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Year 2850 | Month 5 | Day 21

“You cowards!” The leader shouts in a rage, but he doesn’t have any time to deal with them as I continue walking up to him while casually sending out death and fire magic spells at him. And as one spell circle after another appear around me, and bolts of black death energy and red flames shoot out at them, they all create one large barrier to stop my attacks.

I narrow my eyes before raising both hands in front of me and creating a large spell circle, out of which a large spear of black flames emerges. Then I raise my hand, bringing it above my head as the three magicians’ eyes follow, only to toss the thing straight at them. And the spear, while it does have some trouble at first, manages to shatter their barrier.

Right when it looks like my spell is about to vanish completely, its momentum having been spent by the shield, I snap my fingers, activating the cue for the spell within the multispell holding the black flames into one shape to cancel. Sending all of the black flames within it raining down to burn everything around us. Including myself, but I ignore it as the other three magicians scream in pain.

I step through the black fire rain before stopping in front of the idiot in question, ignoring the other two magicians next to him.

Then I realize I don’t even remember his name. Just the picture that my soldiers took of him.

Huh. That’s awkward.

Anyways, I reach down to grab him by the neck, only for him to activate a spell that sends a large icicle straight at my face, crushing my face and making me black out for a single moment. Then I regain consciousness before even dropping to my knees, following which I continue reaching down and grab his neck.

“Could you not? It’s annoying,” I tell him with a frown on my face while walking over to the edge of the roof, dangling him over it while looking at the soldiers down there as the man grasps at my hand gripping his throat. And, without paying any mind to his attempts to punch me to get me to weaken my grasp – which is probably a bad idea considering how I’m holding him over the edge of the wall – I raise my voice while amplifying it with a spell to talk to all of the soldiers, “Everyone, I have gotten what I came here for. So I’ll be leaving now.” My eyes narrow. “Do not try to stop me for I won’t hold back anymore if you do.”

Any noise coming from the army down there comes to a grinding halt, leaving everything silent. Except the choking man in my grasp that is still hitting my arms and even attempting to attack me with spells. Spells that I ignore, only feeling mildly annoyed by the further damage they’re doing to my armor.

“Fine, if you want to fall that badly…” I mutter, making his eyes widen before he finally looks down and realizes where I’m holding him.

But it’s too late as I let go, making him scream as he falls down. And I just stand in place, watching to make sure that he dies.

The screaming continues for a little bit until a loud crash sounds despite his desperate attempts to save himself with his spells. But the man clearly didn’t work on any spells to save himself from a fall like that. So I turn my gaze away from the corpse down there as I glance at the other two magicians who stood with him. And what I find are both of them convulsing on the ground in pain from the necrosis dealt about by my black flames.

Hmm. Yeah, they aren’t my targets. And they aren’t dead yet.

No reason to finish them off.

I turn back around to the wall, climb over it, and jump straight down to the ground, ignoring the pain of my legs shattering and repairing after doing so. Because it’s still a lot less work than climbing down myself.

Much faster too.

It does appear to have spooked the remaining soldiers down here though. But they don’t bother me even with that. They just ignore me as I walk by them towards the cliff.

After making it all the way through the plains towards the cliff I started on, I cancel my spell and begin making my way through the forest back in the direction of the Undying Caverns. But after finding another army on the route to the Caverns – one seemingly heading in West towards another city, likely to attack it – I take a bit of a detour. Heading through the Dark Forest instead to go home.

At least I managed to get some live testing on my latest spell. And that really was some good testing.

Also, death mana really is a cruel way to die.

Out of nowhere, I feel a very… strange aura. One that for some reason makes me feel like going to check it out.

So I deviate from my path, heading towards the direction of the aura that I can for some reason sense. I’m not even sure how I’m sensing it. I just know it’s there.

Eventually I arrive at a cave opening within the Dark Forest. Something I didn’t realize was possible.

Without even waiting at the entrance or considering the danger, I feel my feet walking on their own into the cave. But when I enter it, everything becomes pitch black, and I can’t see a thing.

Despite that, I can sense the cave filling up with black flames everywhere. Black flames that I should be the only one able to make.

What’s going on? And why can’t I stop myself from walking forward? I don’t even know where I’m going…

I continue walking for who knows how long until the black flames suddenly spike in size and intensity, following which some very small amounts of light shine into the area.

And I find myself face to face with another cage. This one being a bird cage.

But instead of a normal bird in it, there’s some sort of strange bird that seems to naturally emit black flames.

What the hell did I just stumble onto?


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