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That thing…

I stare blankly at it before opening the Beta Dictionary.

A devourer.

Does the fucking Reaper expect me to kill a hells-damned devourer?!

As I’m staring at the creature, a flash of green light shines around me and I find myself and Sapphire standing in the middle of the System’s Grand Hall.

Oh, right. I almost forgot that the Beta Dungeon decreased it from five sponsors to three.

Although it also added in that positive chest from the Reaper. So there’s that at least.

Anyways, I look at the counter, only to find that all of the items this time are inside of boxes. Meanwhile there’s a positive chest in front of me.

I frown before shrugging and walking over to the first box on the left. Diane’s.

When I touch it though, nothing happens. Or rather, I get a notification telling me to open the positive chest first.

Petty reaper.

Whatever. Doesn’t matter what I open first.

I turn around and touch the positive chest.


Internal Elemental Control | Knowledge Crystal | Tier 8

This Knowledge Crystal grants the user the knowledge needed to control the ice element within other beings.


Oh, that’s actually very useful. Against ice enemies at least.

I’ll be able to just rip out the ice element from their bodies without even bothering with killing them myself.

I quickly use the crystal that appears above the chest before smiling at the knowledge it gives me.

Nice! I’ll start trying to figure that out after I get off this floor.

Assuming I don’t die trying to do just that.

After opening the positive chest, a clicking sound comes from the sponsorship chest on the left, making me realize that I won’t be able to choose them in whatever order I want.

Looks like it might be in the order that they purchased the spot.

Actually, now that I think about it, how expensive are these sponsorship slots anyways? I’ve never actually asked anyone.

I walk up to the far left sponsorship before reaching out and hovering my hand over it.

This one should be Diane’s, so knowing her, it’s probably something that’ll come in handy.

I open the box to find… a pill?

Sapphire appears next to me and sticks her head over the side of the box to look inside. Then we both look up at the description that appears of the item, shocking us both at its contents.


Soul-Bound Companion Stamina Bond Pill | Item | Tier 9

This item establishes a stamina bond between the user and their Soul-Bound companion that allows the two to move their stamina back and forth between them.


Both Sapphire and I quickly share a glance before I reach in and eat the pill, making a warm sensation fill me. And in just seconds I can feel my bond with Sapphire growing stronger and stronger until I begin to notice something forming. Some sort of connection that I almost immediately realize can be used to transfer stamina between the two of us.

“Now this is a good item!” I exclaim with a wide grin. Meanwhile Sapphire actually begins jumping around in excitement, having left the counter.

With this we can be a lot more efficient with our stamina! But more important than that, Sapphire can use stamina potions and send over the stamina to me!

Despite us being at the same level, I’m still quite a bit stronger than she is. So she hasn’t had as much effect on our boss battles as she wishes she had, much to her disappointment.

Although I personally don’t care how much she contributes as long as she’s safe.

I glance at the happily jumping teenage girl before smiling.

Then again, so long as she’s happy. And she certainly seems happy about this.

“I can finally help more!” she shouts out her excitement, making me chuckle as I turn to the next box.

This one should be from Pestilence.

I briefly glance at the third box, which is most likely from Fenrir considering that it’s the same result it had last time he gave me something in the sponsorship screen. Then I refocus on the second box, walk up to it, and open the thing.

Only to blink in surprise at the sight of a small vial of purplish green liquid held inside of the box.


What’s this?


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Devourers devour anything and   everything to grow stronger. They are able to drain the elemental energy and   life force from anything they eat in order to grow their physical strength   and life force.

These creatures are only rarely born   directly from stars when they go supernova. This is thanks to the supernova   blasting into the void, releasing the void energy held within in a massive   blast that is then concentrated through the gravity around the blackhole that   forms after the supernova.

It is recommended for anyone fighting   a devourer to avoid using any magic and fight them solely with physical   prowess.

Corrupted Hurricane Arachnae have   complete immunity to all elemental magic and will instead grow stronger from   it.

Devourers are incapable of using   magic.

Taloreth is a devourer who was born on   the edge of the Reaper’s universe. He was known by many as the Great Terror   who would often be seen moving around devouring entire planets whole.

Eventually he crossed the line when he   attempted to break into the void and devour parts of it for his own benefit,   thereby locking him into his fate as a monster recognized by the System.

He was then chosen as the event boss   on the 250th floor of the Beta Dungeon, decided to be too powerful   for the Administrator Dungeon to hole.

Level – 3138

Sponsorship Announcement

All five of your sponsorship slots have   been purchased by the following individuals:

Administrator: Diane Frost



Furthermore, you will be granted a Positive   Chest from The Reaper himself!


You will now be transported to the System’s   Grand Hall to be awarded your items and skills!



with the new vial from pestilence I wonder if that means he's throwing his hat in the next evolution ring as well.


to hole > to hold