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Silence fills the spaceship we’re in with the only sound being that of the wind currents carrying the ship as Sapphire and I stare at the notification in front of us.

Eventually I hear Sapphire break the silence by asking, “Are we sure the dungeon isn’t just trying to kill us at this point?”

I don’t say anything for several seconds until the notification disappears. Then I calmly comment, “Sapphire, sweetie, that’s the entire goal of the dungeon. To kill us.”

She doesn’t say anything for a while after that, leaving us in silence again.

“This is going to be difficult,” she says, eventually breaking the silence again.

I nod my head and mutter, “That it will.”

Just what type of event boss would spawn on these floors? Some sort of incredibly powerful version of the normal boss? A special unique one that was taken from the outside universe?

We were already going to have our hands full trying to figure out how to survive against the boss itself, but now we have to deal with an event boss as well? How the hell are we going to deal with this?

I lean my head down slightly, feeling a minor headache coming from this.

“This is starting to remind me of that damned primal werewolf event boss all over again…” I mutter, only to feel Sapphire rubbing my back. So I glance at her, still feeling slightly surprised at her older appearance. Since she now looks like an early teenager, having grown older physically during her time on Aegis.

I straighten up again and return my gaze to the window with a sigh.

“Well, there’s nothing we can do now,” I eventually say, making Sapphire nod her head from the corner of my vision. “Nothing but move forwards.”

So I begin circulating some ice element in front of us, making the gazes of dozens upon dozens of nearby arachnae lock directly onto us.

“Guess now’s as good a time as any to begin our hunt,” I state with a frown, only for a loud screech to echo throughout the ship. And when Sapphire and I turn our gazes towards the source of the sound, I begin to feel… like I just made a mistake.

“So, dad,” Sapphire says, apprehension filling her voice. “Do you think these things might have enhanced senses or something like that?”

The screeching grows louder as I sense the mini boss charging through the ship like a lose puppy chasing after its owner, completely oblivious of the exact path to take but still knowing that it needs to head somewhere.

“Yeah, I think so,” I mutter.

Both of us fall silent again, making the only noise in the spaceship being the screeching of the mini boss and the other spiders heading towards us from the outside. Not to mention the other arachnae within the ship itself.

After just a single more second, the two of us immediately sprint to the window, shattering it and jumping straight out of the ship and the wind current, entering space itself. Then we begin moving through space through our ice element, attracting even more arachnae in the process. And to my surprise, the arachnae simply ignore the wind currents when they pass through. Actually, they start to glow when they pass through.

Which means they’re likely absorbing the wind element in the wind current when passing through them. Great.

At this point I’m convinced that if I didn’t get that ring, we’d be dead. There wouldn’t be any chance for us to clear this floor theme unless we got lucky and found a secret exit.

I rush forwards and slam my fist into the face of one of the spiders, sending it flying backwards to bowl into the others with nothing but some cracks on the exoskeleton making up its face. So I continue forwards, trying to make sure that we aren’t trapped in place and surrounded by the approaching arachnae.

Sapphire pushes alongside me while transforming into her spider form and swatting the much smaller spiders aside with her massive size, even if she’s not strong enough to do as much damage as I can.

We push through the spiders from one current to another to another all the way till we’re near another ship, only for an incredibly loud screech to echo out from the direction of the ship we had left. And alongside the screech is a flare of wind element that has me and Sapphire glancing backwards to find what I can only assume is the mini boss for the floor.

The creature is over a dozen meters in length from one side to the other, making me seriously wonder how it managed to move through the damned spaceship. It is a vivid green and blue in color, with hurricanes of wind blowing all around it, and a large pulse of wind element shooting out of its mouth as it screeches.

Yep. Using ice element was a terrible idea.

At least this proves that they have stronger senses. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what they improve when purposefully devouring elements. Since I’m guessing they still only improve one attribute when they’re using the void to devour the element, not just devouring it naturally.

I share a quick glance with Sapphire to find her glancing at me as well. Then we both nod and immediately begin running – or rather floating considering that we’re in space – in the opposite direction of the mini boss.

And with a brief glance behind us, I find the mini boss beginning its own chase after us.

Screw the damned 250th floor, we need to survive this first!


Sapphire's latest art:


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Beta and Regular Administrator Dungeon Notification

Event Bosses   have spawned on the 250th floors of both the Beta Administrator   Dungeon and the Administrator Dungeon. These Event Bosses will act as bosses   for the floor. Therefore, if they are defeated, an exit to the next floor   will appear for those who defeated them.

Be warned, for   these monsters are the strongest seen yet.

Fight or flee,   the choice is with you.


Jalil Hayes

They just have all the bad luck lol but like we've seen in the beginning it's either really bad then boom really good no in-between