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Void Stream

Katie smiles the moment she enters the Void Stream and looks up to find the large screen floating high above them. She hasn’t been able to enter the viewing rooms very often due to the lack of any viewing rooms within the Progenitor Battlegrounds, so she’s been left merely watching the livestreams on her own. And occasionally with her boyfriend, Aidan.

What she sees on the screen has her snorting in amusement though, as the very first thing she sees is the sight of Wolf completely destroying the floor theme somehow by sending all of the spaceships and chunks of ice flying around with abandon. All while he and Katie’s adorable niece stay safe in an orb of ice he created.

That’s just like him. Always taking the most amusing path to victory.

At this point Katie feels like nothing can stop her older brother. Even if she knows that’s not entirely true.

Katie looks down at her fist and clenches it, feeling a rush of excitement at her newfound freedom. Since while Titania never required her to assist in the war, she did have a stipulation of helping the Fae Queen in some way for a set period of time in exchange for the awakening Titania gave her. And that period of time has finally come to a close.

And it’s not just her as her parents are both finishing up the last of the debt they own The Reaper and will be leaving the Progenitor Battlegrounds soon too.

It’s a good thing that Grim decided to start this mess soon after our Initialization instead of long after it. Mom and Dad’s debt would’ve been a lot bigger if he had waited longer.

Katie glances around to find some of the void creatures near her frowning at her, so she uses her magic to blur her appearance, hiding the fact that she’s fae from the void creatures.

Since void creatures aren’t the only ones that are able to use skills and attack others within the viewing rooms.

Fae can as well.

The only difference is that the fae aren’t initiated into any System like the void creatures and players are. But Katie is initiated since she was a player before becoming a fae.

Katie raises her gaze back to the screen again, along with the description above it. One that updates every several minutes to show an increase in Wolf’s level.

This floor has been turned into a grinder for EXP by him. It’s rather amusing.

At this point, Katie realizes that Wolf’s level doesn’t matter much while within the dungeon. And that he generally raises his level by about three dozen levels with each floor. So the amount of levels he’s gaining right now isn’t likely of much importance to him personally.

Going purely by what Katie knows of her older brother.

But Katie knows that these levels will be extremely important when he leaves the dungeon. Since he’ll be one of the most powerful beings in the entire universe, if not the most powerful.

Especially if what Titania and Pestilence said about Fenrir’s plans for him are true.

Imagine that. Having a progenitor as a brother.

Katie giggles at the thought.

Unfortunately Titania required Katie to sign a blood contract with the price of her death if she should tell her brother about Fenrir’s plans in return for the information. And Katie jumped at it out of sheer curiosity, throwing caution to the wind in the process.

A habit that both her brother and Aidan hate.

“This might take a while,” Mikaela shouts, bringing Katie’s attention back to the announcer. And when she looks up at him, she quickly notices the void creature floating near Mikaela.

A void creature that sends chills running down Katie’s spine. Chills that grow even more severe when the void creature in question turns to look at her.

Katie and the void creature both stare at each other for several seconds before it eventually focuses on the screen again, apparently deciding not to do anything about the fae within the viewing room.

Scary creature. Can even see past my glamour with ease.

After watching it for several more seconds, Katie turns her attention back to the screen again to find Wolf still going at it, making the floor theme a vast grinder for the spiders. And for a brief moment, Katie wonders how Sapphire feels seeing all of her fellow spider brethren being mashed to bits like that.

But that thought flies out the window when Katie realizes that Sapphire is helping her brother kill them.

Guess there’s no pity amongst spiders.

The crowd seems to never grow bored of the devastation going on within the Beta Dungeon as they watch spaceships slamming into each other, icebergs crushing spiders, and even chunks of the planet flying away to crash into the spaceships. All while the spaceships magically remain unharmed.

Those are some tough spaceships. I wish I could have one.

Of course, Katie knows all the well that the spaceships are only indestructible because the dungeon made them so for the floor, but that doesn’t stop her from dreaming.

From what she saw of the last floor of the floor theme, the theme doesn’t seem to have any loot boxes. Or at least the first floor of the theme didn’t.

Not that her brother needs any more loot from the loot boxes, considering how much he has already. He’s even sent items he has no use for back to Aegis to give their parents an edge in the Progenitor Battlegrounds.

Katie can’t help but wonder just how rich her brother will be when he leaves the dungeon though. Since he’s likely already rich enough to float several nations with ease.

She purses her lips and glances upwards as she imagines her brother lazing around in the future while floating in space on some sort of lounge chair.

I could see that happening.

Katie continues watching the screen for a bit before deciding that nothing is happening, so she leaves the viewing room.

Best not to antagonize the void creatures with my presence.


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Jalil Hayes

Now I need a picture of Wolf floating through space on a chair relaxing