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I let out a grunt as I teleport one last time right in front of the boss while releasing the quantum energy arrow, sending it straight inside of the monster’s glowing and very much exposed heart, piercing it through. And not even a second later, the System Message I’m looking for appears in my vision.

[Level 250 Fallen Molten Fiend Defeated. No EXP is given due to the user’s level being capped. One Tier 2 Capped beings defeated. To clear the requirement, you must defeat one more.]


I land on the ground with a light grunt as the monster’s corpse suddenly turns into ash that blows away on a wind that wasn’t previously in the cavern. Then I move up to the monster’s loot box and touch it, making an item that actually interests me appear above it.

Amulet of the Molten Fiend
Description: This amulet grants the wearer temporary full fire immunity for a duration of five minutes when energy or mana is inserted into the core. Furthermore, the amulet grants the skill ‘Molten Fiend’s Rage’ which allows the user to enter a berserk state, raising their stats by a factor of 1.1 times their current stats at the price of a painful backlash once the skill ends.
Stats Bonus: +25 MAG, +20 MEN
Requirements: N/A
Item Tier: 3 (Item Tier increased by one due to the Legendary Feat, The First Clear)

Now that’s a good item.

The amulet is black and red and seems to have some small specks of molten rock embedded inside of obsidian making up the oval-shaped frame, and some sort of ruby-red gemstone in the center of it. Which is probably the core of the amulet mentioned in the description.

Having an item that gives me full immunity to such a common element is always nice.

I put the amulet on around my neck before stuffing it under my armor. Then I go ahead and leave the dungeon, only to end up finding a rather unexpected surprise outside of the dungeon.


“Took you long enough,” he says with a frown, making me frown in response as I cross my arms. But before I can ask what he means, he says, “The Dimensional Block has visitors from other Dimensional Blocks.”

Oh. Interesting.

“Why are you waiting for me though?” I ask, genuinely curious.

Normally a dragon would ignore these events.

“Because I heard my cousin lived in one of the Dimensional Blocks that’s filled with fire magical ore,” he says with a shrug. “And as a hellfrost dragon I’ll also need some fire magical ore later on. Not just ice.”

My frown grows slightly deeper at that as I ask, “And why would that matter to me?”

He blinks for a second, seemingly surprised before eventually shrugging and saying, “I thought you might want to know where some Tier 3 dungeons are.”

I narrow my eyes slightly at that obvious bribe.

That’s not enough to make me want to go, but…

“You’re lucky that I need to search for something else that I might find on the way,” I tell him while uncrossing my arms.

I need to find other users that are at or close to the Tier 2 level cap. Users that actually deserve being killed, since I’m not just gonna go murder the first level capped user I find. And going to a different Dimensional Block ‘for the sake of our Dimensional Block’ or just alongside a dragon in general will probably give me the opportunity to do that.

Although… I hope Astrid doesn’t end up having to deal with a bunch of people sucking up to her. Or worse. Idiots trying to kidnap her.

At this rate she is one of the stronger people in the Dimensional Block. Not the strongest by any means, but still one of the stronger. Strong enough to be someone desirable as a partner to or member of any of the top tier users in the Block’s forces.

“Good to know I didn’t waste my time waiting for you,” Ethan says with a grin, making me raise a brow.

Seriously though, what’s with this dragon? He really doesn’t act like a dragon.

While dragons do pay attention to other Class S species, they still treat them like a potential enemy most of the time, or at least like another neutral and powerful force they may have to combat in the future. They don’t treat them nicely like this man’s treating me.

It’s almost like…

I frown as the thought comes to mind, only to let out a sigh and decide that it doesn’t really matter. An ally is an ally.

“Which Dimensional Blocks have people visiting ours?” I ask.

Ethan raises his hand with two fingers held up as he answers, “There are two different Dimensional Blocks with people visiting.” He drops one finger. “The first group is from Dimensional Block #109 and is full of undead including blighted ones.” Then he drops his other finger. “And the other is on the wall to the side of it from Dimensional Block #107. But I don’t know who came with them.”

I raise a brow again as I ask, “You didn’t try to check?”

He just shrugs and says, “They weren’t interesting. Nothing but Class B species. And they didn’t have any Class S species in their Dimensional Block from what I’ve heard.”

Guess he really is still like a dragon when it doesn’t involve me.

Now the question is if he’s like this towards just me or other Class S species. Because if it’s just me than that might be awkward.

Rejecting a dragon probably isn’t a good way to build up a good relationship with the dragon clans after all.

“And the terrain of Dimensional Block #109?” I ask while putting my hands in my pockets. “Also, is there only your cousin in that Block, or are there more Class S species there?”

He quickly answers, “It’s a massive desert with some scattered oasis in it, and there is one more Class S species inside of it. A Class S undead.” My eyes widen slightly as I think of the King of the Dead in the leaderboards. Then he continues, clearing that thought. “Although not a very well-known one.”

Good. It’s not the King of the Dead.

Just a different Lich King.

“Let’s go then,” I tell him, making him nod. “But first I’m gonna go tell my sister what’s going on.”

I get the feeling I might end up clashing with that Lich King by the time I leave Dimensional Block #109.

With that thought in mind, we both set off towards the Retreat.


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Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Awww maaaan ;)