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Void Stream

“Looks like the Corrupted Greater Arachnid gave up on using magic on the Winter Wolf and has changed its strategy to simply devouring all of the remaining elements it has for a physical boost!” Mikaela shouts, feeling thrilled at the rare battle where the Winter Wolf has to go all out against a mini boss. Something that almost never happens anymore thanks to his power. “But will he be able to stop it in time?!”

The crowd goes wild all across the viewing room without a single person remaining silent. Meanwhile Wolf and Sapphire rush towards the spider, only for the arachnid to jump backwards, crashing into the main window of the bridge to shatter it and continue floating outside in front of the ship. Where it manages to finish devouring all of the elements it had shot out just moments before the duo reach it.

“It looks like they weren’t able to stop it!” Mikaela shouts, his voice echoing throughout the viewing room, making the audience go even wilder.

But silence fills the audience when they see the large spider swing two limbs at Sapphire and Wolf, sending the two of them flying into the side of the spaceship through sheer brute force strength.

No one says anything for a while as the two fighters get back up, not showing any visible injuries despite having been sent flying.

Then again. For all I know, they could’ve healed any injuries they had before even getting back up.

The Winter Wolf and Sapphire quickly begin to clash over and over again with the corrupted greater arachnid, sending shockwaves outwards to strike the cocoons and sides of the spaceships. But even with the shockwaves hitting the spaceships, the ships don’t appear to take any damage.

No matter how many times the two attack the arachnid, no damage is ever shown on the spider. On the other hand, the Winter Wolf and Sapphire begin to show the wounds they had previously been healing appearing faster than before. Faster than they can heal at the rate they’re attacking.

So both of them slow down and back away while slightly out of breath.

“Across the universe, there aren’t very many creatures that can simply devour an element,” Mikaela begins with his eyes narrowed slightly as he watches the spider fly through the vacuum of space towards them to attack. “And even amongst those that can, none of them can devour every element.”

“It goes to show how powerful we are,” a deep voice echoes throughout the Void Stream, bringing the gazes of both Mikaela and a vast amount of the audience up towards the void creature that is always watching over the Void Stream. Only to find that very void creature slowly floating down until he becomes level with Mikaela as he continues speaking, “The void element’s main aspect is devouring. A far more powerful aspect than any other element in existence.”

He’s… why is he speaking? He never speaks.

Out of nowhere, screams begin to echo throughout the Void Stream as void creatures begin appearing one after another amongst the audience. And while Mikaela is trying to figure out what is going on, he barely catches sight of a smirk on the face of the void creature next to him.

“What’s going on?” Mikaela asks with a frown on his face, trying not to sound antagonistic but still feeling rather panicked about the situation.

The void creature glances at Mikaela with the smirk still clear on his face as the creature says, “The Void Stream has finally initialized in the void system.” But he doesn’t say anything more.

Mikaela doesn’t need much else to understand what’s going on though.

The Void Stream is the only viewing room placed within the void itself, so it makes sense that the void creatures can enter it. But before they likely didn’t know how. And now that the void system includes the Void Stream, they have a way inside.

The vampire feels tense at the mere thought of commentating for void creatures along with his audience. And that’s not considering his fear of viewers leaving out of fear of the void creatures killing them. A few that only grows worse when he sees people actually leaving.

Because everyone knows at this point that void creatures are able to harm other beings within the System Viewing Rooms.

The void creature next to him suddenly lets out a loud roar that silences everyone within the viewing room, both void creature and otherwise.

Silence fills the viewing room for several seconds before the void creature proceeds to speak, his voice filling the viewing room just like Mikaela’s usually does, “By decree of the sleeping Reaper, no void creatures are allowed to harm non-void creatures within the Void Stream. Should this decree be broken, the criminal in question will be sentenced to the Cataclysm!”

Mikaela blinks in surprise, meanwhile the viewers frantically leaving the viewing room all pause, hesitating at the new decree that is meant to protect them.

Right. It’s probably the other progenitors that forced that decree. Or something like that at least.

Soon after that, viewers begin to reenter the viewing room. But even after several minutes pass, the number of users within the viewing room never reaches the amount it was at before.

On the other hand, the number of void creatures that enter the viewing room makes the total number of beings within it soar far above the previous numbers.

I’m not sure if I should be happy about that or…

He glances at the void creature floating next to him.

…scared about it.

Several seconds pass in silence as Mikaela watches the void creature before the creature in question turns to look at the screen within the viewing room and then glances at Mikaela, saying, “You may want to start doing your job, vampire.”

Mikaela frowns at that and looks at the screen floating near the two again.

And his eyes immediately widen at the sight he sees displayed on it.



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