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Unlike the spiders on the previous floor that were black, the spiders this time are blue in color. Although the little mist running through their hair is still the same void energy black as the other spiders.

Other than that though, they are the exact same as the spiders on the first floor of this theme.

I go ahead and use the Beta Dictionary on one of the closest ones to us that are outside of the ship.

I stare at the description for several seconds before eventually swearing.

Sapphire sends me a confused look before turning into her humanoid form again and looking over my shoulder at the description herself.

Then she swears as well.

“If Grim wasn’t stuck focusing entirely on the war in his planar form, I’d assume this floor had something to do with him…” I mutter, not caring about whether or not the guy is able to hear me.

Unless he wants the entire Progenitor Council going after him, then he won’t be doing anything else. So this has to be a case of bad luck.

Then again, I wasn’t really using my ice much anyways. Not on this floor theme.

Didn’t use it at all on the last floor until the mini boss.

I let out a sigh before glancing at Sapphire and asking, “Before we start, do you want to go back to Aegis?”

After pursing her lips for a second, Sapphire shakes her head and says, “Nah, I’ll stay to help you in this floor theme. Then I’ll head back after the boss on the 250th floor.”

I give her a nod and turn back to the window. Then I move forwards, breaking it as I leave the ship without slowing down at all.

“First matter at hand…” I mutter while transforming into my hunter form and grinning. “Let’s deprive them of their food.”

Without hesitation, I spread my arms out and begin drawing all of the ice element I can get my mental claws on towards me. An act that immediately gets the attention of all of the spiders, but right now they haven’t fed enough to be too big a problem for me. Plus the ice element is moving far faster than they are, considering that it’s outer space and all.

Soon enough the ice element moving begins to cause some… unexpected side effects due to the vast amount moving at once.

Large blizzards appear, along with a strange interaction with the large chunks of ice. Chunks that begin to move seemingly at random as I drain the ice element from around them.

Eventually everything begins to move rather… strangely, including the planet below. And I quickly glance at Sapphire to find her having a startled look that matches my own.

Okay, maybe I shouldn’t have…

The spaceships suddenly start moving as well, as if the movement of the vast planet is messing with the gravitational force of the area all around us. That or the strange warping of space around us from the massive amount of energy running through the air towards me, sinking into me like an endless blackhole.

And the small amount of regret I have from doing this vanishes when the ships begin to fly through space, crashing into ice and each other without so much as leaving a dent on the ships.

Crushing more than a few spiders along the way and giving me the EXP for their kills.

Oh. Not a bad idea after all.

I grin at Sapphire and declare, “Guess we have our grinder started.”

Sapphire glances at the chaos going on all around us before glancing at me again and shrugging. Then she turns into her massive spider form and begins drawing ice element into herself just like what I’m doing, making the chaos grow even worse.

Of course, we make sure to build a dome of ice around us to protect us from the chaos. Because it would suck to have made it all this way only to kill myself on accident with a flying ship.

Would be ironic though considering what I did to that spider mini boss on the last floor.

One issue I would normally have on this floor is that ice element isn’t what makes up ice or cold objects. It is created from ice or cold objects. And I can then decrease the temperature of things with the energy, or even create ice out of thin air if I have enough ice element.

So even if I let the spiders absorb all of the ice element here like I let them absorb the elements in the last floor, it would just replenish at a much faster pace thanks to the easy source of elemental energy on this floor. Since all of the ice would still be here, and the place would still be very cold.

But doing things this way…

My thoughts pause as I watch the destruction along with the flood of level-up notifications.

…certainly makes it all a lot easier.

My range isn’t omnipotent though, so I can’t cover even half of the planet. Not even a quarter of it, actually. So I can’t get everything by a longshot.

What’s worse though is that the mini bosses aren’t taking much damage since they’re inside of the ships, and judging by what I can tell from life sense, they are just cocooning and sticking themselves to a single wall. So they aren’t being harmed by this at all.

A lot of the other arachnids inside of the ships are doing the same thing too. So it’s mostly just the arachnids that are outside of the ships that’re being torn to bits.

Which is still a lot, if I’m being honest.

At this rate I might be able to speedrun this floor.

I grin at that thought and continue absorbing ice element, which is beginning to feel really nice.

Because this is more energy than I’ve ever held in my body at once before.

Immune to ice or not, they still won’t survive being ripped apart.


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Corrupted Frost Arachnid


Corrupted Arachnids use pure void   element and grow stronger through devouring the elements around them with   their void element.

Until they run out of void element,   they are completely immune to any sort of magic.

It is recommended for anyone fighting   a corrupted arachnid to avoid using any magic and fight them solely with   physical prowess.

Corrupted Frost Arachnids have complete   immunity to the ice element with or without their void element, and all ice   element that touches their body vanishes in an instant.


Level – 2831


Jalil Hayes

He doesn't want to get crushed by a spaceship but he can crush others that's funny. BTW what is Wolf's level at this point I know he's about to get a couple but can we get a reference point in regards to the arachnids


The glossary says what level the monsters start at based on his own level on each floor. They're around ten to twenty levels above him when he entered the floor. And 'a couple levels' is a severe underestimation. More like he's getting a few dozen levels.

Jalil Hayes

Oh ok and he's about to be crazy to bad you don't have him float around and continue what he's doing. Keep it up you are truly amazing at this and every chapter draws me in more and more