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My confusion only grows when I see the menu above the vial.


Item | True Poison | Tier 9.5

This poison is created by the Harbinger of Poison, Pestilence, and its effects are unknown.

System Favor: The following note has been left for The Winter Wolf: “You will know what to use this on.”


Pestilence gave me poison?

“You think it’s for the devourer outside?” Sapphire asks, and I just shrug.

“Probably,” I answer with a frown. “Wish it said what the poison did though.”

That aside…

“What’s Tier 9.5?” I can’t help but ask, making Sapphire shrug this time.

Right, time to check the forums.

Before I can do that though, the next box suddenly bursts open, making both me and Sapphire jump backwards, away from the counter. But what comes out of the box is not what I was expecting.

Some sort of… wolf pup?

I blink in surprise.

“Kind of reminds me of the wolf pup we separated with a while back…” I mutter, only to glance briefly at Sapphire to find her scowling at the mention of it. “The one that stayed behind in the Conjunction.”

She just huffs, so I turn back to the floating wolf pup.

Unlike the other one, this pup seems to be rather magical. It’s got a whitish-blue fur seemingly made out of, well, fur, mixed with ice. It has glowing blue eyes that just radiate power, with glowing blue claws, and a rather powerful presence despite its small size.

Oh, and it’s radiating the eternal ice variant element.

“Definitely from Fenrir,” I comment with a nod of my head.

I try to search for some sort of description, but I don’t find anything above the box. So I return my attention to the blue wolf pup itself. And to my surprise, a very strange menu appears in front of it.

Why is this menu made out of ice element instead of void element?

The sight of the menu leaves me staring for a few seconds before I finally start reading it.



Hello, young one.

I’m sure you’re confused about my help, what this is that I am gifting you, and what the amulet I gave you before are, but please be patient.

Your answers will come sooner than you might think.


Did… the Progenitor of Ice just use an item description to talk to me?

I think he did.



The little wolf pup lets out a bark, following which an exit appears at the back of the Grand Hall. Meanwhile the pup moves over to paw at the vial of poison, then points at the door.

“Thought so,” I mutter, and Sapphire nods her head, understanding as well.

We both turn to face the exit.

The poison really is for the devourer event boss.

Although I’m a little surprised that even the wolf pup knew that.

I glance at the thing as it floats over to the exit and hovers above it. Like its waiting for us.

Sapphire and I share a glance before beginning to walk over to the door. But instead of passing through the exit, I raise my hand to say, “Wait a second. I want to do some research on devourers.”

Both Sapphire and the wolf pup nod their heads, making me realize that the wolf pup even understands what I’m saying.

Now that’s a smart little pup.

I can’t help but feel something familiar coming from this pup though. Almost like I’ve sensed it before. Or whatever it’s giving off.

Maybe it just has a trace of Fenrir on it?

Actually, I wonder if this thing could be Fenrir’s child or something?

Would the Progenitor of Ice even have children, considering his outlook?

I purse my lips at the thought before shaking my head in front of the confused Sapphire and wolf pup. Then I open the System Forums and begin searching up how to combat a devourer.

But all I end up finding are some rather simple answers. Most of which come down to a single word.


Don’t fight a devourer.

Which isn’t very helpful.

I continue searching for intel for a while, but I don’t find anything useful. Because no one has survived fighting with a devourer.

In fact, the only devourer who walks around in society without eating everyone is Talroth. And that’s because he’s already at the peak of society, standing as the strongest of the devourers.

Eventually I give up on searching for intel on devourers.

I’m not likely to find anything no matter how hard I search. The creatures are just too rare and too powerful.

“Didn’t find anything,” I tell the two, leading to Sapphire grimacing. But surprisingly, the wolf pup doesn’t seem surprised. It just nods without showing any other reaction.

Very odd pup.

Come to think of it, is it even a pup? For all I know, it could be older than I am. Just that it looks like a pup.

I don’t exactly have any information on what’s going on after all. And very few people know anything about the other realms beyond the Progenitor of Radiance’s realm and the Progenitor of Void’s realm.

Well, pup or not, I walk up to the exit and finally touch it, sending a wave of blue light shining into the Grand Hall and covering us.

A light I’m not really used to seeing coming from the System, but whatever.

Then we appear back where we left, and just seconds after appearing, I feel the attention of the devourer settling onto us.

“I FOUND YOU!” The rather loud devourer shouts, its pitch black eyes narrowing on us as its large mouth splits open into multiple segments, letting out a real roar this time instead of just shouting.

If I had to guess, The Reaper probably promised this fella freedom or something if it kills me. That’s the only reason I can think of for it being this murderhobo towards me.


Yeah, thought so.

This thing is predictable.

The wolf pup pokes at my hand, which I’m still holding. Then it points at the planet-sized devourer. And finally, it pokes at its own mouth and makes a drinking motion.

So it needs to drink the poison.

I can do that.

The thing roars again.



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Jalil Hayes

The pup is now apart of the team now he has a daughter and a pet pretty funny when you think he went in by himself now all he needs is is Crystal and he has a dungeon family

Briar Rosier

He asks if progenitors can have children, yet he’s literally a descendant of two. I mean, you could wonder if fenrir *would* have children, based on his personality, but that’s a different question.


That's actually what I meant. It's fixed now. Would the Progenitor of Ice even have children, considering his outlook?