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I find myself feeling rather disappointed in mortals as I stand at the edge of a cliff in my avatar form, just looking out at the ocean. And at the dozens upon dozens of defenses. Maybe even hundreds. All just scattered across the cliffs as they fire cannons and the like at the approaching Kingdom of the Fallen ships and Fallen who are flying from those ships towards the shore.

“Why do you mortals do this?” I can’t help but ask Leon and the Vampire Demigod standing right next to me, the two of them making a very odd pair. Although I’m pretty sure the Vampire wouldn’t give Leon the time of day if it weren’t for them both being here to watch with me.

“War is inevitable amongst a world so diverse with people,” Leon answers, his voice with a rather dark tone to it as he looks out over the battle. “Conflict will always arise, and it’s normal for mortals to end up quarreling over the conflict.”

“The Hybrid is correct,” Vladimir states, the Demigod Vampire having arrived from the Empire just recently in case the Fallen decide they want to mess with me. Basically acting as my protection. “It is an unfortunate fact that mortals such as ourselves are frequently engaged in combat over the trivialist of things.”

I glance at the two of them with a look of confusion before focusing on the combat again as I state, “Sorry, but I was asking why they’re so wasteful.” Silence passes for a few seconds so I add, “If they were going to throw their lives away anyways, why wouldn’t they just feed themselves to a dungeon? Or rather, me?”

After more silence passes, I glance between the two of them, only to find Leon sending me a judgmental look. But the Vampire seems to get it as he just looks out over the waters while rubbing the stubble on his chin and muttering, “That’s not a half bad idea…”

“Please don’t give the Demigod terrifying ideas…” Leon mutters, confusing me further and apparently irritating the Demigod in question, who sends him a frown. “No offense meant,” he nods at me, “Fenrir,” then at Vladimir, “Esteemed One.”

I still don’t really understand what’s going on. All I did was say that this is a waste, but whatever. It doesn’t really matter.

At the very least I can understand that making them fight in my dungeon would be…

I furrow my brows as I begin to contemplate possible ways to drive the war into my dungeon while keeping my actual dungeon safe.

Hmm… maybe that could work? No… probably not.

Certainly is a hard task to complete.

Well, that plan aside, the Fallen seem to be having a much larger issue getting over here than I imagine they expected. Considering the surprise I can see on all of their faces.

Probably because they’re being held back by the sheer fortifications on the fortress and the cliffs. With all of the defenses firing at any Fallen ships or Fallen themselves who attempt to fly this way.

Meanwhile the higher Tier beings of Leon’s nation and his allies are all stationed floating above the fortifications to defend against any higher Tier enemies that attempt to brute force their way through.

So at the end of the day they look to be doing better than the Vampires expected at the very least. Even if that’s mostly just because of my supplies. Mainly the void weapons that I traded with them.

Easy means of getting void orbs. Especially considering the fact that I’m getting closer and closer to Tier 3 every day.

Unfortunately, this war is slowing down my growth a little bit on the EXP side of things.

I’m still getting my void orbs in exchange for the supplies, but there aren’t anywhere near as many mercenaries entering my dungeon anymore. Which makes for a lot slower EXP Level gain.

Thankfully I’m already at EL 19, since EL always grows faster than CL. So it’s not a major issue yet.

It’s still annoying though. Especially when everyone’s out here dying instead.

I let out a sigh, which for some reason has the Vampire Demigod tensing up slightly while narrowing his eyes at the war in front of me. As if he’s mad at them for making me sigh.

Which is rather amusing, but also odd at the same time.

These Vampires seem to like me too much. It gets a little creepy at times.

Then again, their God is the best friend of my namesake, so… I guess it makes some sense…? Maybe?

Back on the topic of the Fallen again, it doesn’t actually look like they’ve sent their strongest forces. In fact, the strongest person they’ve sent seems to just be a single Empress Tier Fallen. One who isn’t even approaching and is just sitting on their ship looking bored and disappointed.

Probably because of Leon’s father. The Elf floating high in the air at the center of the fortifications.

The three of us continue watching the battle for a bit before Leon decides to take his leave, heading towards the central fortress on the coast. Likely to give commands or something.

I keep watching for a few more minutes, then I finally turn around and begin slowly making my way back to my dungeon again, not really caring too much about who will win. Although the Vampires do make it sound like that Kitsune Goddess isn’t exactly the nicest of people, and she’s in control of the Fallen.

They also told me that Nosferatu paid her a ‘visit’ to talk to her about me, and if the Tier 10 being really wanted to make trouble for me, they wouldn’t need to choose a roundabout way like declaring war.

She’d just come and kill me herself.

It wouldn’t be hard for a Tier 10 to do that, even if I have Nosferatu’s protection. Since I’m not always under his watch, all she’d have to do is teleport into my dungeon and end it. Quick and simple.

A depressing thought that has me walking back faster just to continue my cultivation.

All while explosions continue ringing out behind me.


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Mark Ridlewsky

first of all Thank you for your story i really like it :) but right now i have an Issue: i can not read chapter 15 even thou you have it shown as Delta tier in your Table of Contents so please either change the shown tier or make it aviable for Delta thank you :)