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The Tier 1 Dungeon Core is a plain greenish-yellow color, and it’s located deep at the heart of a massive hive. And dozens of bee monsters rush at me the moment I enter the core room, with one really large one leading the charge.

My monsters move forwards and swat them down with ease, the Tier gap between my monsters and theirs being too large for them to cross.

I ignore them all as I march straight towards the Dungeon Core itself.

By the time I reach the core, all of the enemy Dungeon Core’s monsters have already been dealt with. So I come to a stop right in front of the core to begin studying it.

The core looks a lot more boring than my own, and I can tell that there’s some sort of instinctive intelligence inside of it. One without any real sapience. That’s acting on pure animal instinct alone.

Well, if they were an animal.

The core repeatedly attempts to break out of my control, but since I’ve already spread my domain around the majority of its dungeon at this point, and because it’s Tier 1, it doesn’t really do much. Kind of like a wolf pup fighting hopelessly against an adult void wolf.

I continue watching it for a little bit before eventually deciding to put it out of its misery.

Let’s see, Dawn said to eat it, right?

I think she did.

Well, doesn’t hurt to do so.

I lower my head down before gobbling the orb up entirely, ignoring the way the entire hive begins shaking in the process. And along with the orb I feel a wave of power rush through my body. One that fills me up entirely and feels euphoric enough that I almost lose my footing.

But I manage to stay standing as the feeling washes away, leaving me panting in exhaustion.

Then a notification appears in my vision.

I blink in surprise while tilting my head slightly.

Wasn’t expecting that, but no punishment is good.

Guess that’s what Dawn meant when she said, ‘the universe doesn’t like that.’ It’ll actually deal out punishment for attacking Dungeon Cores without a good reason.

I guess it makes sense though. Dungeon Cores are important for the world after all.

People can’t cultivate without them. Everyone would be stuck at EXP Level 1, unable to ever gain EXP.

My thoughts are interrupted when I feel the usual ruckus of a CL level increase going through my dungeon. Which now includes the other Dungeon Core’s dungeon as well.

I go ahead and open up my status.


Name: Fenrir

Race: Dungeon Core

Element: Void

EXP Level: 18

EXP: 42/190

Cultivation Level: 17

Cultivation to next Level: 30%

Mana: 201/450

Secondary Tabs: Dungeon Status, Skills List, Talents List, Achievements List, Starter Environments, Avatar


I’m getting closer and closer to Tier 3 now. It’s only a matter of time.

Well, back to my original part of the dungeon I go.


A border city of Wolfmoore

Jackson feels impatient as he waits in line in front of the hive dungeon. A dungeon frequently visited by those who can’t afford to enter the Void Dungeon at the capital city, Wolfden.

He taps his foot over and over again, sick of the long line at the dungeon. But despite that he stays silent.

“Just a little longer,” one of his party members says while she pats him on the shoulder.

Jackson just nods his head in response.

The line continues moving forward gradually without very many long pauses.

Five groups left.

Four groups.



And right when Jackson and his group make it to be the second group from the front, a loud warping sound echoes from the dungeon, making everyone pause including those managing the dungeon entrance. Then everyone turns to look at the dungeon before finding the entrance gradually shifting as the elemental energy that was naturally leaking from the instinctive dungeon, just like all other instinctive dungeons, vanishes.

Silence fills the clearing right outside of the dungeon. And it’s only broken when a grinding sound comes from the dungeon, making the doors to it slowly shut. Following which the blank stone slate that was making up the doors, completely lacking any sort of decorations, change to merge together.

As if the entrance to the dungeon was closing its doors forever.

“Did…” Jackson breaks the silence that ensues as he mutters, only to trail off again.

No one says a single word for several seconds.

Then a strange slate appears from the ground in front of the people with words written on it.

Everyone abandons the line to go read the slate.

This dungeon is now property of Fenrir.
Please go to my dungeon entrance if you want to enter.

Jackson feels empty inside for a while, only for the worried and angry voices of the other mercenaries and commoners formerly at the line to snap him out of his funk as he feels a rage welling inside of him.

“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Jackson shouts, and he’s not the only one.

But the dungeon slate just stays there, unmoving. As if it were laughing at them.

Or at least, that’s how Jackson feels in his rage.

The man rushes forwards without thinking and tries to kick the stone slate, only to cry out in pain as a cracking sound comes from his toe. Proving that the slate is stronger than his kick.

“Fuck!” he shouts, following which he begins to run up to the wall that used to be a set of doors to punch and kick at the wall. But it doesn’t take long for his party members to rush forwards and pull him back, since all he’s managing to do is embarrassed them and hurt himself in the process.



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Dan K

Totally justified. Hive dungeon shoulda just minded their own business. Sucks for the adventurers though.