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The instant I read the System Messages, the smile on my face grows even wider.

{Level 1206 Vampire  defeated. An enormous EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature over one hundred and fifty levels above your level.}

{Level 1207 Vampire  defeated. An enormous EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature over one hundred and fifty levels above your level.}

{Three hundred Skill Points are awarded for nullifying a Ritual Skill based corruption.}

{One hundred Skill Points are awarded for killing a creature of one hundred and fifty or more levels above you without help.} x2

{Two Skill Points are awarded for killing a Class V.} x2

{Congrats, you have leveled up to level 1013. Ten Free Points have been awarded to you and your stats have been updated.}

{Congrats, you have leveled up to level 1029. Ten Free Points have been awarded to you and your stats have been updated.}

[Skill ‘Bloodborne Apocalypse’ has leveled up to level 6.]

[Skill ‘Metallicized Blood’ has leveled up to level 30.]

[Skill ‘Power Drain’ has leveled up to level 30.]

[Skill ‘Blood Nullification’ has leveled up to level 30.]

[Skill ‘Rain of Blood’ has leveled up to level 30.]

[Skill ‘Blood Transformation’ has leveled up to level 26.]

[Skill ‘Healing Reversal’ has leveled up to level 6.]

[Skill ‘Lycan’s Regeneration’ has leveled up to level 5.]

[Skill ‘Blood Manipulation’ has leveled up to level 30.]

It is a little annoying how it’s harder to level up in Class V, but at least I still have the mass kill EXP carrying me forwards. Although I’m not sure how that’ll help after the war ends.

I’ll just have to figure that out then.

Now I focus on the notifications that appear after the System Messages.

And immediately after the notification appears, another one replaces it. One with the usual description of the Title and skill.

I stare at the new skill’s description for several seconds before glancing at Tar and asking, “What’s the Red Plague?”

He just shrugs.


Out of nowhere, I let out a grunt and feel all of the sensations in my body vanish other than pain. And even when I try to use Pain Diffusion, the pain doesn’t go away.

“Scarlet? Are you okay?!” Amelia asks while reaching for me, only to yank her arm back when Tar appears in front of her hand and tries to bite it as he shouts, “Stay back!”

I can’t move or say anything as I feel heat building up in my body. Then my skin starts to turn red as my blood metal armor actually begins to melt, making me immediately retract my armor. Which I’m surprised I’m still able to do.

“She got a passive mutation skill,” Tar explains, making me want to furrow my brows. But I still can’t move, so I don’t.

What’s a mutation skill?

The heat in my body continues to grow stronger even as the Universal Notification flashes across my vision.

Everyone in the room steps back towards the walls, but Tar tells them, “I think you should leave. It may not be safe to be near her right now, even if it might not hurt you at your levels.”

They all frown before nodding and vanishing, leaving me alone in the room with Tar as the heat continues building up and my skin grows redder and redder.

Tar turns back to me and explains, “A passive mutation skill changes your body itself. Your reality. And they can only be found in Title-Bearing mythic skills.” He grimaces. “Read the description of the skill again and you’ll understand what’s happening.”


“To become a prison for a plague, you have to experience the plague at least once,” Tar says, his voice growing quiet. And while he does sound worried, he doesn’t sound panicked.

So I guess it’s safe to say that the plague won’t kill me.

“The skill will keep you alive no matter what,” Tar answers my thoughts.

That doesn’t inspire much confidence.

Soon enough the heat grows too much, and I feel a strong urge to just take off my clothes to cool down, but since I can’t move, I can’t do anything about it. Then I see blood beginning to leak out of my pores. Blood that’s glowing with a faint red glow that makes me uncomfortable just looking at it for some reason.

But as I’m trying to figure out what’s going on with my blood, more blood begins to flow out of my eyes, along with any other opening in my body. To the point that blood is just flowing everywhere, beginning to fill the room with the glowing blood. Which would normally make me pity the owner of this office, but I’m in too much discomfort to care.

I continue tolerating the discomfort as my blood flows out of me until strange red lightning begins to spark within the blood. Then a full-on current of red electricity runs through it, shocking me and making me want to scream from the extreme pain. Only to end up staying silent since everything is still numb.

And at some point Tar vanished to go to the in-between, leaving me alone in the room.

Are you sure you don’t know what this plague is?!

“I’m sorry, Scarlet, but I’ve never heard of the Red Plague before,” Tar says, sounding both worried and apologetic. “The lightning running through your blood is not normal lightning. It’s directly attacking your own reality. If I were to stay in the room then I’d risk either dying or our contract breaking.”


The pain grows worse and worse as I feel my own blood electrocuting me alive.

Then, out of nowhere, the blood stops leaking from my body, making me wonder if it’s over or not.

Only for everything to go dark as I hear a loud splashing and warping sound.


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For those of you who can't view the image:

System Notice

User has completed all of the necessary achievements in order to   obtain a Title-Bearing Mythic Skill.

The achievements they have completed include the following:

having at   least two blood plague related legendary skills.

By spreading   hundreds of different blood related plagues to a single being all at once.

By spreading   plagues throughout entire armies, contributing to the slaughter of millions   of beings through blood related plagues.

having both   blood magic and null magic or being descendant from a user with them that has   etched their skills.

By being   Class V.

By   nullifying one ritual level corruption.

As this is a Title-Bearing Mythic Skill, you will be given the   skill at no charge.

Rejoice, user Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron, for you have earned   the Mythic Skill known as Warden of the Red Plague. And along with it, you   have been assigned the Title of ‘Warden of the Red Plague!’

Warden of the Red Plague:

This skill directly alters the user’s body, turning them into both   prison and warden for the most powerful blood plague in existence.

The Red Plague.

Any being who touches the user and is designated a target by the   user either subconsciously or consciously will be infected with the Red   Plague.

The user may also release the Red Plague within their body to the   surroundings through any means, whether through blood, the air, physical   contact, or any other possible method.

The user may recall the red Plague back into their body whenever   they so desire.

The user’s body becomes permanently immune to all types of   corruption due to the overwhelming strength of the Red Plague devouring all   other types of corruption.

Rejoice for The Warden’s arrival.

Warning! This is a universal   notification!

Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron has attained a new title-bearing   mythic skill!

Scarlet has now attained the title ‘Warden of the Red Plague.’

May their achievement ring out throughout the known universe!


Joker Nijima

Thanks for the chapter!


Get a new skill they said, it will be fun they said.😅


"To become a prison for a plague, you have to experience the plague at least once" Ouchies.


Wasn't it 10 free points per level at class 5?