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I decided to make book 5 a little bit more like book 1 in terms of having the livestream getting a bit more focus again. Showing other Competitors and stuff.

I hope you enjoy it.


                      Lucky Days
A few days later

“And we’re back!” Toby O’Keenan shouts, his voice echoing throughout the new viewing room for the newly established Lucky Days. “The lock on viewing rooms has been lifted and we are now able ta make as many viewing rooms as we want again, leading ta our glorious return!”

Roaring applause echoes throughout the stadium as it fills to the brim rather quickly from all of the fans of the viewing room and hosts from before the viewing room was closed by The Reaper along with thousands of other viewing rooms.

“It’s about time, too! Do ya know how many exciting moments of extreme luck that we missed?!” Sam O’Hart exclaims, making laughter fill the stadium. “Like this one!”

On cue with Sam’s words, a large screen snaps into place in between him and Toby. One with the words RERUN floating above it as it shows a man familiar to more than a few people in the stadium as Techral. The man is wearing a random black and gold trench coat as he lies down on a bench in the middle of what appears to the audience to be a large mouth filled with hundreds of razor sharp teeth. On top of its tongue.

“Now, some of you might be wonderin’ what this man is doin,” Toby says with a grin on his face. “Well, to be completely honest, we don’t know either!”

Laughter echoes throughout the stadium.

“What we do know,” Sam continues for Toby as the screen begins to focus in on the golden aura around Techral, “is that Techral is using some sort of aura – that same strange luck aura he always uses – to somehow make the monster not even realize he’s in there. Aaannndd….” Sam draws out while the screen slowly pulls back outside of the monster’s mouth to reveal the monster in its fishy glory as it casually swims through the massive ocean floor theme. “…he’s using it as transportation.”

More laughter echoes throughout the stadium, only for the main screen to change again to show live footage of a man who is also rather familiar to the audience as he stands in the middle of what appears to be a pyramid throne room and stares at a large black chest in the center of the room. While two animals are sitting on his head. One a tiny fox, the other a tiny chick.

“Ooohhh, and look at that timing!” Toby shouts, his voice echoing throughout the entire stadium as everyone goes wild. “It looks like Nosferatu has ended up with some rather conflicting luck today!”

“Yah, but will he get something good, or something bad?” Sam asks while rubbing his hands together. Meanwhile the stadium begins to grow quiet as suspenseful music fills it, building up to the moment when he opens the chest.

Before he does that though, the dhampir looks up, seemingly looking towards the chick and fox on his head as he mutters, “I better not get another one of you…”

Laughter breaks the suspense in the stadium as the two leprechaun hosts share an amused glance before focusing on the screen again.

Norbert hesitates for a moment before reaching towards the Pandora’s Box and touching it, following which he immediately jumps back to the other side of the room. Only to blink in confusion when he finds nothing but a stick floating above the box.

The laughter in the stadium comes to a halt again as everyone stares at the stick. Both within the stadium and in the dungeon as well.

“Well… uh…” Toby starts before the man glances at Sam, who just shrugs his shoulders in response.

They both return their attention to the screen when the stick suddenly twitches.

“Did that stick just twitch?” Sam asks no one in particular. And no one answers him.

After a few seconds the stick suddenly turns to face upright, moving on its own. Then it starts to dance back and forth as Norbert finally identifies it.

Silence fills the stadium.

Eventually Norbert grunts as the immortal System Fox on his head jumps off and begins chasing the stick that simply floats through the air while dancing.

“Well… I guess it was never specified that the System’s immortal objects had to be… well… animals,” Toby comments, making a rather confused laughter fill the stadium.

Meanwhile Norbert just groans at the added nuisance that he has to deal with as the forerunner of the Administrator Dungeon.

Without any fanfare, the screen changes again to show Wolf, but with a black border around the screen that wasn’t there before. One meant to indicate that it’s showing a livestream from the Beta Dungeon and not the Administrator Dungeon.

“Holy mackerel!” Sam shouts, his eyes widening along with Toby’s. “It’s a positive chest!”

At the center of a large mound of bones on the 240th floor of the Beta Dungeon, a glowing white and gold chest can be seen. The chest look like something that would be found in a royal family’s private treasure vault as something that would hold their greatest treasure, and it has a large plus on the front of the chest.

“How do you think The Winter Wolf’s luck will go this time around?!” Toby asks, his fervent gaze briefly turning to Sam before returning to the screen again. “Will his good luck come out to play? Or his bad?”

Sam clenches his fists in excitement as cheers resound throughout the audience. Meanwhile Wolf just walks up to the chest with a grin on his face and touches it.

Only for the grin to be replaced with a mixture of disappointment and exasperation at the sight of the item that appears above the chest.


Infernal Staff of the Ever-Damned | Item | Tier 9

This staff will increase the damage of any fire based attack by 100% and decrease the stamina cost of the attacks by 50%. It also allows the user to temporarily use the skill: Infernal Hell.

Warning: User cannot use this skill due to class limitations.


Silence fills the stadium at the atrociously bad yet good luck The Winter Wolf just had.

“He got a Tier 9 item,” Sam says, sounding like he’s trying to convince everyone that what he got was good.

“It would…” Toby starts, hesitates for a second, and finishes, “…be nice if he could actually use it.”

Wolf snorts on the screen and throws the staff in his storage ring before moving on.


Fear the almighty stick indeed.


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<=|> System Stick <|=> 

<=|> Fear the Almighty Stick <|=> 



Jalil Hayes

The almighty stick strikes again