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I apologize for there not being any chapters over the past few days. Turns out I was more sick than I thought.

While it was just a sore throat and light headedness on Friday, I woke up with a sore throat, light headedness, fatigue, and chills yesterday. And today I woke up with a cough as well.

That said, chapters should be back on Monday.

Until then, I have a new cover image for book 1 of Wolf of the Blood Moon. And another cover image for either book 5 or book 6 of Wolf of the Blood Moon. Along with some story art.

I was originally gonna post this later on, but since I don't have any chapters for you right now, I thought I'd give you something at least.

Book 1 Cover Image:

WBM Book 5 or 6 Cover Image:

Other Scarlet Images from early on in the series:


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Did you go to the doctor?


Just letting you know I got covid last month and those are the symptoms I had for the first couple of days. I’d go get a covid test done for sure man


Doesn't matter. This is the second time I've had this exact illness this year. And this time it's a lot less severe than the last time, at the beginning of the year.