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Sapphire and I both leave the spaceship and float through the void of space towards the only spaceship directly near us with a mini boss in it. One that seems to be agitated by the lack of any other spiders.

I share a glance with Sapphire when the mini boss lets out a loud roar before we both speed up, soon arriving at a random window on the ship. Then we smash through the window and begin walking through the cobweb-infested hallway of the spaceship.

Silence fills the hallway, only occasionally broken by loud roars and screeches, the spider somehow switching between the two. And the further we walk through the ship towards it, the louder and more frequent the roars and screeches become.

Eventually we arrive at a large door that I’m pretty sure leads to the command deck of the vast spaceship.

After glancing at Sapphire to make sure she’s ready, I step forwards, letting the door to the command deck open for us. Only for the door to get stuck while partially open, making the opposing corners of the door stick out slightly from the walls and ground.

But my attention immediately locks onto the massive spider roaming around the command deck to care about the door.

The command deck itself is several floors in size and is very wide open, but it’s also completely filled with cobweb after cobweb after cobweb, with more than a few empty cocoons as well. Meanwhile the mini boss itself pauses seconds after the door opens and immediately turns its eight pitch black eyes towards us and screeches again.

Well then… that’s big.

The mini boss is about five meters in length, with long black claws seemingly made up of void energy at the ends of each of its eight legs. And its hair is coated with a strange, black energy that I don’t think is exactly void energy. More like something made from void energy.

What is perhaps most unexpected about the spider is its mouth though. Because its mouth splits open into four different sections, each serrated with sharp teeth.

That is not a normal spider mouth…

I glance at Sapphire after she transforms into her spider form, looking at her much more normal spider mouth for a second before returning my gaze to the massive spider.

Not normal at all.

Since all of the spiders other than the mini bosses across the floor are dead, and all of the mini bosses are spread out over vast distances, I go ahead and finally begin creating more ice element. But the very instant the ice element leaves me, it shoots straight towards the spider, ignoring my control entirely before it’s absorbed into the energy coating the spider’s hair.

And I swear the spider lets out a moan of satisfaction after that while raising its head as if in pleasure.

That’s not creepy at all.

I quickly identify the creature, leading to the System automatically looking it up on the Beta Dictionary.

My eyes widen and I open my mouth to tell Sapphire, only for the spider to suddenly begin shooting out flames from its mouth, making me immediately move to grab Sapphire and rush around the room away from the fire. Then the creature closes its mouth again and lets out a light screech while narrowing its eyes at us.

All of the elements it’s built up until now from all over the floor… how much did she devour? How much did she save to use?

And how is the damned arachnid smart enough to know what magic to use against us?!

Not that it would matter all that much, considering that my weakness to fire element is largely gone by now. With the exception of my ice being melted by it.

And I can’t exactly use my ice right now anyways. Not until it runs out of void energy.

The large arachnid sends out another wave of flames at me and Sapphire before switching to electricity, making me blink in surprise as both Sapphire and I jump away in opposite directions this time. Then the spider proceeds to switch to water element, then wind, and then space. Back to back to back, repeatedly switching elements until it finally lands on ice element, and I completely ignore that element thanks to my immunity.

I share a glance with Sapphire before clenching and unclenching my clawed fists a couple times and narrowing my eyes on the spider.

Not sure why I didn’t think about it before, but it’s not like there’s much of most of the elements in space other than ice element, void element, and a couple other elements varying depending on where you are in space.

Very little fire element, considering that it’s made through heat. And space doesn’t have much heat away from the stars.

Stars that I haven’t seen anywhere near us on this floor so far.

‘It doesn’t likely have any more fire element, but be careful just in case,’ I warn Sapphire as the spider begins moving around the area, seemingly giving up on using the vast amount of ice element it seems to have. Then my eyes widen slightly at the sight of the spider stopping at the very end of the bridge before letting out a screech and releasing all of the ice element at once.

I frown, wondering if it actually didn’t give up on ice element after all.

Only to find myself surprised again when the ice element all returns straight back to the spider, followed soon after by a few other types of elements, and it begins to screech in pleasure again.

“Damnit, the thing’s eating the unnecessary elements inside it!” I shout while beginning to rush towards the spider, with Sapphire doing the same from the other side of the bridge.

We can’t let it get stronger!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Corrupted Greater Arachnid


A Corrupted Greater Arachnid is a type   of void creature that is known across the void as an energy eater. They   devour all types of energy and grow stronger through them.

Until they run out of void element,   they are completely immune to any sort of magic.

It is recommended for anyone fighting   a corrupted arachnid to avoid using any magic and fight them solely with   physical prowess.

Unlike the Corrupted Arachnids, the   Corrupted Greater Arachnid can choose to use the elements they devour as   magic instead of simply enhancing their physical prowess.


Level – 2790


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