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I pant in exhaustion as I tear apart one spider after another with my bare claws in my hunter form. The same thing I’ve been doing for hours on end.

Unfortunately for me, the spiders are relentless. No matter what I do, they always follow me. The only thing that I can do to give myself even the slightest of breaks from them is bait them with ice element. And even that manages to draw more spiders to me.

So the only way to give myself a full break from their onslaught is to kill them all without any rest during the battle.

But the spiders are only growing stronger and stronger over time, so it’s getting harder and harder to keep up with their physical strength.

I continue tearing the corrupted arachnids apart by the dozens as they swarm into the ship I’m in with some of them even eating through the metal plating of the spaceship itself. And then out of nowhere while I’m tearing the spiders apart, covering myself in their blue hemolymph that I’ve learned through Sapphire is their form of blood, a System Message appears in my vision.

A frown crests my face at the interruption, only for my face to grow surprised instead at the sight of who the message is from and what it’s about.

So it finally started?

If I had to guess, Fenrir will likely be sending someone to deal with the Friar soon if the man doesn’t stop his attacks against me. And that’ll set an example for the other powerhouses targeting me.

Which should give me time to focus solely on the dungeon.

I grunt as I feel something cutting through my coat and armor into my back, only for me to swing my arm around and crack the neck of the large spider that did it, killing it in an instant. Then I jump back while using my ice element to heal the wound.

And I really do need to focus on the dungeon, because this floor theme is hell.

It’s also a sponsorship theme. Which will be the first set of sponsorships I’ll have gotten since entering the Beta Dungeon.

Since the way sponsorships are done was changed with the Beta Dungeon.

I continue fighting the spiders, finding this floor to be a massive load of EXP for me due to all of the spiders, each of whom are higher levels than me. For now at least.

The level gap between us is closing by the hour, even if they’re still growing stronger.

I grit my teeth as I try to push through them in the direction of the closest mini boss, deciding that it might be better to just leave the dungeon. But then I halt as I realize that that’s not gonna work either.

The mini boss is most likely devouring the elements as well to grow stronger, so I might just end up having to continue killing them and leveling up all the way till they run out of elemental energy to devour in the area, or maybe even the floor. Then I’ll be able to continue killing them for a bit to level up and grow stronger than them again.

A massive pain, but it’s better than going into a fight with the mini boss with an army of spiders attacking me while the boss itself is a higher level and quite possibly stronger than me.

At this point it might even just be suicide to attack it.

So I continue fighting spider after spider after spider, periodically taking out items to use against them. Something I don’t often do.

Mostly because these items are actually weaker than my own attacks. The only reason I’m using them now is to save my stamina.

Something I’m probably gonna need pretty badly for this floor theme.

I’ll also need to take a moment at some point, probably after I kill the first mini boss, to summon my portable system store and purchase a bunch of stamina potions.

My thoughts come to a halt as another System Message appears in my vision from Katie, the only person who can safely send me messages now. Since she’s also immune to Voided Karma just like me, likely due to her also being the Reaper’s descendant.

Probably has something to do with the XXXX thing as well.

I blink at that before frowning as I grab and crush two more spider heads.

And why exactly is Sapphire going around killing the anthrovespids?

Actually, better to just ask her.

‘Sapphire,’ I ask as soon as I reach for our bond, seemingly surprising her, ‘why exactly are you slaughtering the anthrovespids?’

‘Uh…’ she answers, sounding for some reason like she thought I wouldn’t hear about it. ‘They were bothering Safe Zone 52, so I just took care of the problem!’

I sigh as I continue slaughtering spiders.

‘Just don’t draw too much attention to yourself there. I’m sure the Friar will likely target you if he knows your exact whereabouts,’ I warn her, only to add, ‘Not that he’ll be much of a problem soon enough…’

‘Roger that Dad!’ Sapphire answers with gusto, apparently happy that I’m not scolding her or anything.

I roll my eyes as I continue my own slaughter of bugs.

The anthrovespids have been running rampant across Aegis for a little while now, so they needed to be exterminated before they could continue reproducing. So I guess Sapphire did a good job.

Still wasn’t expecting it though.


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System Notification

You have received a message from XXXX: Katie   Adler

“Wolf! It’s begun! The thing you told   me about!

The Holy Army has arrived on the battlefield   and is directly targeting me!

But right when they arrived, the entire   army was frozen solid in an instant, including their commander!

And even after that, the fae didn’t   bother asking questions. Like they knew what was going to happen!”

System Notification

You have received a message from XXXX: Katie   Adler

“Also, your daughter has apparently   been killing those wasp things on Aegis.

Thought you should know.”


Jalil Hayes

Sapphire like I'm just helping lol