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I find myself pursing my lips with my arms crossed as I look out the window at the rather unexpected scenery outside.

Certainly a unique floor, that’s for sure.

All of the spiders spread across the floor are a couple dozen levels above me, but since my ice doesn’t exactly work on them until I drain them dry of void element, that doesn’t particularly matter much. Then again, I should be physically strong enough to crush them all at least.

Something that stands out even more than the random cobwebs and cocoons floating around though is that some of the ships seem to actually be connected through rather large cobwebs. There are even a couple ships that are practically glued together, both stuck in the same massive cocoon.

Never really expected to find void element space spiders of all things, but considering that this is the dungeon…

I shake my head at the thought and continue walking down the hallway I’m in, occasionally reaching into a cocoon to grab and crush the head of a small spider before it could even pop itself out of the cocoon.

If I had to guess, the mini boss is most likely the larger spider I sense deeper into the ship. But I don’t think I can take it at my current level without my ice element, so I’ll just go ahead and level up a bit before going to check out the mini boss.

This floor is gonna be a pain.

I glance at several spiders that I find after turning a corner before going ahead and using the Beta Dictionary on them.

Yeah, nothing I didn’t already expect. Although the fact that they grow stronger from the element they devour isn’t something I wanted to hear.

The spiders are all pitch black with that little black ethereal aura over it made up of void energy, with black eyes and even black claws. And all of them immediately rush towards me with little screeches the moment they see me.

So I sprint forwards to meet them claw for claw, my claws tearing straight past their as I let out a low growl. But to my surprise, despite my claws tearing through their own and into their body to kill them, I find that the spiders this time seem ever so slightly stronger physically than the last spiders.

I quickly finish off the rest of the spiders after that first one before frowning at their corpses.

The part about them growing stronger from devouring the elements around them… that might make this floor theme a lot more difficult than I thought.

Especially since now that I look around me, I realize that there doesn’t seem to be much of any elements at all in the air. Which makes the floor feel… empty.

Looks like these spiders don’t have to be fed elements by someone for them to devour elements. They can just devour the elements in the air around us until there just aren’t any anymore.

That… will be a problem.

I immediately begin sprinting through the ship, killing spider after spider after spider as fast as I possibly can to level up.

If these monsters keep growing stronger, then they may catch up to me in the end in terms of physical strength.

And that would make defeating them extremely difficult.

I grit my teeth as I continue slaughtering all of the spiders in the spaceship before reaching back and slamming my fist into a random window to shatter it, unsurprisingly finding it to be a destructible object in the dungeon. Something I guessed due to the fact that I didn’t find any real exits to the spaceship.

After destroying it I jump out into space and use my ice element as propulsion through space. And almost immediately, a bunch of the nearby spiders begin rushing towards me as if attracted by a delicious treat of elemental energy.

So I take advantage of that to kill them all, trying rather hard to keep my ice element out of their grubby mouths.

More and more spiders continue rushing out as I tear them all apart, filling the space with shredded spider parts. But the spiders just keep on coming, with a lot of them rushing out of the cocoons in the middle of space in an attempt to swarm me.

An attempt that manages to keep me mostly locked in place, managing to move myself solely through my wings at this point due to not wanting to feed them any more ice element. Something that would be inevitable if I used any right now.

Fortunately throughout this process I realized that the element in the air isn’t infinite, which honestly should’ve been obvious in the first place. So they won’t have an unlimited supply of element to eat and grow stronger from. Even if it is a replenishing supply.

Eventually the spiders become too much in their numbers, leading me to try breaking past them towards the nearest spaceship. But the spiders don’t simply let me do that, some of them trying to gnaw on my armor and arms, and even some of them on my wings, cutting into me and covering me with small wounds from head to toe.

I’m managing to level up rather rapidly from this since they’re all higher leveled than me, so I gradually manage to break away from them and shatter a window, entering another spaceship. Then I quickly freeze the entrance and run deeper into the ship while the spiders are devouring the ice element used to freeze the entrance.

After rushing into a cargo hold and killing off the few spiders inside of it, I collapse onto the ground while panting in exhaustion.

That was a major pain.


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Corrupted Arachnid


Corrupted Arachnids use pure void   element and grow stronger through devouring the elements around them with   their void element.

Until they run out of void element,   they are completely immune to any sort of magic.

It is recommended for anyone fighting   a corrupted arachnid to avoid using any magic and fight them solely with   physical prowess.


Level – 2771


Jalil Hayes

Well damn it seems like it's going to be a challenge for him. Is little Sappire ever going to meet other people