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Several hours later

I glare at the boss chest and the damned crafting material it gave me for several seconds before sighing. Then I glance one last time at the pile of bones that used to be the boss of the floor theme – something called a Lich King – and finally reach out to touch the exit of the floor.

And when the light fades, I immediately find myself… somewhere unexpected.

I blink in surprise before frowning at my surroundings.

At first glance, I seem to be inside of some sort of cargo hold on a high tech spaceship. But instead of a perfectly clean cargo hold, it’s covered in cobwebs, some strange cocoons, giant spiderwebs, and is completely dark.

Strange. Never seen a floor like this.

Then again, that seems to be a common theme in the Beta Dungeon. Literally.

I glance at the corner of the room where I hear and sense a life form. And what I find is exactly what I expected.

A large spider.

Although this spider is about a meter in length, has pitch black eyes, and seems to be some sort of void creature.

A very strange floor theme.

I wave my hand, sending a flurry of ice and snow at the creature, only to surprisingly find the ice and snow vanishing the moment it gets close to the spider and is swallowed up – quite literally – by the black void energy ethereally glowing around it.

This just gets curiouser and curiouser.

To test it out, I throw more ice element at the monster, and it just slowly begins to approach me while my ice element is devoured by the void element of the creature. All while the void element grows thinner and thinner around it.

Typical void element I guess. Eats other elements. Always hungry.

Deciding I’m done playing around, I transform back into my hunter form and sprint right up to the spider before digging my claws into its abdomen and head. Then I rip the two sections apart, making the spider scream out in what must be agony until it goes silent.

Strong against magic. Weak to physical attacks.

Also, I’m pretty sure it was trying to open its mouth when it saw me begin to approach. And its mouth was nothing but a pitch black void.

Interesting as well.

I take a second to look around the room before expanding my senses to take in everything around the room itself. Only to quickly realize that I am in some sort of spaceship in the middle of space. But since my senses are geared a lot more towards picking up living things, it’s hard to tell the exact surroundings.

What I can find though are a lot of spiders, with one much bigger spider somewhere deeper in the ship, surrounded by a lot of the same ones I just killed.

Haven’t seen a space or a spider focused theme in a long time. I’m surprised to see them both merged into one theme.

On that note, I begin walking towards the door of the cargo hold.

Let’s take a look outside. If I can find a window.


                Void Stream

“Now this is certainly unique for a floor theme,” Mikaela states, his excited voice filling the viewing room over the chatter within it. “High-tech floors aren’t very common, much less ones in space. But normally when they do appear, they’re filled with robot or android monsters.” Mikaela crosses his arms as he watches Wolf end up having to slam his fist into the doors of the cargo hold to open the doors after finding them not opening. “But this one is very different from that. Who would’ve thought that the dungeon would also make floor themes like this?”

It’s never mixed the two before. Maybe this is something from the Beta Dungeon alone? And not the Administrator Dungeon.

“Either way, the Prince shouldn’t have much trouble with this floor theme,” Mikaela declares, a confident smile on his face. “He doesn’t need to breathe after all, so the space outside won’t be an issue.”

Shouts of agreement ring throughout the stadium while Wolf casually walks through the ship’s cobweb and cocoon-filled hallways, occasionally killing a spider monster along the way with his bare hands.

“The problem with his magic on this floor could become an issue for the boss though,” Mikaela adds, his confidence shaking ever so slightly.

Wolf may not specialize solely in his magic, but it is a large part of his power. And he already struggles sometimes to kill these Beta Dungeon bosses. He even had to run from the last boss he couldn’t use magic against.

Mikaela feels his confidence shaking ever so slightly as he considers all of this, only to find himself stunned along with the entirety of the audience when Wolf finally arrives at a window. And even Wolf himself is stunned by the sight on the other side of it.

While the spaceship he is on is indeed in space, it is most certainly not normal outside.

The space around the ship is filled with floating cobwebs, with some random giant cocoons of webbing lying home to various spiders that can somehow live in space and are simply crawling along the sides and going inside of the cocoons. Meanwhile various other spaceships can be seen spread around Wolf’s ship as well, each with more spiders crawling around the outside of them and more cocoons and webbing covering them.

“This floor theme…” Mikaela mutters, finding the sight to be both terrifying and extraordinary at the same time.

“Well that’s not what I expected…” Wolf mutters, his voice echoing into the stadium of the Void Stream, soon to be greeted by millions of voices and expressions of agreement.

Even Mikaela silently nods his head in agreement with Wolf’s words.

That’s a lot of spiders. In space. Spiders in space.

A line of thought Mikaela never really thought he’d be thinking about in his life. But still an extraordinary sight, nonetheless.

And a sight that makes him briefly glad that he’s not there.

This floor might be a challenge even for Wolf.


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Jalil Hayes

That sounds like a scary ass title to a movie "Spiders in Space"... hmm I'd watch that


First we had “Snakes on a Plane”, now we have “Spiders in Space”. Thanks for the chapter!