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Void Stream

Mikaela finds himself feeling rather bored over the last couple days. And he’s not the only one. He can tell that just from looking at the forums.

He and the rest of the viewers of the universe have all been left watching the other Competitors over this time, since watching the Reaper of the Blue Moon as he and Sapphire absorb ice element isn’t very interesting. Especially since they’ve been doing it for over two days non-stop.

At this point the only real excitement or interest that Mikaela finds are in the occasional boss battles within the Administrator Dungeon, along with the most recent Pandora’s Box that unfortunately took the life of another one of the remaining fifty-two Competitors.

Mikaela glances at the void creature that had started cohosting with him, finding him floating high in the sky again.

Not just us either. He stopped caring about the livestream entirely. As if the only reason he cared was the Winter Wolf.

Mikaela’s thoughts are interrupted when a loud dinging sound echoes throughout the viewing room, reminding him of the significance of this day. So he turns his attention to the viewers in the audience – most of whom are beings of the universe since the void creatures also left with the Winter Wolf’s absence – and raises his voice, “The time has come! It has now been two entire years since the Administrator Dungeon Run began!”

Cheering immediately breaks out amongst the viewers as everyone begins to celebrate the milestone.

“This has been the most groundbreaking Administrator Dungeon I have ever witnessed in my long life, and it is still going strong, with the most survivors to this point! Furthermore, our resident Reaper has shown us one surprise after another, climbing his way up the floors without batting an eye!” Mikaela continues while messing with the screen to make it show various replays of The Winter Wolf’s past battles.

First it shows his very first battle with a skeleton, back before his hair had turned white. Back when he was still only half a harbinger.

At the time his hair was still brown along with his eyes. He wore a plain black jacket that seemed too light, and he was using two kitchen knives to crush the skull of the skeleton using the pommels of the blades.

Then the screen shifts to show when he was fighting with the Skeletal Warden. The first mini boss of the dungeon for him.

It shows how he hid in one of the cells within the prison-like mini boss room, took down each of the skeletons one by one to level up and reach a point where his ice would work on the mini boss before he took the creature down as well.

After that it shows his fight with the Revenant on the tenth floor of the dungeon. The very first boss fight of the dungeon run.

And the screen just continues showing the Winter Wolf’s most important battles throughout his time, with the audience eating it up and growing far more excited again as it goes on. Mikaela even notices the void creature above the viewing room lowering himself down again to watch.

Wolf’s fight against the werewolf event boss where he was bitten and infected, his first sloppy moments at trying to control his new strength that send the audience into laughter, his fight against the spider boss on the twentieth floor. One important event for the rise of the Winter Wolf after another.

Soon enough, Mikaela begins to feel touched just from watching the Reaper’s rise to prominence. The beginnings and path of the man who has been the talk of the universe over the past two years.

The screen shows when the Winter Wolf first got Sapphire, several of his more important event boss fights, his run-in with the kraken event boss, his very first centurion boss fight, and even when Sapphire first gained her human form, and The Winter Wolf officially became the Reaper of the Blue Moon.

Mikaela doesn’t stop there, however. He also has the screen show more than a few of The Winter Wolf’s lighthearted moments.

Like when he was lounging around on a volcanic floor in a hot spring while Sapphire swam around in a one piece suit made by herself. Or a few of the comedic moments when the immortal chick and Sapphire would go at it, fighting over control of the Reaper’s head.

The audience goes absolutely wild every single time the screen changes to show a different scene, and Mikaela quickly finds more than a few people taking pictures and recording the livestream right now. So he checks the System Forums and finds more than a few posts already being made.

When he looks down at the people again he finds more viewers joining the livestream. And soon the few people who were beginning to trickle in become a flood that brings the viewing room back to its peak audience once more.

Mikaela isn’t able to hold himself back from grinning and breaking out into laughter. Then music begins to play in the viewing rooms that surprises even the vampire, making him glance at the void creature to find him grinning as well.

The music in question is emotional and it invokes the emotions in Mikaela’s heart about the path The Winter Wolf and the other Competitors have gone through to get to where they are now.

When Mikaela turns his attention back to the audience he finds more than a few people crying from the combination of the scenes playing across the screen along with the music. And Mikaela himself feels himself struggling to hold himself back from doing the same thing.

But he manages.

Mikaela continues watching the screen as it shows one scene after another until he eventually floats higher, spreading his arms out, and raises his voice to echo out over the music and cheers, “We honor the Rise of the Winter Wolf, the Reaper of the Blue Moon, the Progenitor of the Lycanthropes, and Blessed Harbinger of the Progenitor of Ice, Fenrir! For his steadfast and unshakeable will and his ability to continue pushing onwards through the dungeons! He will always be remembered from now and forever. For his past, current, and future achievements!”

“To the Rise of the Winter Wolf!” “To the Winter Wolf!” “To the Reaper of the Blue Moon!” “To His Highness, the Crown Prince of the Grand Werewolf Empire!” “To Esteemed One, the great Reaper of the Blue Moon!”


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