right back into me over and over again, making me drop to the ground with a grunt. But then I feel something even stranger. Some other, foreign mana arcs seem to stretch into my own body from outside before connecting to my own. Then the arcs vanish, and everything returns to normal.

Just seconds later, I feel something touching my shoulder, making me look up through squinted eyes to find a much larger flaming bird than before standing in front of me. A bird that is relatively thin like a hawk but standing at nearly four meters in height.

“I’m sorry for that unpleasantness,” Incendia says, and I can truly feel the regret both from her voice and through… something. Some sort of connection between us. “I didn’t know your condition would affect the bond like that.”

I shake my head and begin to stand up straight while saying, “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” After I reach my feet, I look up at Incendia’s face and ask, “Did it affect the contract?”

It’s clear that the contract is in place, considering that she’s out of her cage and I think I can feel some of her emotions coming through to me somehow. But if it affected the contract…

“Don’t worry, the only effect of it was the pain and discomfort you felt,” she says with a sad look in her eye.

That’s good.

“Well, do you want to head back to my place?” I ask her while tilting my head at the phoenix. But then I frown. “Although that might prove difficult with your appearance.” I reach up and begin rubbing my chin in thought. “Maybe I could sneak you in?” Then I just purse my lips and shake my head, “No, everyone’s already trying to get me anyways, adding another oddity to me wouldn’t hurt me. But it might hurt you…”

My thoughts come to a halt when the Incendia suddenly begins shrinking down to only a little over half a meter in height.


“Yeah, that’ll work,” I mutter as she jumps up into the air before landing on my shoulder, surprisingly light in weight.

Incendia chuckles at that. Then I turn around and begin walking out of the cave. And this time, unlike the last time, I end up passing through the darkness in moments before arriving at the entrance again.

After getting out of the cave, I stretch a little before glancing at Incendia, who is still letting off black flames everywhere.

“Are you able to tone that down a little bit?” I ask her, feeling hopeful that she may be able to. And without a word, she quickly tones it down to just some small black flames let off by her tail-feathers and her hair and eyes. “Thank you.”

“Feel for the bond you most likely sensed between us,” Incendia suddenly says, making me frown for a second before just going along with it and feeling for the bond. “Now think something while directing your thoughts at me. As if you want me to hear.”

I blink at that before shrugging and doing just what she said once more.


‘Hello,’ I get a response, surprising me.

That’ll come in handy.

‘You said that your power was significantly decreased, right?’ I ask as I begin to walk through the Dark Forest just like I was before arriving here in the first place. Heading back towards the Undying Caverns. ‘That your power was sapped by the death mana during the merge? How strong are you now?’

‘I’m… not sure,’ she answers, making me glance at her for a second without pausing in my walk. ‘I haven’t been able to use my magic much at all since it happened, but if I had to guess, I’m probably around as strong as a Class D magician.’

Hmm. Not as strong as I was expecting.

‘Your flames feel a lot stronger than that to me, but we’ll get you stronger in no time,’ I tell her while reaching up and patting the side of her head.

‘Thank you, Nathan,’ she says, sounding genuinely happy.

It’s honestly nice to have someone to trust again.

Trust is something I’ve lacked in anyone for a while, except Aidan and the others. But they aren’t anywhere near here, and if I tried to go find them, I’d just be ruining my life due to the doctor. Probably ruining their lives too.

They also probably think I’m dead.

I frown at the thought only to shake my head as I continue walking through the Dark Forest towards the Undying Caverns.

That’ll be annoying to clear up.

At least my parents know I’m not dead. Although they’re in danger, so I don’t know if I should be happy about that or not.

‘Nathan, I’ll help you get your revenge,’ Incendia suddenly says. ‘We’re now contracted for life. Remember that.’

That has me pausing for a second as I glance at her, only to smile and continue walking.

‘You’re right,’ I send, my smile growing slightly.

I’m really not alone anymore.

For some reason my steps feel a little lighter while I walk, all the way back to the Undying Caverns. Meanwhile the guards who I find at the border house around the cavern entrance look more than a little shocked at the sight of me. Or rather, at the sight of me smiling with a flaming bird on my shoulder.

None of them say anything about it though, instead giving me a respectful salute as I walk past them into the caverns.

‘So this is your ‘Undying Caverns’?’ Incendia mutters through our bond while curiously looking around, still surprising everyone we pass by.

I nod my head without a word at that as I continue walking.

She doesn’t say anything for a few seconds before saying, ‘It’s not bad considering everything else we passed by on the way here.’

Hmm, yeah, guess that is an understandable reaction.

This kingdom is in shambles after all, especially considering how the nation was most likely like before she was sealed away.

I continue walking through the caverns until I arrive at my lap, after which Incendia hops off onto the bench.

‘Alright, I think now would be a good time to test out your power,’ I tell her.

And I almost immediately feel a wave of excitement coming from the bond that’s pretty damned infectious.


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Danielle Warvel

It’s nice to see him finally have someone to lean on.

Ronny Cook

Arrive at my lap -> arrive at my lab

Ashton Krause

How mature is incendia? Like would she be considered relatively young/adult/ancient?