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Year 2850 | Month 4 | Day 22

“Sir, we now have all of the citizens evacuated from the Undying Caverns,” Claire says, making me nod my head in appreciation.

“Thank you, Claire,” I tell her without taking my gaze away from the door that leads into the main lab and testing area of the old owner of the lab hidden deep inside of the Undying Caverns. Where that life magician is still being used as a battery for the monster inside of it. “Now you should leave as well. This could get dangerous.”

Claire quickly nods her head and heads back, leaving me in the silence of the lab.

Up till now I had no way of guaranteeing that I’d be able to kill the monster inside of here. Since according to their notes and the brief glimpses I’ve seen of it, the monster is a lot stronger than the other ones. Maybe even closing in on the level of a Category B monster. One that normally needs at least three Class B magicians to take it down.

And considering how it’s been using that life magician as a battery for who knows how long, it might be even stronger at this point. Which is why I’ve just left them down here for a while.

After all, there wasn’t anything I could do. Except try to deal with it and possibly get all of the people in the caverns killed along with setting a powerful monster loose on the surrounding cities.

While I’ve definitely grown a lot colder over the time I’ve been here, I’m not going to just leave someone down here to be tortured all that time while I casually live my life up above. That would be plain cruel.

And even if I can’t deal with the monster just yet, I should at least be able to kill the magician inside to release him from that torture.

Something I know he wants just from the few times I did open the door, making the man immediately scream out to kill him.

Then again, if this plan works, I might just be able to kill them both.

There really isn’t a way to save the life magician though. And from what I’ve seen he really doesn’t want to be saved anyways. Just wants to die.

A rather pitiful existence.

I glance down at my hand as I clench it into a fist before focusing on the door again.

If it weren’t for that discovery I made recently about what I’m now calling death flames, I wouldn’t even be trying this. But that discovery gives this a slight chance at succeeding.

If it doesn’t succeed? Then at least I got the people away from the caverns. And from what the skeleton said, this monster in particular would rather vomit than capture me. Considering that I’m full of death mana while it wants life mana.

Well then. Time to get started.

I take a deep breath before letting it out, raising one of my hands to the door, and cracking the door open with my other. The man’s scream’s immediately fill the part of the lab I’m in along with the writhing sounds of the plant monster as I stick my hand into the room and quickly open a spell circle on my palm and run the spell script inside of it. And soon enough I feel both my death and fire mana draining at a rapid pace as black flames shoot out of my hand rather rapidly.

The man’s screams continue, but this time are joined by the screeching sounds of the plant monster as it no doubt tries to block my attack. But since I’m kind of behind a door it makes it hard to see what’s actually going on.

So I just continue running the spell, completely uncaring of the burning going on around my right arm or the vines trying to wrap around it only to burn rather quickly.

The spell continues sending black flames into the room. And continues. And continues.

I don’t stop the spell until I run out of mana entirely and have to pull back out of the lab, with the magician’s screams having gone silent while the monster’s screeches haven’t.

Looks like it’s still alive.

My attack seems to have stopped it from retaliating though, considering that I didn’t hear anything slamming into the door.

I wait for a while as the screeching noise continues echoing from inside of the room before eventually slumping against the door in exhaustion. Magical, exhaustion. Considering that I can’t feel physically exhausted anymore.

Several minutes pass with the sounds of the screeching plant echoing past the sound-proof door and into the part of the lab I’m in. All while I just lie here staring up at the ceiling, my arm having long since healed by now.

Considering that I can’t hear the man’s screams, he’s probably dead. Which means that even if my plan doesn’t work and the monster doesn’t die by my filling the room to the brim with death flames, it’ll still starve eventually. Considering that he was its food source.

And when it does die, I’ll get access to that part of the lab!

I feel the very start of a smile begin to stretch across my face at the thought.

According to the notes of the previous owner of this place, there should be some rather nice equipment set up inside of that room. Assuming I didn’t just burn it all.

But considering that it’s equipment for experimentation and spell crafting, I doubt it’ll be susceptible to a Class C magicians’ magic. Otherwise I’ll be very much judging whoever made it.

The screeches continue to echo throughout the lab for a long time, never ending.

Eventually I let out a grunt and stand up before stretching a little despite not needing to. Then I glance at the door one last time and begin walking towards the exit to the lab.

Guess I should let the people back inside of the Caverns again.


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