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After the light fades, I find myself standing on a platform high in the air suspended by chains. And when I move to the edge to look down, I find a massive spiral staircase going down the sides of the hole in a bit of a mixture between a staircase and slope, with the bottom of the hole being too far down for me to see. Meanwhile the openings across the staircase-slope thing – one with very few stairs – all appear to just open up into pitch black tunnels.

Hmm. Not foreboding looking at all.

A few seconds later, a Beta Administrator Dungeon Notification appears in my vision.

Huh. I haven’t seen one of these gimmick floor themes for a while.

The last one like this that I saw was the one all the way back near the start of the dungeon where it was basically a bunch of arenas challenges.


I frown.

…I feel like I remember reading somewhere that these floor themes become more common after the first two hundred and fifty floors of the dungeon.

Guess they’re starting that off with the very first floor theme.

Still, an instanced theme? That’s interesting.

Doesn’t affect me in the slightest since I’m the only Beta Tester there is, but still interesting, nonetheless.

On that note, I casually jump off of the edge of the platform I’m on before flapping my wings and immediately flying towards the first tunnel on the massive spiral staircase.

The tunnels appear to be spread out with about half a dozen or so meters between each of them, which makes me really wonder just how many of these… I’m guessing they’re rooms? These rooms there will be on this floor.

Also, the fact that there is only a single mini boss on this floor is an interesting change of pace. Considering that there are normally thousands of them.

I quickly enter the first tunnel I see, only for everything around me to grow dark in an instant. Then everything becomes bright again and I find myself in some odd clearing in the middle of nowhere with a Beta Administrator Dungeon Notification in front of me.

Well, shit.

I hear cheering coming from the outside of some sort of black and white barrier. One clearly made out of void energy.

Void energy so thick that I’m sure I wouldn’t so much as be able to scratch it even if I were ten times my level.

Not that I’d want to try, considering the part about punitive measures.

Oh, and the sight of a couple of the users outside it attacking the barrier and then being teleported away by the System. Yeah. Not a good idea.

Especially when those individuals were several times my level and didn’t even leave a mark.

I turn back to the monster at the center of the plains. And just the sight of is has me grimacing.

This thing again?

Talk about deja’vu.

I identify the thing without using the beta dictionary.

_-| Bob the Bicorn – Level 3166 |-_

The name has me chuckling this time.

Just like the last bicorn, it has a ridiculous name.

Who is the one naming these bicorns anyways? Just giving them regular, everyday names with the words ‘the Bicorn’ tacked on?

I’ll admit it’s amusing, but still.

The bicorn neighs rather loudly, just like the bicorn I fought all the way at the start of the dungeon from that Pandora’s Box. The horse-like creature has the same black armor as the other one I fought, with the same two horns, and the same black mist leaking from its mouth. Then, also just like Jorge – which I believe was the first bicorn’s name – a large ball of black mist forms from the mist. But unlike with Jorge, Bob’s ball of mist ends up being a lot bigger.

Guess that’s to be expected considering the fact that Bob is at a level about a hundred times higher than Jorge’s level.

Meanwhile the audience I see building up at the edges of the barrier starts cheering their heads off, going crazy. I even see a few of the commentators from viewing rooms floating up into the air around the barrier and beginning to commentate.

This is just getting ridiculous.

Although it appears the ones teleported here can’t harm anyone, judging by some of the idiots who tried to attack each other just to pass through. Meaning they’re likely holograms or projections of some sort.

My focus narrows in on Bob again when it sends the ball of black mist flying my way.

This is not what I expected to deal with this floor when I walked into it.


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Beta Administrator Dungeon   Notification

You have entered the Tower of Completion!

This floor theme of the dungeon   will have a special gimmick.

The boss of the floor theme   shall grow stronger with each unfinished room within the theme.

Meanwhile the floors themselves   will be instanced to each Beta Tester, with a finite ending and only a single   mini boss at the end of the tower floors.

Will you complete the tower and   weaken the boss?

Or will you leave it unfinished   and fight the boss at full power?

The choice is yours.

Beta Administrator Dungeon   Notification

You have entered a room of   Challenge!

Upon entering the room, you were   teleported to a random location somewhere within the universe.

In order to complete the room,   you must defeat the monster or monsters in front of you.

However, should you attempt to   leave what the System designates as the ‘area’ of the challenge room, you   will immediately be teleported straight to the dungeon again.

Any attempts to circumvent this   rule will force the System to activate punitive measures against the user.

All other users will be forced   out of the designated area during the time of the challenge, and no new users   may enter the area.

However, users may access a new   feature of the Beta Administrator Dungeon menu to teleport to the border of   the area so that they may watch in person if they wish to.


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