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I have commissioned a new cover image for book 5 of The Rise of the Winter Wolf and the commission just finished. It is done by Kart Studio.



After slaughtering a bunch of the spiders and raising my level to the same level as the mini boss, I quickly rush over to deal with one before they devour too much of the electric element on the floor. And when I arrive at the room the closest mini boss is in, I find the massive purple spider hanging from an electric thread connected to the ceiling.

The spider quickly lets out a hiss before lowering itself to the ground, but I’ve learned my lesson from the previous electric arachnids on this floor not to let it touch the ground. So I rush forwards without any hesitation and slam my fist directly into its head, sending it flying into the glass of the bridge, shattering it as it continues flying out the window into space. And I don’t relent there as I ignore the lightning still sparking on my hands from the contact with it to rush out and continue pulverizing it with my ice-covered fists.

Sapphire quickly joins me in her own massive spider form, the two of us not letting the mini boss touch any sort of ground as we pulverize the thing.

Because if one of these spiders does touch the ground, it becomes a massive headache.

Their best aspect is their speed. But when they’re floating in space, they can’t really take advantage of that.

When they’re on solid ground though, they can absolutely take advantage of it. And being beaten up by something I can’t even track with my eyes is not pleasant.

Even if the smaller arachnids couldn’t actually harm me much since they were too weak, despite the momentum built up form their speed. The mini boss is different. It should actually be able to hurt me, much less the annoying running the others did that made it hard to so much as catch them.

Unlike with the ice mini boss from the last floor, this one actually shows clear damage at me and Sapphire’s attacks. But despite our continuous onslaught, it still manages to find purchase on the side of a spaceship, making volts of electricity run through the entire ship the moment its claws connect.

Then I immediately lose sight of the creature.

I back away from the ship, and Sapphire does the same. The two of us just watching the heavily electrified ship spark with blue and violet electricity.

The electricity ends up being the only sounds audible for a while until I suddenly feel a pain in my side that sends me flying into another spaceship with a groan. By the time I recover from it and look for the spider though, it’s already gone again. Moving too fast for me to see.

Damnit, and this is after it’s already been wounded by us. Just how fast would it have been if we hadn’t gone all out against it like that?

One time after another, the spider slams into me and Sapphire, sending us flying like baseballs. All while we can’t keep track of the thing.

I grit my teeth as I feel my blood leaking out of my mouth. But I just wipe my mouth and refocus on my surroundings.

No matter how hard I try, I just can’t find the stupid spider. Not with my sight, and not with my senses. And it’s too fast to react to either.

At this rate we don’t have much choice.

I pull out the Sword of the Blue Moon, immediately making the transformation activate.


You are now under the effect of the Blue Moon Armaments.

This effect is not of the Void System and therefore any equipment of The Reaper’s System is now unequipped, and you are completely locked out of any System related activities including accessing your status until this effect ends.

While under this effect, all of your physical and magical capabilities are tripled, your voided eternal ice is transformed into eternal ice of the blue moon with its void related properties removed and its eternal ice properties enhanced, your weaknesses are temporarily removed, and your immunity to the void element is enhanced to 75%.


And with that transformation, I spit out a wad of blood from my mouth, close my eyes again, and search for the stupid spider.

Please let me find it… my capabilities are tripled in this form, so I have to be able to… Found it!

I open my eyes right when the spider is about to attack me before reaching back and grabbing its oncoming claw, making the thing appear in front of me while coated in blindingly bright electricity. The spider immediately shrieks in surprise before I dig my claws into its exoskeleton and begin swinging it around. Slowly at first, then faster, and faster, all the way till I’m spinning it around so quickly that we turn into nothing but a hurricane of ice and electricity.

But I continue ignoring the electricity snapping at me like a damned dog until I finally raise it and fall straight down to slam the thing onto a spaceship. Then I repeatedly slam it against the spaceship over and over again, slowly crushing its exoskeleton until the thing finally stops moving entirely.

After I get the notification for its death, I let go of the creature’s leg and fall back with my sword still in my hand.

Well, it certainly took less time to kill this one than the last mini boss.

I glance over at Sapphire to find her back in her humanoid form while yawning.

A smile stretches across my face at that before I flop onto my back on the spaceship, near the dead spider. Then I just look up – or what constitutes as up at my angle considering how we’re in space – as the exit to the floor appears there.

Several seconds pass in silence as I catch my breath before I decide not to waste the rest of the ten minutes on the Blue Moon Armaments and immediately enter the next floor.

Only to find the next floor filled to the brim with what looks like a purple smog.

Great. A poison element floor.


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