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Both Vargas and Ethan send two more breath attacks at the weakened dragon’s head, but it still manages to block one of them with its crimson lightning breath. Then the other one crashes into its head, sending it flying backwards and giving me the chance to teleport in and pierce my polearm straight into that very same wound I made before.

And without hesitation, I grin and create a Quantum Paradox Blast directly inside of that very wound, making me grit my teeth despite still grinning due to the recoil of the attack. But my weapon just feeds off of the quantum energy, making it deal even more quantum infused damage.

So I continue using that attack while directing it towards the creature’s head.

Meanwhile Ethan and Vargas come flying in with their claws raised and hellflames and hellfrost coating them as they bring them down on the dragon right before its head.

Finally, my latest Quantum Paradox Blast most likely reaches its brain as the creature loses all the strength holding it up and begins to fall downwards.

It’s dead. And a System Message follows to prove it, along with a Legendary Feat.

[Level 301 Dragon of Cataclysm Defeated – User’s earned EXP has been increased by a significant portion due to killing a being whose level is twenty-five or more levels above their own. User’s earned EXP is significantly increased due to killing a Cataclysm Class monster. User’s earned EXP is decreased by a large margin for having assistance in the killing of the monster.]

{Congratulations! You have leveled up to level 276! Your Species has awarded you +2 VIT, +2 DEX, +2 STR, +2 MAG, and +2 MEN. Your Class has awarded you +1 VIT, +1 DEX, +1 STR, +2 MAG, and +2 MEN.}

{Congratulations! You have leveled up to level 282! Your Species has awarded you +2 VIT, +2 DEX, +2 STR, +2 MAG, and +2 MEN. Your Class has awarded you +1 VIT, +1 DEX, +1 STR, +2 MAG, and +2 MEN.}

{Congratulations! You have accomplished the Feat of slaying the very first Cataclysm Class monster of Dimensional Block #108! You will now be awarded with a Passive Skill Slot!}

A grin stretches across my face at the sight of both a Legendary Feat and a regular Feat. Not to mention the bonus given by the Feat.

Now to see about the Legendary Feat.

Just as always, the Legendary Feat’s text changes for me to show what it gives.

I blink in surprise before teleporting both me and the massive dragon corpse up and over an island where the corpse then falls and crushes a vast number of trees. Then I look at the other two dragons to find them flying up over the edge of the island with what I can only assume is confusion on their massive dragon faces.

It becomes easier to tell though after they shift back into their human forms, their clothing and armor reappearing at the same time as they express their own confusion.

“Does it mean that a Cataclysm Class monster is also a type of Chaos monster?” Ethan asks, and I just shrug. Vargas just frowns.

“Probably,” I eventually answer while looking at the notification again. “But what does it mean by System Assistance?”

Neither dragon answer. Instead we all just stand in silence for several minutes.

Eventually I turn my attention to the dragon corpse at my feet. Then I glance at the two living dragons. Then the corpse again.

Finally I turn to Ethan and Vargas and bluntly ask, “Would you mind if I took its corpse?”

Both just send me a look.


All around the Dimensional Blocks

As soon as the Legendary Feat rings out throughout the Dimension, every last Class S species and former Ascendant stops moving at once. And amongst them, each one shows a different expression ranging from shock to anger, and even disappointment.

The Hound of the Apocalypse merely frowns at the sight of The Reaper working with another well-known Class S species and someone who he can only assume is a Class S species by the last name. Even if he personally doesn’t recognize the name Vargas.

The Ancient Terror’s nine serpentine heads simply stare at the Legendary Feat notification for several seconds, his gazes landing on Alexia Knight’s name during that time before he eventually continues walking through the dungeon he is in.

And the Primeval Fiend just grins and begins laughing maniacally at the sight of the notification holding the Legendary Feat, with the various shades moving around him in the middle of the darkness of an artificial night while eating human beings. Living human beings.

Meanwhile all of the dragons spread across the Dimensional Blocks feel pride in their fellow dragons claiming the first Cataclysm Class monster kill, mixed with some building interest for The Reaper who worked alongside them.

In one Dimensional Block in particular, however, Isabella d’Aragon shows the most surprise out of all of them. And her eyes immediately focus on the sight of her son’s name alongside The Reaper’s, making her even more interested in The Reaper than she was before.

A Reaper willing to kill other Class S species users, but also willing to work with dragons. One who her son clearly recognizes if he was willing to work with her.

But that’s not all as she now knows how to find her son. And The Reaper along with him.

She simply needs to search for the Dimensional Block that does not have a Cataclysm Class monster within it.

Lastly, in a Dimensional Block filled with nothing but space, Crystal Nightshade opens her eyes from her place seated cross-legged atop the Cataclysm Class monster of her own Dimensional Block. And without hesitation, now that she’s seen her daughter get the Legendary Feat, she slays the monster and raises her hand towards it, making the creature’s body turn to black dust that is sucked into her hand.

Then she moves on with a faint smile on her face.


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Legendary Feat – Chaos hunter

Alexia Knight, Ethan Silva, and Vargas d’Argol have become the first group of   users within the System to slay a Cataclysm Class monster!

Legendary Feat – Chaos Hunter

As a part of the first group of users to kill a Cataclysm Class   monster, you are granted System Assistance whenever slaying a creature of   Chaos.


Kasper Lynderup Jensen

It seems there is an error in the stats gained on level up. When she became tier 3, you wrote that she got +2 Dex per level from her class, but in this chapter she only got 1.


what a nice Mom, letting her daughter get a Legendary Feat