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Void Stream

“This… is unexpected…” Mikaela mutters, his voice echoing throughout the silence of the Void Stream as he and everyone else within the stream stares at the screen. A screen currently showing Wolf staring blankly at a baby wolf. An immortal, baby, wolf. One that spawned from a Positive chest he had found only moments ago.

Mikaela glances over at the void creature floating above the Void Stream, only to find the void creature smirking slightly. Then he looks back at the screen again and says, “I don’t know which I should comment on first.” A conflicted look emerges on his face. “The Reaper of the Blue Moon’s habit of summoning these immortal animals.” He tilts his head slightly. “Or the irony of him summoning a baby, immortal wolf.”

The silence continues pervading the enormous viewing room filled with hundreds of enormous stadiums for several seconds before shouts and cheers echo throughout it. Cheers that only grow even louder when the wolf floats over to The Winter Wolf’s face and tilts his head.


The Winter Wolf follows suit and tilts his head slightly to look at it. Then the immortal wolf tilts its head the other way, and The Winter Wolf follows suit.

…is happening?

Mikaela watches in a mixture of bewilderment and confusion while the rest of the audience breaks out in cheers, growing louder and louder at the sight of The Winter Wolf and the wolf simply watching each other. Then the immortal wolf floats over and puts its paw on The Winter Wolf’s nose, making him furrow his brows slightly, only to smile slightly.

I guess he doesn’t mind this one?

At this point oos and awws begin to echo throughout the stadium alongside the cheers, and after a second, Mikaela opens the System Forums and, just as he expected, immediately finds several videos of The Winter Wolf and the immortal wolf pup in even more threads.

Mikaela sighs before smirking slightly and saying, “Looks like The Winter Wolf has a new pet!”

Screams of excitement ring out over the oos and awws. Screams that only grow louder when the wolf eventually moves over and lands on The Winter Wolf’s head.

“Well…” Mikaela mutters, furrowing his brows as he sees The Winter Wolf continuing on his way through the dungeon with the wolf pup simply lazing around on his head. “…I wonder how Sapphire thinks about this new development?”

Shouts immediately begin ringing out in response to his words. But he only manages to pick out a few of the shouts due to the vast number of people in the viewing room along with his own level.

“The fight of the wolf and the spider!” “Let Sapphire at ‘im!” “The Wolf and the Spider!”

Mikaela glances at the screen again with an amused look on his face.

This will be amusing to see.



Sapphire whistles as she finishes freezing another nest of monsters, simply walking out of the cave the nest was in without a word to the people of Safe Zone 52 who are standing at the entrance waiting to enter the cave. And all she does before disappearing, turning into ice element as she leaves the area in search of the next nest.

Ever since clearing out the anthrovespids, Sapphire has been going around clearing out the highest-level nests in the area that Safe Zone 52 couldn’t handle. The ones that appeared after the majority of their strongest forces left for the Progenitors’ Battlegrounds.

After a while of flying, Sapphire reforms herself in her humanoid form near another nest with a wide smile on her face.

This whole trip has been a blast so far! Not having to deal with overpowered monsters all the time, or having to run around in horrible floors that were meant to make them hate themselves, or dealing with clingy and disgusting chickens growing too attached to Dad, or-

Her thoughts come to a halt as she finds a System Message appearing in her vision, making her stop walking mid-step.

Sapphire frowns slightly at that message and tilts her head.

What was that about? Why would the clingy annoying woman tell me to check on Dad’s livestream now?

Sapphire has hated Crystal since long before she can even remember being able to think. Just the sight of the woman for some reason makes her mad. And it’s not just because of how clingy she is to her father. It’s just something about her that gets on Sapphire’s nerves.

But she also knows that Crystal would never contact Sapphire without a legitimate reason. Generally when something happens that she wants to tease Sapphire about.

So Sapphire immediately opens her father’s livestream. And what she sees is a sight that immediately has her glaring at the screen.

What the hell is that?!

The very first thing she sees on the screen is her father floating through space while fighting corrupted arachnids with a wolf pup on his head. And to make matters worse, while Sapphire is watching, the wolf pup moves over to his shoulder instead, taking Sapphire’s favorite spot.

No, no, no, no no nonono! We finally left that brat of a chick behind and now we’re stuck with this thing?!

Sapphire grits her teeth, clenching and unclenching her fist while still standing right in front of the nest. And as she does so, monsters begin to leave the nest.

But she doesn’t pay them an ounce of attention as her ice element leaks out of her in her anger, freezing the area around her. Including the monsters.

And this one… this one is even worse than the chick! It’s way too close and is stealing my spot!!!

After a moment, Sapphire closes out of the livestream, rushes through the nest to slaughter all of the monsters in it before leaving right when the people from Safe Zone 52 arrive. Then she rushes straight past them with a glare on her face, sending chills down their spines at the cold being released by her in the process.

I won’t let this stand.


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System Notification

You have received a message from Competitor:   Crystal Leblanc

“Hey, little one! Long time no talk!

Now before you ignore the rest of what   I say, I think you should take a look at your father’s livestream.

Just sayin’.

Have a nice time on Aegis!”


Jalil Hayes

Awwww Sapphire is pissed and I would love to see a picture of Wolf and the wolf

Ivo Wißen

How long till the sponsorship? This is still the sponsor floor right?


Floor theme. Not floor. Remember. Sponsorships don't happen until every fiftieth floor, and he's only on the 241st floor. He's far from the sponsorship still.

Ivo Wißen

Oh okay wasn't sure And in the last intermisson soph was thinking about it. Thanks