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I find my mind flooded with nothing but pain as I float in the center of a pale blue sea of light beneath a massive blue moon, my eyes blinking open and closed until eventually settling on closed. Meanwhile my body feels like it’s trying to tear itself apart. Something I quickly realize is exactly what’s happening when I focus inwards on my own body.

But at the same time, my elemental senses feel… strange. Different. And very stunted right now.

More importantly though, I can’t feel the eternal ice element. Or the void element. Or the voided eternal ice, or any other element.

Just a… strange… element. One that also happens to be surrounding me.

The element has a similar feel to all of the elements within me, along with a small similarity to the radiance element. But I just can’t figure out what it is.

Despite all of that, it makes me feel… nice. Comfortable, even.

Like home.

Almost like the element is a part of me.

Or at least, as comfortable as I can be while my own blood is trying to tear me apart.

I find myself wanting to scream from the pain, but no noise comes out. Instead, all I hear is the crunching of bones, the warping of flesh and blood, and the calm silence surrounding it all as the pale blue light shines everywhere.

It’s so painful that all I can do is float in place as I see out of the corner of my eyes the sight of my own flesh just shifting. A rather grotesque sight that bothers me almost as much as the pain.


Then something strange happens. The strange but calming element around me begins moving into my body, merging with the already present element and filling me up to the brim. To the point that I feel like I might explode.

The warping of my body gradually begins to slow down before out of nowhere, the element suddenly leaves the energy channels of my body that it was flowing freely through and pierces into my flesh, into the bloodlines that are clashing.

And with so much pain that I should be fucking passing out but am for some reason not, the strange element begins to tie everything together. The warping stops entirely only to begin moving with purpose instead of a gradual shifting, and I feel everything starting to settle down.

When I feel my eyes open again, I find the pale blue moon gone, having been absorbed into my body. Meanwhile the blue light all around me has dimmed a little as well.

What strikes me as odd though is that despite all of the shifting and warping of my body, I don’t feel any new appendages or anything like that. I feel the new element settled in, along with a far greater, damn near if not completely perfect control over the element. But I don’t feel any significant changes to my body.

So I look down at myself, only to find that I’m in my hunter form still.

Before I can think about that though, I find a rather odd new addition.

Strange lines drawn across my body, glowing with a pale blue light.

And after noticing them, I realize that there isn’t actually much of my element in the air. Most of the pale blue light around me is coming from my own body. From these lines that shine through my clothing, the armaments having long since finished its countdown by now.

Without hesitation, I draw on the new element before somehow naturally creating a perfect mirror of ice in front of me in an instant. But putting aside how that was so easy for the moment, I quickly find more differences in my body.

My eyes for one. Whereas before they were blue with a thin ring of gold in the center, now they’re just a luminescent pale blue. The same blue as the element I’m controlling.

Then there’s my wings. They’re glowing with a very faint, pale blue light now. Same as my claws.

Hmm. How exactly did I even end up like this anyways?

The last thing I remember was…

My eyes widen as the image of the wolf pup biting my hand finally surfaces.

Wait, did the wolf pup Fenrir sent do this?!

Whatever this is.

Putting that pain aside, I think I kind of like it? Before all of my elemental energy in my body was just screwed up. It was all mixed up and convoluted. Like a poorly mixed drink.

Now it feels pure. A single elemental energy instead of a mixture of elemental energies.

But just what happened?

I can’t figure it out… unless that wolf pup was a werewolf?

Even then, I have already been bitten by a werewolf before, so werewolf venom shouldn’t work…

Ugh. This is annoying.

I begin to feel my eyelids growing heavier as I feel a sense of exhaustion filling me. But I manage to push past it to keep inspecting my body.

There don’t appear to be many more changes though. On the outside, at least.

On the inside, I find that I no longer have a heart. Instead I have some sort of energy core. A place where all of the strange elemental energy seems to be focusing, being created from naturally, and is being released from.

Not sure how that all works.

I can’t help but wonder what my species changed to this time.

Oh, and the little cones above my shoulders for absorbing the void energy are gone. So I guess I’m not a reaper anymore? Or am I still one since that bloodline was merged with the others? And speaking of, I’m pretty sure… that there were more… elements in me with that… merge… than there… should’ve been…

The exhaustion grows stronger and stronger, making it harder and harder to keep my eyes open.

I’m… getting really sick… of changing my species….. every few… months…

My eyes finally close and I immediately feel everything going dark as I fall unconscious.


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Briar Rosier

That last line 😂