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I quickly send a wave of lunar ice out all around me, freezing absolutely everything in a five meter radius including the black ball of mist. And man does it feel good to do that, considering my last experience fighting against one of these things. Meanwhile the audience watching me goes absolutely wild at my display of power. A display they’ve never seen in person before. Only on a screen.

Unfortunately for them, the display doesn’t exactly last for very long. Not when the bicorn simply freezes alive within moments of my lunar ice reaching it.

Which leaves for a rather anticlimactic scene.

Well, putting that aside, I simply walk past the bicorn icicle to touch the loot box that appears at the center of the… room? Area?


Then a rather useless knowledge crystal appears, and I find myself teleported back into the dungeon again without another word.

So far this theme is very much going against my expectations.

I go ahead and move on to the next tunnel before finding myself in the mouth of what I’m assuming is a volcano. Meanwhile at the center of the mouth is a massive worm creature swimming around in the lava.

This time I don’t even bother identifying it. I just wave my hand outwards, sending a massive wave of lunar ice that freezes the entire volcano insides in an instant, along with the worm.

Then a loot box appears that I open and find nothing but trash inside once more.

And at around the same time people are appearing, I find myself reappearing in the dungeon.

I certainly hope this isn’t going to be all there is for this floor theme… although it would make clearing out the rooms easier.

With that thought in mind, I go ahead and enter the next tunnel. Only to find myself in space just floating around with dozens of… creatures around me. Hundreds even.

So many that I can’t see anything beyond them but a flash of light and what I think is a barrier.

I quickly use the Beta Dictionary on these creatures.

Easily killed by…

I purse my lips before shrugging and sending a wave of polar ice through the area, freezing every last one of the worm-like creatures alive. And just like that, the room is cleared.

Huh. That was easier than I expected.

After taking what’s in the loot box, I briefly notice that the flash of light from before was the barrier with the viewers watching outside of it. Then I’m teleported back into the dungeon again.

So I begin going from one room to another to another, slaughtering monsters for hours as I traverse through what must be over a hundred rooms. And something I realize partway through is that the monsters in the rooms are progressively growing stronger and stronger the deeper down I go.

That can’t be a good sign.

And it’s not just their level that’s growing stronger, but their numbers and just their difficulty overall that’s doing it.

I even found a few corrupted void creatures like those arachnids from the last floor theme.

They were easy enough to deal with now though, simply because they didn’t have the time to devour much in the terms of elements. What with them being in the void and all.

I also kind of feel like I’m just dragging around the viewers at this point, since they’re just following me everywhere.

Also, will my ice vanish or something afterwards? Because I’m not exactly holding back on the environment.

Actually, I stop after dealing with the most recent room and open up the System Forums. Then I immediately find some threads talking about my ice still being there.

They even have pictures of the frozen monsters I killed, the areas becoming open to people after I finish with them.

Huh. Interesting.

I continue reading the threads before blinking in surprise at the sight of some people actually trying to take my ice to use for equipment. Something only the people who are far stronger than me manage to do.



Actually probably not a bad idea for them, but still weird to know about.

My ice won’t melt after all, and it’ll only be broken by something sufficiently stronger than myself. So they could forge them into a weapon – if they figure out how – and sell them to lower level beings.

Giving them what would basically be an indestructible weapon for their own level.

I cross my arms for a second before eventually shrugging and continuing on with my clearing of the rooms.

A couple days pass like this with the monsters growing stronger and stronger until it’s reached the point that I can’t just kill them with ease anymore. A point of which the viewers seem to be happy that I’ve reached since they’re finally able to watch longer than a brief while for each battle.

I continue clearing a few more rooms before I hear a groan coming from my bond with Sapphire. Then I quickly finish off the room I’m in and find myself back in the tower again. But my mind is instantly focused on Sapphire when she crawls out of my shadow in her small spider form, looking exhausted and slightly different now.

The ice making up her body has clearly changed into lunar ice of eternity now instead of eternal ice, meanwhile her eyes have the same glow as mine. Her size is difficult to judge since she is altering it right now, but her claws have also started glowing and naturally freezing whatever they’re touching.

But the largest change is that she seems to naturally be producing lunar ice of eternity now. Since before she didn’t produce her own eternal ice.


Oh, and she still looks angry.


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A spawn is a creature born from the nests   of worldeaters.

They are able to mass produce within   their hives and are the worldeaters first line of defense against smaller   beings.

Spawn are incredibly durable creatures   who are immune to most physical damage. However, they are weak to magic as a   result and will easily be killed by any sort of magic used on them.

Whenever spawn are spotted, the   authorities of every world nearby are always put on high alert, bringing an emergency   to their doorstep.


Level – 3169


Jalil Hayes

She's going to be mad for a while lol