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“I think that’s about it for this floor,” I comment as I look at the oddly still space around us. Space that doesn’t actually feel cold anymore. At all. Not even around the icebergs.

Although the icebergs are at least starting to make the area around them a little cold again as they release ice elemental energy into their surroundings. Albeit very slowly.

“Agreed,” Sapphire says with a nod of her head.

I look down at my fist, clenching and unclenching it a few times before focusing on the exit.

One major issue I realized while on this floor was that the floors for the Beta Dungeon are always active. So monsters can move around and do stuff even while we’re not on the floor.

Meaning the corrupted arachnids can absorb the elemental energy of the floors even when we’re not on them.

I grit my teeth at that.

Which also means that Sapphire and I were extremely unlikely to have survived the later floors of this theme, much less the boss. Not without this new ring.

The ring should at least counter their advantage. Might even give us a nice push for the next few floors, since the arachnids are all spread out across the floors absorbing the energy. Meanwhile me and Sapphire absorbed all of the energy on this floor for ourselves.

I just hope that’s enough.

And that the next floor isn’t a fire element one.

I share one last glance with Sapphire before the two of us both reach out and touch the exit. Then the very first thing I feel after entering the next floor is the hairs on my skin standing up. Meanwhile I immediately hear a lot of thunder.

The sight that greets me are currents of electricity flowing through the spaceship me and Sapphire are in, making me and her immediately float upwards slightly to break our contact with the electrically charged floor.

I frown, glancing at Sapphire once more before the two of us float through the ship, letting the automatic door – which surprisingly works – open to reveal a hallway. Then we float through it to quickly stop in front of a window and gawk at the outside of the ship.

Unlike the icebergs and frozen planet from the last floor, this one has a large, gaseous planet filled with lightning and thunder that is electrically charging everything outside. And some of the purplish blue gas from the planet is moving away from it, going between the ships, and making lightning strike from it to whatever they pass by.

Hmm, come to think of it, the door working makes some sense considering that there’s plenty of electricity here. Assuming the doors for the ships aren’t broken, they should work fine this time around.

I turn my attention to the odd corrupted arachnids for this floor. Which are a purplish-blue color.

What’s odd about them isn’t their appearance though. It’s the webbing they’re in.

The webbing they’re laying and crawling all over seems to be made out of solidified purple lightning.

Not really something you see every day.

Or, ever, really.

Sapphire and I look out the window for several seconds before turning to face each other.

“Well…” she mutters, “…it’s not fire at least.”

I wordlessly nod my head at that while turning to look out the window again.

Then one of the arachnids comes up on us through the corridor of the ship we’re in while hissing. And it’s not just the spider hissing, but the electricity around its body that begins to go crazy, striking everything around it.

And without warning, beyond that at least, the spider jumps at us, moving so fast that it reaches me in the blink of an eye. But to my surprise, other than its speed that I can tell it’s using as a momentum push for power, the thing isn’t as strong as I was expecting. I manage to catch its claws with my own after turning into my hunter form with ease.

Although the electrical current running through me is unpleasant. And I feel my ice element beginning to drain away a little with the physical contact.

Until I crush its claws, making the thing screech in pain, following which I grab its extended legs, raise it a little bit, and slam it down into the ship’s floor. Which strengthens the electrical current running through me.

But a lot of the current vanishes when I raise my left hand and dig my claws into its head, crushing its brain with ease before letting go of its body immediately.

I frown when I jump up into the air again, using the lack of atmosphere here to stay there, out of contact with the ship’s surface.

A lot weaker than the last floor. Does that mean the monsters on these floors take on some characteristics of the element they’re using?

I think back to the last two floors, and it does line up a little. The first floor of the theme didn’t have much to go on, but the second floor of the theme, the mini boss of it was far more durable than it was physically strong. Hence why it took so long to kill it with the spaceships.

Maybe this floor is speed? Since that spider was a lot faster than it should’ve been considering its strength.

Out of curiosity, I look out the window again and activate the Beta Dictionary on one of the arachnids.

Hmm. Okay. That’s not any different from the corrupted frost arachnids. Except that it’s electric element instead of the ice element.

Well, whatever.

Doesn’t really matter since I think I have them figured out.

On that note, lets go see if we can deal with the mini boss quickly on this floor.

I glance at Sapphire who is staring at the corpse before looking out the window.

“Let’s get some levels before dealing with a mini boss,” I state, making Sapphire look at me and nod her head.

First a spider massacre, then a mini boss.


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Corrupted Shock Arachnid


Corrupted Arachnids use pure void   element and grow stronger through devouring the elements around them with   their void element.

Until they run out of void element,   they are completely immune to any sort of magic.

It is recommended for anyone fighting   a corrupted arachnid to avoid using any magic and fight them solely with   physical prowess.

Corrupted Shock Arachnids have   complete immunity to the electric element with or without their void element,   and all electric element that touches their body vanishes in an instant.


Level – 2884


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